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Business-Parsnip-939 t1_ixl2cqh wrote

maybe you should accidentally break your leg to test out how fast the response time is!


SurfaceLapQuestion OP t1_ixl2ert wrote

I’ll get right on it 😂


CyCoCyCo t1_ixlo6no wrote

Make sure you only do it for 126 hours though, because you know what you’re supposed to do at 127 hours …. :p


Cotcho t1_ixlv56h wrote

I mean according to this documentary I saw. Making sure to break your leg enough that it comes through the skin, whilst impacting stability has no real impact on pain. I think it was called Scary Movie.


Dudeicorn t1_ixloi27 wrote

As someone who accidentally broke their leg in the Colorado mountains, I’m not sure I’d recommend it. 😅 you do get to try some top notch narcotics and you get a cool story out of it though, which is neat I suppose. (Thankfully, I was in cell reception and SAR was able to get to me pretty quick.)


dajack60585 t1_ixlso6w wrote

So what’s the downside?


Dudeicorn t1_ixlt2c7 wrote

Being kicked out of r/neverbrokeabone. Also medical debt. But mostly the former.


fr0nksen t1_ixmwmqp wrote

Medical debt in the EU is kindof hard to aquire if you‘re an EU citizen. Apart from that, when will this feature come to Germany?


Dudeicorn t1_ixmxglv wrote

Depends on who you vote for. Stay optimistic and maybe it’ll come to you soon!


fr0nksen t1_ixmxr92 wrote

How has my voting preference anything to do with the fact when a US company will release a feature for a foreign Region?


Dudeicorn t1_ixmyztz wrote

Oh, I thought medical debt was the feature you were looking for. I have no answers for you as far as iPhones go, my friend.


stoickthevast88 t1_ixlq9rl wrote

Just make sure if you’re not on federal land to had SR insurance which is pretty cheap and will pay for the heavy search and rescue bill


USWC t1_ixmp2zi wrote

That's not true, at least in the western US. Source: Me. 12 years running SAR missions in the western US. In CA and western mountain states, SAR rescues are free whether you are on federal, state or even private land. They are conducted by county sheriff SAR teams, state and federal rangers, and various military national guard units (and coast guard).

There are VERY rare exceptions for persons committing major felonies at the time. You will likely incur medical bills once handed off to private medical providers as you would if you suffered an injury at home.


stoickthevast88 t1_ixmqhok wrote

I guess it varies state to state and if you’re in an area the state can choose to collect decides to do so or not.