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squareswordfish t1_iuezkbk wrote

Just makes me miss 3D Touch even more. It would work so well with the island.


errolian22 t1_iugcxbc wrote

Yeah I miss 3d touch too, I wish they bring it back I wouldn’t mind if they put it on the pro iPhones only.


squareswordfish t1_iugftcz wrote

Yeah, super sad that they killed such a good feature. I understand that many people didn’t even know it existed, but it had so many useful uses. Feels fitting for something called “pro”, actually.


ebtexam t1_iuh25rj wrote

I still have 3D touch in my good old 7


SirMaster t1_iuhxobs wrote

But they removed the interactive widgets when 3D touching apps from the OS itself. That's what I miss the most about it.


ebtexam t1_iuhyi0e wrote

Which is why I’m on 14.4 and jailbreaked.