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SetoXlll t1_ixeuzrd wrote

7 plus took it like champ. Finally died and pulled the trigger on my ultra fast super smooth IPhone 13Pro. RIP bud and thank you for your 6 years of pure MAYHEM.


TheKelz t1_ixewr1o wrote

I always wonder what do people mean by "died". Like does it just stop powering on? Genuinely interested because I have 4s, 5s and 6s which are still working perfectly fine.


Crack_uv_N0on t1_ixev48x wrote

I know this is an iPhone subreddit; but you asked for the longest-lasting phone. My longest lasting phone was not an iPhone. It was a Samsung Note 3 which lasted 4.25 years.


Beateride t1_ixfb8n8 wrote

It is, and your answer is correct, only idiots are downvoting you for answering correctly a question


TFinley97 t1_ixexa5p wrote

Currently my Xs. 4 years later and outside of a much needed battery replacement, the phone has still held up for me. I do plan on upgrading to the 15 next year.


Beateride t1_ixfatx8 wrote

iPhone X 54 months aka 4,5 years

What trooper meant in this situation? 2 years is really your longest ?!?


Officialnoah OP t1_ixfd3nd wrote

It could’ve lasted much longer than 2 years. Only reason I switched was because I was young and was due for an upgrade


Beateride t1_ixfd9rl wrote

And are you satisfied with your 13 or are you already planning to buy a new phone?


Officialnoah OP t1_ixfdfld wrote

Oh I love this phone, gonna stick with it till the wheels fall off or if they ever release another alpine green phone


skunkwoks t1_ixex6dj wrote

I’ve had iPhones since the 3gs, I upgrade about every 6 years


Driver8666-2 t1_ixez82e wrote

6s Plus which was my first ever iPhone back in 2015. It’s been through a battery change but that thing blew past it’s 7th birthday. Close second would be my 8 Plus (5 years).

Anytime I’ve gotten a new iPhone, I’ve always kept the old one as a spare.


sincerelyyourssimon t1_ixf56at wrote

Well I'm still on my iPhone X, which I used since launched at the end of 2017.. so.. its been 5 years and hope it still continues to last.


Old_Goat_Ninja t1_ixf7hkq wrote

Probably this one. Still going strong 2 years later.

Funny reading the 7 comments. That was easily my worst iPhone ever. Damn thing didn’t make it 2 years before complete system failure in every way possible. Started of with weird haptic feedback. Felt and sounded like a broken spring, then battery swole, phone split and bent, and eventually it no longer functioned. Also the only phone to completely die. The rest I just wanted a new phone.


doogm t1_ixeuxjh wrote

iPhone X, 3.5 years. I was planning to buy a new phone two years ago, but I wasn't thrilled about the 12 (especially because 5G was new, and I knew it would have a better radio in year 2), and I wasn't traveling to a place where I'd want to have a better camera, so I waited until last year and upgraded to the 13 Pro.


infinityandbeyond75 t1_ixexvwy wrote

So I had my iPhone X for 4 years and then passed it to my son. He used it for a year and it was still working but we traded it in for an iPhone 14.


Educational_Worth906 t1_ixf08w2 wrote

Xs 4 years. Immaculate condition - my wife has it now after I replaced the battery for her when I got my 14Pro.


StayVengeful t1_ixffrd8 wrote

iphone 12 pro max ~ just under 2 years


Imwonderbread t1_ixfsz1b wrote

Just ordered a new 14 pro max. Have had the XR for 5 years now and it’s still running strong besides a few minor cracks in the back


LoneBell t1_ixgcqng wrote

iPhone 7 for 6 years. I couldn’t call anymore because my mic is done (can’t do memos, calls and so on). Otherwise my iPhone 7 is very well


ilreppans t1_ixh220n wrote

6.5yrs on an iPhone5. Just ran a rundown test streaming YouTube movies - ran 6hours - not bad for now 10yo phone (but I’m a batt hobbyist).


Top-Sink t1_ixexd0e wrote

3GS. Mainly because I was in middle school and couldn’t afford a new one

Edit: scratch that. My iPhone 4 still works


Kameechewa t1_ixfr82x wrote

I… upgrade every year… please send help…


jelflfkdnbeldkdn t1_ixfu9vc wrote

original iphone se 2016-2022 last 2 years used for work calls n stuff only

running an iphone 8 now since 2019, used to be my work phone the first year but now private


blj3303 t1_ixfuv4c wrote

Used my 6 for 3 years and still have it as my backup.

I have had an 11Pro Max now for 2 years now. Battery still at 100% health and plan to keep it for a while. Only downside is that I accidentally dropped it and there’s a crack in the back glass and was told by Apple that they won’t replace the battery when that time comes ☹️.


redpieguy98 t1_ixfzlu0 wrote

6s plus. Used it for a good 5 years. Still works as well, upgraded to a 12 pro max.


SLPERAS t1_ixg6c3a wrote

Iphone 6. From 2014 to 2021


arochains1231 t1_ixgfmer wrote

My 6s Plus lasted for 4 years before I got my 11 Pro Max which is my current phone. I would have kept the 6s Plus for longer but the issues with it kept stacking up (bad battery even with a replacement, camera making clicking sounds and not focusing, constant app crashing, headphone jack being very touch-and-go, and much more) so eventually I had to pull the plug and get this thing. I'll probably keep this current phone until it hits the 4 year mark as well just for consistency.


IncredibleGonzo t1_ixhc843 wrote

4 lasted me about 3.5 years. Most of the rest (5s, SE1, X) were about two years each, 12 Mini was one year, and 13 Mini I plan to keep as long as I can.


[deleted] t1_ixhd8f4 wrote

Im writing this from a 7, so i guess thats the one. However the microphone stopped working so when i talk I use my headset


chouxpastrysoul t1_ixhfp90 wrote

Still using my IPhone 7, bought in 2016, battery replaced once about 2 years ago. The new models are really tempting but it’s my baby


Davvvdzx t1_ixi5sqx wrote

My iphone 7 lasted me 4 and a half years


PaperbackNinja t1_ixfrls6 wrote

My sports illustrated football phone.