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gnulynnux t1_iy46tru wrote

This is definitely not right-wing propaganda, where are you getting that?

Seriously, I'm a "terminally online" leftist and I can't imagine an interpretation where "don't install self-signed root CAs to your personal device" is right-wing propaganda. I think you're wrong here, but I'm genuinely curious about how you arrive to this conclusion.

Installing a root CA to your personal device breaks a lot of security assumptions. I assume Apple has carved out an exception for their own updates and app installs, because a root CA would feasibly allow them to "see everything on your phone". As it stands, a root CA only allows them to intercept and modify everything in the network data.

That said, I don't speak German(?) well-enough (or use iPhones enough) to know if this is indeed a self-signed root CA.