Submitted by PinaPark t3_z68h80 in iphone

Alright so me and my boyfriend had a discussion about which phone is a better buy. My boyfriend is considering getting an iPhone 14 Pro Max and basically asked me why he should get the iPhone instead of the S22 Ultra. I am wondering what you guys think?

Currently, the iPhone 14 Pro Max is around 1,350 euros here and the S22 Ultra can be bought for around 600 euros (and there's an option to trade in, lowering it to 450 euros in his case). He has no other Apple devices currently and has never tried iOS.

What benefits would he have for switching to the iPhone (and thus paying more than double compared to the S22U)? He is seriously considering it, but I was wondering what you guys think considering the price difference here in Europe?



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markaznar t1_ixzxeqp wrote

If you are not tied to the Apple ecosystem and do not mind not having iMessage, it is a no brainer, pick the S22 or any android device for that matter.

Wow, go downvote this to death! So many stupid fanboys! Worst of all, I even own an iPhone as I’m in the Apple ecosystem, and was just stating a fact! With that much savings OP, get an android phone and DO NOT be swayed by these morons.


Problem-Otherwise t1_ixzxxxp wrote

Im an android user,I switched to iPhone before 2 days,I can say the iPhone battery life is way better,the procceser is way better than the samsung one,the display (according to dxm something) is the best on the market right now,and the design,in my eyes is so much more beautiful than the samsung one but its only my opinion


Problem-Otherwise t1_ixzy156 wrote

But if the price diffrence is so big,go for the samsung,honestly,amazing phone too,in my country it's actully more expensive than the iPhone lol


Lelu_zel t1_ixzzat5 wrote

Better support, longlivelity, if he decides to buy more apple products they work awesome when paired together. Hard to f something up as iOS is closed system and hard to mess it up.
And when he decides to upgrade he'd sell it for not much less than he paid for it.

I convinced my friends to switch to an iPhone and they all are so grateful, additionaly we're able to use shared albums and so on (i belive such thing is also on android).


Problem-Otherwise t1_ixzzfvr wrote

Idk why I can't reply to your comment somethinf is weird about my reddit today,I would say no,because 700$ is a lot I think you need to buy the s22 ultra,if the diffrence was like 200$ I would say you need to take the iPhone,but its not


Unusual-Trouble8218 t1_iy01c8i wrote

Trading in my iPhone 13 Pro Max for the S22U earlier this year was the biggest mistake I've ever made. The battery life is significantly worse, and the lag is horrendous. Other than that... I enjoy my S22U but those two things ruin the experience. I'll be upgrading upon the release of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.


TWYFAN97 t1_iy05zar wrote

Battery life is MUCH better than the Ultra. Sustained performance and raw SOC performance is better on the iPhone. An iPhone with a battery replacement a few years down the line can last 7-8 years with OS updates.


Beautiful_Cow6458 t1_iy0ace2 wrote

Former Note 20 Ultra user, moved due to the sucky battery and I mean abysmally bad. Also apps constantly crashing in the middle of important activities. Once I moved, I was in awe of how long the battery lasts and I’m enjoying the fact that the edge of the phone isn’t curvy. I forgot non curvy phones still existed 😂

Overall I honestly think your friend should compare the specs side by side and maybe watch YT videos and have a look at features you will lose. I don’t mind too much about some features I’ve lost because battery was honestly the only true reason I left Samsung. I was with them for 10 odd years so it wasn’t a decision I made lightly. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. I’m loving my 14PM ☺️


Jozex21 t1_iy0d4li wrote

is not that much better, if u turn off 120hz you can get 2 days of battery life hours of screen

they are roughly the same, i ahve 13 pro max that how much it last


TWYFAN97 t1_iy0frx4 wrote

I can get two days with moderate use even with 120hz on with the 14 Pro Max, 13 Pro Max is supposedly even better. Something may be wrong with your phone. It’s an all day phone only if it’s a really heavy day using it such as high brightness and lots of camera use. S22 Ultra can barely go past a full day for most.


Night-Hamster t1_iy0hoed wrote

Had an S22 Ultra, had so many problems with it I returned and waited for the iPhone 14 release and picked up a Pro Max.


Casual-Gamer25 t1_iy0igs0 wrote

Really depends on preference. I’ve tried both android and IOS and leaned more towards iOS. I personally like the simplicity of iOS and how well apple devices work together plus the ease of transferring my data when I buy a new iPhone. That being said android also has its pros and it comes in features that some may find useful depending on what brand of phone, and skin they put over the android OS. One notable mention is the long support of iOS which is a big deal to me since I want my phone to be supported long cause I paid a decent price for it. But in the end it’s your money watch reviews and comparisons of the two to try and decide what you want.


Jackzilla321 t1_iy0nys3 wrote

I just switched! I dont trust Samsung supports or software update and a few weeks ago my phone just stopped working on a lot of apps. iPhone has better display and battery life, apps are generally more stable. I miss android notifications and I’m not used to navigating within apps on iOS. Google app integration is also better on android.

But I’ve been moving to an Apple TV house and most of my peers use Apple stuff so those integrations are useful to me. AMA on this specific change if you have more Qs!


Jozex21 t1_iy0p54g wrote

Its instagram, i havent found a way to stop it from using too much battery

but i get same issue on s22 ultra.

both get 2 days, 120hz i get 1 day and half.


ArmedConsolePeasant t1_iy0ttjc wrote

14 Pro Max for 1,350 Euros is a flat-out ripoff. It’s overpriced from the get-go and the S22 Ultra isn’t so it’s honestly an easy pick in terms of which is the best for the money.

I have a 12 Pro Max and I can honestly say that I prefer Samsung phone cameras, but everything else about iPhone is generally better. Better standby battery life, better in-use battery life, better loading times, less instability/bugs etc. iPhone is more reliable, but it’s not more than twice as good as the Samsung competition.. it’s honestly closer than most iPhone users like to admit.

Still, I’d say the S22 Ultra is a much, much better buy for the price.


tsdguy t1_iy1vi50 wrote

It doesn’t have Android. That the best reason to run iPhones. Oh and the PlayStore is a swamp of malware.


freckles1976 t1_iy1z67x wrote

Battery life. Straight up. Otherwise, no.


notemark t1_iy31saw wrote

You're absolutely right, if you aren't tied into the ecosystem they are both top tier flagship devices each with similar levels of performance and the simple fact of the matter is that the apple ecosystem and more specifically iMessage is not as prevalent in Europe as it is in the US.