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TexasVet72 t1_iwy6jop wrote

Siri should just be abolished at this point. It’s gotten so bad that it has actually become a joke. The need to just get rid of it and come out with an Apple Assistant. New name so it won’t be associated with the dumpster fire that is Siri.


PyroWasUsed t1_iwyvgkv wrote

One feature that I noticed is that Siri won’t work if you phrase things in a demanding way. “I need a flashlight” is unclear “Can you please turn on the flashlight” works


bork_13 t1_iwz9ea3 wrote

Could be a cultural thing, I’ve never known anyone talk like that except for US tv series and movies. In the UK at least, talking like that would be seen as incredibly rude. You would however say “does anyone have a torch?” In a very demanding way which wouldn’t be seen as rude.

The “I need a flashlight” comes across as “I’m going to wait here until someone brings me a torch, whereas it’d be phrased as a question in the UK


Rdubya44 t1_iwzbslx wrote

Hey siri, turn on the flashlight. No manners or extra words.


[deleted] t1_iwze07r wrote



deliciouscorn t1_ix07ef3 wrote

You have to mutter it though

(Good stories, but JK Rowling’s writing style leaves a lot to be desired)


bork_13 t1_iwzbxkp wrote

Yep, that’d work. I was just picking out the language used, it’s not the clearest way of asking for something. Whereas a clear question like my example or a clear demand like yours should work


MelloGang17 t1_ix1au8q wrote

Just tried it. It does work. Can turn it on and off


beyondusername t1_iwyicf8 wrote

I have been following along with these Siri fails for a while, and always try the same commands on my iPhone. Could it be that American English is super buggy? Australian English works 100% of the time for me.


TimidPanther t1_iwxflu6 wrote

Does that command work?

I just asked my watch "How much battery does my phone have" and it replied "Sorry, I can't help you with that on Apple Watch"


pjng t1_iwyoc05 wrote

Which is ridiculous in its own way.


cgpandre t1_iwz2d3o wrote

Prior to iOS 15 it used to work, from watch to phone & vice versa, had a case opened with Apple care at the time , support agent did a diagnosis of the watch & phone only to come to the following conclusion “software glitch” which he later informed that would be taken care of on the next update ; we are at 16.1 now ; still waiting.


AaronRodgersToe t1_iwxldha wrote

Is it just me or has she gotten worse lately?


CTTT93 t1_iwyfb0l wrote

“Sorry, something went wrong”


deliciouscorn t1_ix07qgm wrote

She can’t even reliably bring up songs from Apple Music anymore. Infuriating because it’ll work a couple times, then suddenly “problems” start happening.


PADFTGW t1_iwyfrkx wrote

The only thing Siri can do right is setting the timer.


fzzify t1_iwzrzqb wrote

Set a fourteen minute timer


16 minutes later hey siri, how long is left on my timer?

Your forty minute timer has 24 minutes remaining.


kermityfrog t1_ix05hxi wrote

Turkish : What's happening with them sausages, Charlie?

Sausage Charlie : Five minutes, Turkish.

Turkish : It was two minutes five minutes ago.


skrillex_27 t1_iwypjvl wrote

Siri is so dumb I feel bad for it


System_Failed1 t1_iwzi1ew wrote

I don’t know why that is, but I feel like Siri has become worse and worse over the past years or so. I feel like it used to be better.


chestertonfence t1_iwy12vr wrote

Other commands Siri should add:

  • How far have I walked today?
  • How many steps have I taken today?

EthanSayfo t1_iwy2brv wrote

The lack of Siri integration with the basic measurements of Apple Watch/Fitness...






ctaetcsh t1_iwydqzc wrote

I asked that on my phone and got “There are no accessories that support that” with a button to open the Home app. I suppose that makes sense but also can’t think of a homekit accessory that would need charging and do it in a way where youd have to ask Siri to find out if it is.


Custom_Fish t1_iwz6171 wrote

Just today I asked Siri to open control centre.

“Hey siri”


“Open control centre.”

“Sorry, I can’t find an app called control centre. Would you like to search for it on the AppStore?”


Atosl t1_iwzp5xe wrote

Sometimes, every couple of months I try to use siri to start spotify. Not even that works reliably


[deleted] t1_ix035bf wrote

I switched from spotify to apple music a little over 2 months ago because of siri integration and it was built into the phone. Yeah, I switched back to spotify this week. I asked siri to play a song and it played the instrumental then asked again in a different way and it STILL played the instrumental... the song i want is in my library why not play that one? smfh... siri could be deleted tomorrow and i wouldn't give two shits


deliciouscorn t1_ix07zj1 wrote

Imagine working on the Siri team. I wonder if they just send Apple’s worst engineers to that group to wait it out until they quit.


RandyLeRam t1_ix0kah7 wrote

Siri is so shit it’s sad.


Late_Description3001 t1_iwzdaqk wrote

Mine says “your batteries are taking a while to respond.”


bigrobcx t1_iwzsosx wrote

Maybe ask him “how high is the volume set?” and he might tell you if the phone is charging. Apple is trolling us all with Siri.


Mr_JellyBean t1_iwz0pt0 wrote

I really miss google assistant. I would love if Apple allowed third party assistants but I know that would never happen.


ZappySnap t1_iwz2i5m wrote

You can install assistant, and access it by saying “hey siri, hey Google” (or tapping the app icon) and then waiting for assistant to activate. It’s not ideal, but it does allow access to assistant.


[deleted] t1_ix03t5z wrote

I wish we could alter iOS just a little more than the past 16 iterations. A 3rd party app store would be nice but Apple wouldn't make money off of that. Another assistant on the phone... bUt PrIvAcY. I don't want to switch to android but fuckkkk iPhone is just bland. Why does it take a 3rd party app to change the design of icons and we still can't place apps where we want it on the home screen. Anyway that's my complaint.


Champerson t1_ix1aual wrote

I hate using Siri. She simply doesn’t understand anything.