Submitted by Educatingthomas t3_yhec26 in iphone

  1. Is apple 2yr care renewable 1b. Is it worth it? Can you buy it after the 1 year warranty?
  2. Any things to know about changing from Android to iPhone
  3. Can you use non apple headphones/wireless buds with iPhones. Specifically iPhone 14 if that makes a difference

4.does Apple care replace your battery once it becomes slow or drains too quickly? Or do you know the cost of a new battery outside of their AC+?



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wiffleplop t1_iudaqyi wrote

  1. I changed from Android with the 12 Pro two years ago, and apart from the data copying app on Android being pants, it went ok. I’ve really not noticed a huge difference, apart from sometimes you have to think about how you’re going to get a pic or file off your phone, mainly because I do it really rarely. I can recommend the change though. I’m glad to be rid of Android.

Educatingthomas OP t1_iudbql5 wrote

Thanks what do you prefer about it?


ATCS-CK t1_iudzzwz wrote

They have iCloud for windows to easily transfer photos to your PC if you want to that way.

Android user for 10 years now on iPhone 14 pro max.

iOS often makes stable android feel like a constant beta, iOS most things are baked into the OS so it’s just smooth. All video apps can Picture in Picture (Disney plus, HBO max etc)

I like the share feature on iOS more.

I pay for the Apple News +. Nothing like it on android that I could find. No news paywalls with news I want to read that Google shoves in my face, and all sorts of magazines come with it.

Do yourself a favor and watch all the stupid little iOS trick YouTube videos. No one tells you to hold the spacebar down to move the courser for editing words or to use your finger to slash the numbers in calculator to delete your last action.


sic_erat_scriptum t1_iugyxxq wrote

> Do yourself a favor and watch all the stupid little iOS trick YouTube videos. No one tells you to hold the space at down to move the courser for editing words or to use your finger to slash the numbers in calculator to delete your last action.

This is a big one, iOS has a lot of little gestures and such that aren’t really documented and which make a huge difference in usability.


Individual_Shame2002 t1_iuekcoc wrote

I just switched to a 14 ProMax too from lifelong blackberry then android user. Why can’t I PIP with WhatsApp? Is there a setting you had to change?


son_ofOdin t1_iuengsm wrote

Fucking everything

Most android owners talk shit about iPhone because they’re on a fucking two year upgrade plan After that i tend to notice android phones slow down quite drastically


1shaggy123 t1_iueuoly wrote

Not been my experience. I have a pixel 3(4 years old) that is still phenomenal. Lg G5(6 years old) that still works great. OG pixel(6 years old) that works great, but mostly use it for the free for life photo storage. I also have the Samsung note 20(2 years old) that is as fast as any iphone. So is my pixel 6(1 year old)


sic_erat_scriptum t1_iugz2se wrote

If you don’t notice the frame hangs and stutters that’s cool, but Android animations being faster/fewer frames is not the same thing as the phone being faster.

Longtime Nexus/Pixel user and yea, they’re great as Android goes, but no Android phone is as smooth as iOS.


xMaxMOx t1_iuga9a8 wrote

Yeah and they don’t hold value at all you’ll pay $1k+ for a Samsung ultra or whatever but resell value is trash 🗑️


Sure_Apartment_2587 t1_iudgzhh wrote

Actually, from talking with apple support, you can extend the fixed AppleCare beyond, you just have to call in the last month and they’ll switch it over to the monthly subscription model for you. Works on the big devices (Mac, iPad, iPhone. Not sure about audio though). You should be able to use any Bluetooth headphones with iPhone. I have (used the 2nd gen SE and now have the 13 pro)


CatFlier t1_iudtal6 wrote

Awesome. It must be something new because when I bought a new watch last year that I planned on keeping for a few years the only way I could get extended coverage was via a monthly subscription.


djgitn t1_iugbwje wrote

May I ask how you added “iPhone 14 Pro Max” under your username??


CatFlier t1_iuglj6x wrote

I only know how to do it in old.reddit on desktop. In the sidebar you should see your username and underneath it there’s an “edit” link. Click it and a list of flairs will pop up. Select the flair that marches your phone and then click the “save” button.


olimalfaloy t1_iuhqgcm wrote

If you on the Reddit app on iPhone Go to the main IPhone subreddit- click on the three dots top right side- click on Change user flair- and pick which one you want.


Professional-Rice186 t1_iue6flc wrote

I switched from android to 14 Pro last month. I heard lots of complaints about the Move to iOS app, but it worked seamlessly for me.

Take advantage of Shortcuts & Automations (takes some learning).


CatFlier t1_iudawb2 wrote

1.) You have to use the subscription model for AC+ if you want it to last more than two years.

1B) I’ve never needed it, but it gives me peace of mind to have it.

  1. Apple makes it easy to switch from Android to iOS.

  1. Yes. You can pair any Bluetooth device.

Educatingthomas OP t1_iudbrjj wrote



CatFlier t1_iudcfci wrote

My pleasure.

Also, I’ve been using a device from Kinivo that plugs into the cigarette lighter port and uses the AUX port many older cars have and then you can pair your phone to the Kinivo to play anything from your phone to your car’s stereo. I’m on mobile but I got it from Amazon and have been using it for at least ten years now.


Prince515 t1_iudrx7z wrote

My iPad mini AC+ just ended and renewed it. Just wish when you renew you can pay for a year or two upfront instead of having to pay monthly.


markhewitt1978 t1_iue3v2a wrote

  1. I asked that same question here a few weeks ago and I am led to believe that isn't true. That you can change to a monthly plan during a window after the two years.

CatFlier t1_iue6wxt wrote

Yep. At least one other commenter confirmed that to be the case.


Killrsoda t1_iuec5wi wrote

(4)Battery service is free with AppleCare+ if your iPhone battery lifetime health has dropped below 80%. Apple will still service it without AppleCare+ with a service fee of $50


bushvin t1_iue3i2o wrote

  1. there are no non-apple services allowed in the background.

For instance, if you want to use any other tool (like NextCloud) to sync your data, you need to run the app in the front

  1. out of the box automation rocks… It is similar to tasker, but it has most features built-in. Steep learning curve, tho.

Sylvurphlame t1_iufup9o wrote

  1. It is renewable at the monthly rate if you do so before the AppleCare+ expires. You can see you coverage expiration in Settings > General > About. Also in the Support and Apple Store apps. You cannot buy AppleCare+ after the initial warranty expires. You must purchase the one-time two year or monthly plan within 60 days of sale. It’s more a limited or indefinite iPhone insurance than a “we’d like to talk to you about your phone’s extended warranty” thing.
  2. You’re changing to an entirely different OS. There are lots of things to know. You’d have to be more specific. If you’re using the Apple app for transferring data off your android device, carve out a little time to play with it and be prepared to let it transfer data overnight. Preferably when you don’t have to be at work the next day in case you need to trouble shoot.
  3. You can use any Bluetooth wireless headphones with any iPhone. Wired headphones will need to be Apple’s own Lightning EarPods or use a Lightning to 3.5 mm jack adapter.
  4. Apple will replace the battery if battery health rating drops below a certain threshold. I believe this is free while under warranty or at a reduced price if out of warranty but within AppleCare+ coverage. I’m unfamiliar with the specifics as I’ve only ever replaced a battery at reduced rate via AppleCare+ after the two-year mark.

Necessary_Owl_4656 t1_iuhbzh0 wrote

My only correction to this is that you can get apple care after the first 60 days if you bring the phone into an Apple Store and they inspect it to make sure it’s not damaged but it does have to be within the first year before the limited warranty expires (but I also don’t know why you would plan to do this if you know you want apple care from the purchase date because the plan starts from date of device purchase not date of apple care purchase so you’re basically paying for a year of coverage you didn’t get to use)


Sylvurphlame t1_iuhm6dh wrote

> My only correction to this is that you can get apple care after the first 60 days if you bring the phone into an Apple Store and they inspect it

I was unaware! That’s good to know.

> but I also don’t know why you would plan to do this if you know you want apple care

Two scenarios I can imagine.

The iPhone was a gift and you didn’t come with AppleCare+. Some might not realize it’s a thing. And there might be a legal requirement that they allow it before the limited warranty expires / why turn down money?

Or you buy the device through a third party reseller like Amazon, but want your AppleCare billed and tracked through Apple.

That’s me. Bought an Watch Ultra on Amazon, because gift cards. But I think I’d like to cancel the Apple Care+ tied to my Amazon card and have it billed to my Apple Card instead. I need to contact Support and verify that’s okay. It hasn’t shipped just yet so the AppleCare isn’t active.

> the plan starts from date of device purchase

Or shipping date, whichever is first


Necessary_Owl_4656 t1_iuho17g wrote

The gift thing is perfectly fair, I didn’t think of that! As far as the reseller thing I guess I could see it but I also don’t see a need to have it billed through apple (unless you really want the 3% Apple Card cash back on it) bc an authentic apple care plan is tied to the serial number of the phone so when you go to use it the plan will come up automatically without any worry of proof of purchase


Sylvurphlame t1_iuhomy6 wrote

> The gift thing is perfectly fair, I didn’t think of that!

Me neither until they gave me the Amazon gift cards! ☺️

> unless you really want the 3% Apple Card cash back on it

Every % counts! :) Plus I like to avoid revolving balances where possible. Or at least minimize them to specific cards. I don’t want charges piling up on that Chase-backed Amazon card while I’m not paying attention. And having all Apple-related charges on my Apple Card soothes my low key OCD.


eni6ma007 t1_iuefjn2 wrote

U can use other blue tooth headphones I do


FrozenSandwichHater t1_iuf0f71 wrote

Most annoying thing about going from Android to iOS was dealing with my photos and videos. They were not stored locally but on Google Photos. You can use Google Photos on iPhone but having them stored locally and on iCloud is just top notch. But downloading them all took time and data, and after that I'm never switching again lol.


RaspberrySky395 t1_iuf3tup wrote

I definitely recommend AppleCare+ with Theft. I have it, I ended up buying monthly as I don’t know how long I’ll keep this iPhone. I usually upgrade each year.


undercovergangster t1_iufbwd7 wrote

  1. No, signing up for the monthly option is the best if you want to keep it longer than 2 years

1b) No

  1. Nothing substantial, it's a pretty seamless process

  2. Yes

  3. Warranty replaces the battery if it goes below 80% in the first year and AppleCare can replace it at any time for a cost. Pricing is available here:


DeadReddevil77 t1_iufyb7t wrote

I was an android user for 8 years after that I switched for many reasons (to iPhone 13 Pro).

For me everything is great, but IOS - I can't get used to system closedness (and file management). I'm kind a old school music listener, I have so many albums in mp3 and with iTunes copying music files is not a great experience. If someone use music streaming app than is not a problem.


Comprehensive_Diet54 t1_iugcq10 wrote

With restoring an iPhone, the data included in the apps will be there unlike on android.


wilsonsea t1_iugctxq wrote

  1. Idk. I take good care of my phones because I’m 31 and not a perpetual teenager who thinks their stuff is unbreakable, so I go without extra insurance. (Not that I think you are, just sayin’.)
  2. Multitasking isn’t a thing on iPhone. YouTube will still shrink to a window, but say goodbye to splitscreening two apps. Otherwise, smooth transition. File management is the only real downside. Also, the keyboard is the biggest adjustment. You really don’t get an option. Even other keyboard apps will use the same iPhone style keyboard design, so apps like Swiftkey are pulling support for iPhone because it’s just not the same experience you get on Android.
  3. I use Soundcore Space Q45 and Samsung Galaxy Buds Live for headphones. They both work fine. No issues. iPhone doesn’t have aptx or LDAC though, so you won’t get the highest fidelity in Bluetooth. That said, Bluetooth headphones still sound good so it’s whatever. No issues with connectivity.

sic_erat_scriptum t1_iugzl21 wrote

If you don’t use sideloaded apps or lean heavily on the voice assistant you lose nothing in the transition, it’s just going to take a brief adjustment period getting used to the new OS. If you do lean heavily on google assistant maybe reconsider, Siri is kinda shit.

Any Bluetooth earphones will work perfectly well with an iPhone, Apple’s devices just have extra features. In terms of Bluetooth audio the only non-SBC codec supported is AAC, which is implemented extremely well on Apple devices. It’s generally better than aptx and audibly nearly equivalent to LDAC at its highest bitrate, and equivalent at lower more stable bitrates.

If you’re shopping for new Bluetooth earphones and have an iPhone you may as well just get Airpods, they’re among the best on the market anyway.


Infinite_Jeweler9887 t1_iuh46xk wrote

  1. Yes. And no
  2. Sure
  3. Battery replacement for free with AC+ if battery health goes below 80%

Necessary_Owl_4656 t1_iuhdapq wrote

  1. Yes after the 2 years is almost up you can call apple and switch it to a monthly plan and keep it for up to 5 years in total, this saves you a little money over starting with the monthly option but you have to remember to call before it expires. 1b. I think it is worth it if you are hard on phones or have a desire to go caseless. If you think there’s a shot you’ll break your screen more than once you will already be saving money. Additionally if you are likely to lose it or live in a place that you’re concerned about theft it is worth it to pay a little extra to get +theft and loss(assuming you live in the US as I believe that version is only available here in the states). You can potentially buy apple care as late as one day before the warranty expires but if you wait more than 60 days to get it you will have to bring it in to an Apple Store and have them inspect it before you can buy it. I also would not recommend this because coverage starts from the day you buy the phone not the day you buy apple care so the longer you wait to buy it the more you’re paying per day of usable coverage. Also the limited warranty doesn’t cover damage only manufacturer defect so the warranty is not that useful.
  2. I’ll choose not to speak on this as I have not personally used an android for nearly a decade but I will say that 90% of people that have made the switch are glad they did. You can use any common Bluetooth headphones with any iPhone, you will need a dongle for any non apple wired headphones.
  3. This is not as much of a concern for most folks as media has made it seem but since the huge media coverage battery replacements are relatively cheap (I think less than $100) but I do not know if this is reduced with apple care

Dismal-Variation-12 t1_iuechzf wrote

Unless you break your phone more than once AppleCare+ is not worth it. Cost to fix a screen is only $30 more without AppleCare+. A case and screen protector will likely be all you need to protect the phone.


Truly_Unending_ t1_iuf24nn wrote

I generally agree but to me AppleCare+ with theft and loss is worth it.


Dismal-Variation-12 t1_iuf4zvr wrote

Never lost or had a phone stolen myself, but if that’s a risk for you then yes, a refurbished replacement will be at least $200 cheaper (maybe more) than having to buy a brand new phone.


Truly_Unending_ t1_iuf5buv wrote

Meh. I’ve had my phones stolen twice over the last decade. Thefts of phones are ramping up in general. It’d be nice that if it gets stolen I get a brand new one for free. However, I’ve never cracked a phone screen.


[deleted] t1_iud9ddv wrote



robert43s t1_iud9ma4 wrote

With a suitable adapter. I have a lightning adapter that worked on the XR, and I have no reason to assume it wouldn’t work in the 14 (I should try it; I’ve switched to wireless airbus’s about 1 ½ years ago).


RealLongwayround t1_iudgjw7 wrote

You most definitely can use wired headphones: my Grados have a quarter inch jack. I use an adaptor.