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SigmaLance t1_isnksmz wrote

My phone arrives in three weeks. Hopefully they have this ironed out by then. My phone can have a shaky camera or put itself into deep sleep all that it wants to, but I really need this phone to work as a phone.


0000GKP t1_isnrf7o wrote

> My phone can have a shaky camera or put itself into deep sleep all that it wants to, but I really need this phone to work as a phone.

I guess I’m just picky. If I buy it, I want all of it to work. The iPhone 14 + iOS 16 combination has been enough of an embarrassment that someone should have been fired or demoted over it.

If I did have to give something up, the phone is definitely my least used function.


SigmaLance t1_isnsbff wrote

Well sure of course I want a flawless phone. With all of the bugs showing up this release the SIM not supported would hurt me the most. The rest of it I could deal with long enough until it’s software fixed. I’m trading in my current phone which I conduct business on so that’s why it working as a phone is a priority.

None of these bugs really caught too much of my attention because they are just nuisances that didn’t affect cellular quality.


PaulC28 t1_iswsmu2 wrote

Great, now fix cellular data too.

Today my cellular data cut out 8 times. Phone calls still work. And my work iPhone X and wife’s 13 Pro work just fine. It takes 30-60 seconds for the 14 Pro to recover from this each time it happen. Yesterday 6 times.

I’m in Canada, using a normal SIM card!


Mtd0228 t1_iszlz1t wrote

I was not able to activate the sim with just my phone number, I had to go into my carrier’s app and activate the IMEI. After doing that, it gave me a QR code to scan and then the sim was activated