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redmambo_no6 t1_iyd8o2k wrote

That’s not a scratch, fam. That’s a dent.


caspervanc t1_iydvg68 wrote

That's no scratch. It's a flesh wound!


0000GKP t1_iyd1nc1 wrote

I dropped my MacBook once and did similar damage but much worse than that. I used a metal file to make it smooth again.


rattler843 t1_iydcezs wrote

It’s anodized aluminum, filing it down would would reveal the underlying bare aluminum and make it look much worse.


panthereal t1_iydit1e wrote

surely you could file it and polish it a bit then find a similar paint color to make it look better than it does now

perfect? no, but a flat surface would would look better to me than chipped.


vayloo10 t1_iyd2dlu wrote

I don’t believe it can, I have a bunch of these on my phone too


BackHefe21 t1_iyd601w wrote

As far as I know, the backside and frame is one assembly. And changing those means taking out all the guts first… basically the most expensive repair that Apple offers.


turanns27 t1_iydeyup wrote

Use some noodles with glue, and scrape


Wild_Tax_8049 t1_iyd40ja wrote

Yeah, that'd trigger me too. I'm sure there's a "way" to replace the case (i.e., buy a broken phone but pristine case and do a transplant), but it all depends on the cost and trouble you'd want to go through. Might be cheaper to just buy a slim clear case or vinyl wrap and at least it'd cover up the blemish for the remainder of ownership. I assume you went OG naked for a reason, so the case/wrap idea is a compromise.


LittleBuritoHaru OP t1_iyd4uam wrote

I’m just unlucky lol when I took out case to clean the port etc. my phone had to fall. Thanks for answer tho


tim3assassin t1_iyd7umt wrote

They can replace the whole back part which includes the side frame. Since it’s only a cosmetic issue I’m not sure it’s worth the $500 or so to fix it.


quantitative101 t1_iydo59s wrote

or 20$ if you do it yourself!


tim3assassin t1_iye916i wrote

$20 to replace the frame?


1moderngoddess7 t1_iyebb9v wrote

Get the cheapest back there is. Then pray. About 20 give or take🤷🏻‍♀️


tim3assassin t1_iyf2s46 wrote

I don’t think the third party backs come with the sides. I think they are just the back glass. Unless they are taking them from other phones possibly?


1moderngoddess7 t1_iyf46kl wrote

I guess it depends if you’re only replacing the back glass(with laser or whatever they do it with nowadays) or the whole housing🤷🏻‍♀️


quantitative101 t1_iyfeiwr wrote

I mean, you do need to disassemble the entire phone and reassemble it by yourself on the new housing which could take several hours and is very risky. But possible.


Interesting-Dish8894 t1_iydqblf wrote

Anything is possible. But you are not going to want to pay for how much it costs so the answer is going to be no


TurboDickStain t1_iyduzf0 wrote

" Make " the charging port stop working and apple care replaces the whole phone free of charge.


_suckitupbuttercup_ t1_iye01xa wrote

This is why people stopped taking others seriously when they say they're triggered,


Itchy-Future-57 t1_iye2n3p wrote

Maybe a file and a sharpie can help it look less noticable?


ItzSpookyYT t1_iyeaz7d wrote

Yes and no. Its a whole casing change if u wanna fix that (not front glass and not back glass on iphone 14)


_Suspended_Account_ t1_iyeqeqo wrote

I'd love to see what you consider a "small scratch" when you get injured. Tiger takes a chunk out of your thigh: "just a small scratch" lol.

And no, it's part of the frame, so you'd basically need to replace the entire back and sides of the phone, where all the guts are stored. Not worth it.