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bristow84 t1_iu6yiq5 wrote

Turn off Google RCS if you use it, those texts will still go to your old device if you don’t.

Be prepared to learn new habits and get frustrated at first. As someone who used Android exclusively for a decade, there was a definite learning curve at first but everything becomes second nature fairly quickly.

Apollo for Reddit is generally considered the must have Reddit app but it’s decently pay-walled. Worth the money though imo.

If you’re using the Move to iOS app, double check and make sure EVERYTHING you want transferred over before setting the device up further. That function can only be used during the initial OOB setup so if say all your text messages don’t transfer over, you’ll have to reset the device back to Factory.

Also do yourself a favour and go into this with an open mind. If you go into it with the mindset of a self-professed Apple hater, you’ll like it even less.


ToddNicholson t1_iu741ak wrote

Yes, this happened to me. I figured you could transfer texts and photos afterwards. Nope! Had to reset and start over.