Submitted by I-AM-Savannah t3_yhg9w1 in iphone

I bought a new iPhone 14 Pro Max. It just arrived Wednesday. I am still trying to figure things out.

It arrived with an impact-resistant transparent case. I am still trying to figure out how to put the case on the phone.

I am actually wondering if I was sent the right case, as it doesn't seem to pop on easily...

I have the iPhone 14 Pro Max. The box for the case says 2022 iPhone 6.7" Pro. Is this the correct case?

Can someone please tell me how to put the case on the iPhone? It doesn't seem to just pop on... making me wonder if it's the correct case.




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Kindnexx t1_iudlcu6 wrote

Would help if you had pics or the reference of your case, it could be for the iPhone 14 plus. Otherwise try putting it on one side first (I recommend the left side with volume buttons) then pop the other side in.


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iudp6xi wrote

And yes... I am actually wondering if the case is actually for the iPhone 14 plus, instead of the 14 PM.

I did try to line up the volume buttons and then tried to pop the other side in, but it just doesn't seem long enough somehow. Maybe it's a case of me just not wanting to break something, so maybe I am not pushing hard enough.

Am going to take it to a T-Mobile store this afternoon and ask them to pop it in... I decided this after trying your recommendation. I'm just not quite confident enough that I have the right case. I would think that T-Mobile would have sent the right case, and they probably did... but I'm not brave enough to force it.


AntennaTV t1_iudlkc4 wrote

You want the case to snap on tightly, so it doesn't just fall off when the phone takes a hit. Try locating the phone inside the bottom edge of the case and the snap the upper two corners on, back to front


Lucavious t1_iudnaoo wrote

  1. The case is intended to be difficult to pop in since you want to be confident it won’t pop out. Most cases you’ve gotta push pretty firmly to snap it in and then it should stay nice and snug.

  2. iPhone 14 is a pretty complex choice for your first phone ever lol. If you ever need help you may wanna check your local library as many offer tech help days and they may be able to sit with you for challenges like this. My partner volunteers there for such a program 🙂


renome t1_iui6qtq wrote

Try starting with the Books app, by downloading any of the learning materials that interest you. A commumity like this one this can and obviously will gladly help along the way, but shouting random tips may not the the most optimal action if you're also new to smartphones, in general.


CatFlier t1_iudky9o wrote

The 14PM has a 6.69” screen.


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iudomp5 wrote

Thanks all. I bought it from T-Mobile online. The case came from T-Mobile as well.

There are multiple T-Mobile stores in town. When I went online to find out about iPhones, I actually didn't intend to make a purchase, but the who I did the online chat with was NOT hard sales, and I ended up making the purchase from her.

I have decided I am going to take a copy of my sales receipt and the phone and the case to the closest T-Mobile store and just ask them to put it on. If it's not the correct case, I will leave it up to them to make it right. I hate to do that to them, but I am not exactly sure I was sent the correct case. I know that it should be hard to put on, because you don't want it to just fall off again... but it actually doesn't seem quite long enough, when I compare the case to the phone itself.

Yes, I probably did "over buy" for a first cell phone, but I wanted to make sure it would be one that will last me for a while, rather than finding out, after the fact, had I gone for the Pro Max, that it would have done more... <sigh>.

I'm always good for a laugh. 😁😁😁


BacilQadir715 t1_iuh0aos wrote

Are you a child who got his first phone or an adult. If the latter is true then how did u even function 😅 as nowadays all things require a phone


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iuh8c5g wrote

Sorry to say, I am *NOT* a child. I have a landline that I will be getting rid of. Am in the process of porting my current phone number on the landline to my new cell.


BacilQadir715 t1_iuh8gdz wrote

No way an adult who did not have a phone, thats a very rare occurrence especially since even grand parents nowadays have phone


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iuh8mmi wrote

You have heard of land lines, right?


BacilQadir715 t1_iuh8opv wrote

Yeh but they cant connect to the internet as far as i know so u wont be able to write emails use any app of sorts etc on them


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iuh8yzf wrote

You have heard of computers and laptops, haven't you?


BacilQadir715 t1_iuh9cte wrote

Yes i have 😅


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iuha2m9 wrote

Good. I was getting worried. Not everyone lives on a cell phone. I realize a lot of people do, but you can count me in as one who doesn't. At least not yet.


BacilQadir715 t1_iuhacd2 wrote

Sorry if I offended you by any chance. But i was just saying phones offer functionality of laptop and desktops and land lines all in one so its just bizarre to me that one could go so long without getting one when he had the option to

Another point is mobile data


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iuhbjan wrote

Yes, I realize that cell phones offer functionality that laptops and desktops and land lines do not offer -- but after working IT for years, when I left that position, I turned in the pager and cell phone that I had been tied to for years. I also took off my watch and hardly ever wear it.

If you can hear the song, "I want to be free..." that's me singing, in the background. I was tied to both a pager AND cell phone and watch (get to those IT meetings on time)... I no longer want to be tied down to anything except my cat.


BacilQadir715 t1_iuhbxji wrote

Oh so im new to this concept u actually had a phone but it wasn’t your rather your employer’s? That would make sense when u say its YOUR first phone but u still had one just not YOURS


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iuhcjio wrote

Yes. I had to carry my employer's phone AND pager, both at the same time, in case a server went down or there were network issues.

This is *MY* first phone, and first iPhone. The employer's phone was an android.


BacilQadir715 t1_iuhfpbl wrote

What’s a pager? If u don’t mind me askin


I-AM-Savannah OP t1_iuhg7ux wrote

Pagers were small devices that you usually clip on a waistband of slacks / pants, or attach to the outside of a woman's purse, so you could easily check the message. They were the predecessor to cell phones, but there was a lap over, at least by some major companies, requiring some employees to carry both pagers and cell phones.

The pager that I carried could accept either phone numbers or actual text messages. I had to carry a pager as well as my cell phone, to make sure anyone could reach me, 24/7.