Submitted by ImCraigFuckingCulver t3_z8vxqd in iphone

Full disclosure, I'm anything but brief. Fully understand if you aren't looking to read a novella about a phone. Apologies in advance. TLDR at the bottom.

Some quick history. I've primarily used Android phones since they were released. My first smart phone was an OG Moto Droid on Verizon. Through the years I've had Android phones from Motorola, HTC, LG, and Samsung. My most recent phone was a Samsung Galaxy S20. I did own an iPhone 4s as well, until a mild fall destroyed the screen. I'm not remotely brand loyal, and don't feel any particular strong attachment toward an OS either.

My motivation to switch to an iPhone after over a decade with Android phones was pretty simple. I was bored with Android. I think both OS's are at a point where changes are becoming far more incremental, and there's significantly less overhaul. I'd chalk this up as a good thing, as I remember how frustrating many of the early versions of Android and iOS could be. However, as a consumer I was starting to feel the stagnation, and wanted to change things up.

My S20 was starting to feel sluggish, and I was constantly bombarded with iPhone evangelicals going on and on about how superior of a product they had, so I figured the release of the 14 series was a good opportunity to change things up.

First the pros:

My first impressions were great. The hardware has a very premium feel. I've always preferred the flat squared off edges of iPhone screens to Samsung's rounded edges, so I was happy to experience that as well. The phone is incredibly fast, which is to be expected, but it really showed off compared to my 3 year old S20.

One aspect of the S20 that stood the test of time was the screen. The 120hz high resolution OLED on the S20 was always a standout, and as most of you know, once you experience 120hz, you cant go back to 60hz. It's rather baffling that the non pro iPhones still don't offer 120hz, but I have no doubt that's a strategic move by Apple to push the pro models. The screen on the 14 pro max looks fantastic. The 120hz is smooth as silk, and paired with Apples legendary animations, the experience is really second to none. Even compared to a Pixel 7 pro, the iPhone still feels smoother when navigating around. This is likely a personal preference thing, but out of the box, my phone with True Tone turned on had a noticeably yellow hue to it. Full disclosure, I'm quite colorblind, so this is likely my own eyes playing tricks, but turning that off dramatically improved the look of everything for me.

The battery life is also ridiculous. I've heard the 14 pro max doesn't live up to the 13 pro max, but compared to my old S20, and basically every phones my friends and family own, it runs laps. I can go all day, with only having my phone plugged in while driving, and end the day comfortably at over 90%, which is insane. I'm a pretty heavy user too, streaming music throughout the day, and decently high social media use, with average screen on time of around 5 hours, so this is crazy impressive in my opinion.

Apps. This one is pretty much universally known at this point, so I wont harp on it too much, but it is pretty clear that apps in general seem to be better optimized for iPhones than Android. It's pretty much a better experience across the board, with very few exceptions if any. I'm a heavy Google user (maps, home, gmail, photos, etc.) and even those apps seem to run just as well on my iPhone as they did on my Android. Also, Apple specific apps like the Wallet seem to be better implemented than something like Google Pay. I use the Wallet app all the time. I almost never used Google Pay.

The camera. This is another universally known feature at this point too. The camera is excellent. It's near instantaneous to use, the photos look fantastic, editing is quick and easy, Pro Raw is a cool feature I'm far too inexperienced to get any value out of, but I appreciate anyway, the low light performance is insanely good, video in HDR is incredible, and swapping between zoom levels is extremely smooth too. There's almost nothing I can think that I don't enjoy or like about the camera. Across the board, it's been a great experience, and provides great quality.

Face ID. Holy crap is this nice. Crazy fast, very secure, and you can use it for basically anything. Love Love Love. Fingerprints are dumb now.

Now the Mid stuff (These aren't inherently negative, just areas where I think things could be improved):

Dynamic Island. This is fine. I thought it would be cooler, and I'd utilize it more than I do. I also don't understand why I need to long press on the island to get the small menu to pop up, as opposed to just tapping on it which brings up the entire app. Seems these should be reversed. It's fine overall. Definitely nothing overtly negative about it, just not as ground breaking as I was hoping.

iMessage... This one may even be a con, but I'm admittedly still learning. I've heard time and time again how incredible iMessage is, and how Android users really ruin the experience, and blah blah blah. I gotta say, I don't get the hype. Google Messages has a ton of the same features, and works better across platforms for pics, video, etc., than iMessage. Sure memoji or Animoji or whatever are cute and fun, and after day three I've used them zero times. My family and friend group is a mix of Android and iPhone users, and in mixed company, Google Messages is so vastly superior, they're not even in the same ballpark anymore. The fact that I cant customize group chat names, and I have to send pics and videos through MMS is inexcusably bad. I have yet to find some redeeming feature that iMessage offers that isn't available either at an equivalent experience, or often times, a superior experience on Google Messages, Signal, or WhatsApp. Hell, even Facebook messenger sends multimedia in higher quality across platforms. Giving iMessage the benefit of the doubt, it's entirely possible I'm missing something. I'd love to hear from experienced users what is so incredible about this app. Oh, one more thought. I cant stand that whatever I decided to name a group chat with other iMessage users, it names the group chat for them too.

Apple Carplay. I love the look of Carplay. The layout is excellent, and it seems far more intuitive to me than Android Auto. When it works, its awesome. It also seems to be riddled with bugs, and is an inconsistent mess. Time and time again, I'll plug my phone in when I start up my car, and Carplay will appear on my cars list of icons, and clicking on it will bring up nothing. I'll have to unplug the phone, and replug it in to get anything to show up. I'm not sure why, but apart from Apple Maps, both Google Maps and Waze will appear to be totally frozen or timed out, and there isn't a clear way to get them working without going into my actual phone to manually open them. I'm assuming this is iOS simply putting certain apps to sleep after a certain timeframe of not being used, and there's probably some menu I can access to change this, but it's not entirely obvious what the solution is, and as a consumer this is frustrating. Lastly, and most frustratingly, approximately half the time I go to open Spotify in Carplay, and select a song, it will inexplicably play the song through my phone, and not through my cars speakers. This is maddening, and I cannot figure out how to fix it, as the problem isn't consistent, and I haven't nailed down what the variables are to cause it. The worst part, is that the only fix I've found, is to manually restart my phone (and even then, it hasn't fixed the issue 100% of the time)

Now the Cons:

Customization. I knew going into this that customization was Androids thing, and that was a change I'd need to be ok with. Apple has seemed to push more and more customization in their presentations though, so I thought I wouldn't be missing too much. I was wrong. Even something as simple as having apps available to move to lower rows isn't possible. I don't know why iOS insists on defaulting apps to the top rows, especially considering how big phones are. Why it wont allow you to do something as simple as filling in a screen from the bottom is a total mystery. Widgets are nice, but are miles behind Android. I don't want to have to download multiple third party apps to get the same functionality built in by default with Android. Also, the app library? WTF is that? The grouping seems random at best, and the groups seem to jump around on occasion totally ruining any flow or habit forming. What a wildly dumb idea.

Settings fits into this as well. Again, I wasn't expecting the depth offered by Android, but it's not even in the same realm. Android has plenty of issues with consistency and settings layouts depending on which manufacturer they use, but they've been improving this aspect, and the lack of intuitive settings in iOS can drive me nuts on occasion. Basic stuff is laid out very nicely, and is easy enough to navigate, but finding specific settings to change can be rough. Even searching is inconsistent.

Always on display. This is a stupid implementation. To be blunt, I don't give a shit about my background showing up dimly lit. Show me the basics. Time, date, notifications, battery. That's it. I have it turned off. Make it simpler Apple. Android has had this figured out for years.

Autocorrect. This legitimately sucks compared to Android. I've never had so many typos in my life, and some of the words Apple assumes I'm typing out seem to be 100% randomly selected. It's so unintuitive, and will inexplicably "correct" something multiple times despite me retyping it and selecting the correct word I want. The keyboard falls into this as well. Why is there no punctuation on the default keyboard? Why on earth do I need to go into a second menu to select a comma? I don't need a dedicated emoji button. The space bar, and return do not need to take up as much real estate as they do. Shrink them down even a little, and throw in a period or comma.

NOTIFICATIONS! Holy hell this is so bad. So SO bad. I don't understand how Apple users haven't revolted over this. It's entirely possible the majority simply have no idea what they're missing. I've tried every which way to set up my notifications, and will still consistently miss things coming in. If I don't seem them when they immediately pop up, it's likely I will simply miss them until I go into the app. I always found it mildly annoying that Apple users would sometimes take days to reply to a message or an email, but I get it now. I've been in the same boat. It's an awful system, and there is no excuse for it to be this bad in 2022. Why can't there be small icons across the top bar to show me new and unread texts or emails? I've missed multiple important emails because I simply dont know they've arrived in my inbox. I've put them on high alert, time sensitive, you name it, and nothing. I also don't understand why I cant simply have the icon on the home screen display a simple dot or a number of new notifications like they've had on Android since the dawn of time. I'm not going to notice a new email to my primary inbox when the option is either have no notification on the app at all, or have 30,156 emails that includes the unread and promotional junk. The notification pull down is laughably bad. To add to this the layout of the other pull down screen that shows you the flashlight, Wi-Fi, etc. is also poorly implemented. I'm begging you Apple, just copy Android for both those features, which again, have been around for years and years. This feature alone makes it likely I'll make the switch back to Android, it's that bad.

Bugs in general. I've seen this repeated my normal iPhone users as well, so I don't feel like I'm crazy, but man iOS releases seem to have had a lot of bugs. It's mostly small weird things, and multiple software updates seem to have solved them, but the initial experience was not good. Carplay is still a mess for me, and I'm not sure what the solution is apart from sit and wait. I'm hoping future releases will have more stability, and fewer issues. Apple is know for "it just works" but I have yet to see much evidence of that.

*Honorable mention*

Apple Watch. Damn this thing is nice, and it is so well implemented with my phone. Android is miles behind the curve on this one. While notifications may push me back to Android, the Apple Watch may keep me around.


Overall, I highly enjoy my iPhone. It has great hardware, a fantastic screen, and ridiculously good battery life. It's incredibly fast, smooth, and very consistent after a few software updates. The apps all work wonderfully (apart from Carplay), and the internal apps like Health, Wallet, and others are wonderful to use. The camera is fantastic. The Apple Watch is also incredible. It's to the point now where after a couple months, I don't notice big differences anymore between iOS and Android (apart from some major issues with autocorrect and notifications), but the day to day experience is overall awesome. I'm desperately hoping they can improve areas like notification, fix the Carplay nonsense, and keep improving the keyboard, and autocorrect, but overall, I'm incredibly happy with my purchase.



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dskatter t1_iydl4o6 wrote

I actually did read the whole thing, and agree with quite a few of your points. I don’t have a 14 Pro so obviously those specific items I’m unable to speak to. But all in all I’d call this a fair listing of good and bad bits.


aetherfawkes t1_iydn7h1 wrote

Good write up! I also came from android—Pixel 6 Pro to 14 Pro and agree with pretty much everything you said. Just a few small things:

  1. The camera experience (app) is definitely better, but I personally prefer the pixel’s photos, and google’s astrophotography mode and zoom is much better.
  2. For customization, it’s a bandaid solution, but you can make “invisible” shortcuts by having their icon be the exact same as the wallpaper below them, thus forcing apps lower.
  3. I think carplay issues are more to do with the car than then phone.

Battery life is truly amazing, apple watch is much better than WearOS offerings, but keyboard and notifications are atrocious.


ImCraigFuckingCulver OP t1_iydqayy wrote

Good points about the cameras. I had the base S20, and while It had a great camera, it didn’t benefit from the pixel offerings or the zoom of something like a 22 ultra. So I guess take that into consideration with my comments about that.

I’ve just learned to live with my current homescreen set up. I tried a few options including third party stuff, but it was just a big enough improvement. Shortcuts is a good idea though.

I thought that about CarPlay too, but my wife has had the same issues in her car as well. Different models and manufacturers, so not sure how much of a culprit the actual car is.

Glad we agree about notifications haha. Truly horrendous.


Colination t1_iye6hdw wrote

I bought a new Toyota this year. My fiance switched from Android to iPhone about 6 months later and says she very much prefers Apple Carplay. Anecdotal, but it might indicate that it is specific to make and model.


two_awesome_dogs t1_iydtb91 wrote

I love mine. I always had an Android since they came out. Decided to switch to iPhone and got the 14 pm. I love it. The only thing I don’t like so far is when you edit text you can’t put the cursor right in the middle of a word. Otherwise I love it.


Baszie t1_iye3gpg wrote

Try holding the space bar, you get a small cursor for finely selecting text. Start selecting from the cursor’s position by tapping and holding with a second finger.


AquaBoost t1_iye50re wrote

You can hold down the space bar to control where the cursor goes :-)


soundtracking t1_iye0ceh wrote

I drive many different cars for my job, and I have never had the issues you’ve described with CarPlay. It always works flawlessly for me, and I prefer it to the cars own infotainment as I know exactly what I’m getting


20MinuteAdventure69 t1_iyeitt7 wrote

Got the iPhone 14 (non pro) a few days ago. First iPhone. Battery is insane. Camera kills my old phones. The apps customization I agree it’s not nearly as good as android but I also don’t really need to customize anything.

I think I’m an apple guy now and it’s only been a few days

Also, one thing you didn’t mention. It seems like the world is set up for iPhone. All my blue tooth devices attach so easily and never have issues. Had some issues now and then on both Samsung and one plus


ImCraigFuckingCulver OP t1_iyf2tg3 wrote

That’s a good point and seems in line with my comments about app optimization and other features seemingly favoring iPhones over Android phones.


ChuckF93 t1_iye2g8r wrote

I recently switched to iPhone from Android as well.

I honestly find iMessage to be a bit of a gimmick. Its stickers and reactions are very limited compared to those of FB Messenger, and I can actually use FB Messenger on ALL of my devices, not just Apple devices. So just like on my Android phone, the SMS app will be used maybe 5% of the time for general communication. 3rd party apps like Messenger, Discord and Telegram do more of what I want.

iOS 16 still needs some work and polish. I was led to believe that iPhones were smooth stutter-free devices. Not really the case with iOS 16, at least that’s been my experience with the 12 Pro even after the 16.1.1 update. Random stutters when opening apps, switching pages, etc. Nothing game-breaking or outright laggy but not exactly what I was led to believe. I'm sure it'll get resolved in due time. I tried switching back to iOS 15, but I missed the useful lock screen widgets so I came back to 16 again.

The camera has been kinda hit or miss for me. I don't know if it's an iOS 16 thing, but the dynamic range has been really bad leading to some inexplicably poor photos in certain scenarios. Nighttime low-light photos have been really good, but often if there's weird lighting indoors or outdoor daytime shots, I find the lighting to be kinda blown out and the camera software doesn't know what to do. Not exactly the point-and-shoot experience I was hoping for in all scenarios.

CarPlay is fantastic for me, though. Over wireless it's so much better than Android Auto was for me and connects MUCH faster to my car's aftermarket stereo that I can't see myself going back to Android for this reason alone.

Apple Pay is awesome, too. Never had a moment when it didn't work for me and I've been using it OFTEN because it's so damn convenient.

FaceID is simply superb. I still prefer a fingerprint scanner for certain scenarios, but FaceID works very well for most scenarios I find myself in, including outdoors wearing sunglasses.

Haptic typing feedback is not good on the iPhone in my opinion. The tuning feels off to me and I feel as though I can't type as fast because the feedback doesn't feel fast enough. I love this feature on Android, but left it off on iOS. Hopefully they improve it later on, but I don't like this as a first attempt at haptic typing feedback.

The haptic feedback itself in every other part of the UI feels lovely, though. Very tight and crisp even compared to some of the better haptics I've felt on Android phones. It's clear they worked hard on making this feature feel very premium.

Battery life has probably been the worst aspect of the iPhone for me. The 12 series in particular Apple kinda dropped the ball. I'm glad I got this phone as a gift from my boss and didn't spend my own money on it, because this is kinda disappointing.


Stephen_NM2022 t1_iye8izj wrote

I am not going to waste time on a long winded response so I will stick to a couple essentials. This is, BTW, coming from someone who has not switched to an iPhone but instead always carries an iPhone and Android flagship courtesy of my job.

  1. I rent cars constantly and Carplay is the only reliable option across every brand. Android Auto is an actual bug ridden mess, as a quick stop by the Android Auto subreddit will confirm. It (sort of) works in some cars, is tolerable in others, and a disaster in a laughable number of vehicles (crashes, stutter, freezes). Travellers switch to IOS over the [insert your expletive of choice] that is Android Auto. If you came from a Samsung phone then you should already know this since they have more Android Auto problems than any other brand, with Pixels being an ironic second. If you are having problem in A CAR then reset the head unit and check with the dealer for a firmware update. You may just be the exception but those are the usual solutions. They are not Android Auto solutions through since Google pushes out unvetted updates all the time with which manufacturers cannot keep pace.

  2. I will take iPhone notifications anytime over those on any Android device. They always stick until I dismiss them and are not unnecessarily cluttered. When I clear all I am also not presented with several minutes of chimes and tones (a fun Android default reality) when several hundred notifications accumulated during a four-hour DND meeting process. Whether it is that scale or just ten notifications, there is no reason to hear notification tones when clearing them out. It is also more than a bit rude and having to mute a phone to clear notifications (which I frequently need to do) is stupid.

  3. I am not sure what your beef is about AOD. It shows time, date, and notifications be default. That is what I expect to see and all I choose to see on an Android AOD lock screen. What is the problem with having a dimmed lock screen image behind it? The only thing on your list not displayed by default is battery status.


ImCraigFuckingCulver OP t1_iyed4v2 wrote

It's more than possible it's the cars fault, but on my 2020 Nissan and my wifes 2019 Honda, we have similar issues, including Spotify inexplicably playing through the phone speakers and not the car. I don't know how my car would force the phone to play audio through the phone speakers. Apart from some slow downs, I haven't had remotely the same amount of issues with Android Auto, so we'll have to agree to disagree on the user experience. The Carplay subreddit is similarly filled with posts about bug issues.

I honestly have no idea what you're referencing with the endless chimes when clearing notifications on Android? Is it specific to a certain phone? I generally keep most "sounds" on my phones off by default, and haven notifications set to vibrate, so it's possible it's simply something I never noticed. I also appreciate the depth of customization when it comes to things like sounds and notifications on Android that are simply not matched by Apple in the slightest. I understand this is more a preference thing, but Android in my opinion gives you a boat load more options than iOS for notifications in general.

My "beef" with AOD is as I stated. I don't need a dimmed version of my background on. It needlessly drains battery. A black screen with simple icons for notifications, time, etc is more than adequate. If Apple even gave the option to turn the background off to just a black screen with AOD I would have basically no issue using it, but thats not an option as of yet.


Stephen_NM2022 t1_iyeh6r2 wrote

The fact is, again, I rent cars all the time and Carplay is the only option guaranteed to work. Like many others, it is the reason my iPhone became my primary line. In my experience, with very rare exceptions, when someone has an issue with Carplay, it can be resolved by resetting the head unit and/or updating the firmware. Some head units also do not like being set up for both AA and Carplay at the same time. Toyota dealers will be happy to point that one out. Granted, they will also be happy to point out the volume of AA complaints they cannot resolve because Google does not work with the manufacturers. Quite frankly, I would not be surprised if Toyota (and by extension, Subaru and Nissan) bail on Android Auto if Google does not step up.

As for notification, you were not using an Android phone. You were using Samsung's heavily layered version of Android (one of the reasons Samsung phones have constant AA problems). Stock Android default settings result in the phone chiming for every notification unless they have finally addressed in Android 13. If you clear dozens (or hundreds) of accumulated notifications after a long meeting, it will notify you for each and every one as they are cleared. That was part of Google's sloppy vision for its stock lock screen and notifications. Sound like fun?

You made a brief comment about AOD which was patently silly since it does exactly what you claimed it does not (sans battery status). In a long post, you might as well spell out the beef. Your comment, as presented, bordered on the nonsensical and amounted to having an issue with a dimmed display behind your own list of what you already see.


ImCraigFuckingCulver OP t1_iyf2hy6 wrote

Congratulations on your flawless CarPlay experience. I’m happy for you. Thus far, my experience differs greatly from yours. I’m sorry that’s happening. Wish I could change it.

And holy semantics. I’ll have to let literally everyone know that Samsung doesn’t use Android for their phones. It’ll be a surprise to most I’m sure.

My android auto experience with my woefully inadequate Samsung S20 phone was again, less bug ridden in the same 2020 Nissan than carplay with my brand new iPhone. I have a hard time believing three major car manufacturers will drop support of Android auto on their new vehicles but it’s quite the theory. Especially considering several manufacturers now use a custom version of android auto for their default infotainment systems.

I’ve had pixel phones in the past. Nexus phones too. I’ve literally never ran into an issue with chimes and clearing notifications. I have two friends with Pixel 7 pros and they’ve made no mention of clearing chimes. Whatever the situation I have no doubt it can be disabled in settings like every other sound in the OS.

You seem to have taken my comment about always on displays extremely personally and my apologies for clearly offending your delicate sensibilities regarding the feature. I can only assume you’ve personally worked on the feature for apple at this point. I hope any future comments I make will not upset you so much. I’ve heard the same comment made about their implementation of always on displays by multiple reviewers, so I feel pretty safe in my critique.

My apologies for having such incorrect opinions. Good luck with your beeps and bloops.


inate71 t1_iyefdke wrote

I got a 14 Pro on the way and the notifications + autocorrect have me pretty worried. This would be my first iOS device after nearly 12yrs of being Android-only.

Agreed that the two OSes are rather mature and comes down to personal preferences at this point. Still excited to give it all a whirl!

I'm hopeful that at some point they'll revamp notifications on iOS (like grouping). iOS can only get closer to what Android has to offer. Same goes for Android. 🤞


ImCraigFuckingCulver OP t1_iyf0jka wrote

While the notification and autocorrect issues are definitely annoying, they don’t ruin the entire experience thankfully. And I’ve learned to adapt. I just manually check my email and other messaging services more often throughout the day. Agreed though that they can keep improving.


peepeetchootchoo t1_iyf55yc wrote

Your habits die hard, coming from android, I feel you.
Try Google keyboard for typing, it works. iMessage is great if everyone is on apple train. If not, switch to WApp, Signal.. and use iMessage with Apple users.
Customization? After everything I don’t need all those options and features of android customizations. Just let it be simple. Sort your apps in bundles and that’s it. No more swiping of 5 screens to find it. Or use Siri to open it. Yes, Google is superior than Siri but it can do marvelous things sometimes:)
Try Shortcuts. Learn or copy some from someone and it could make some stuff easier for you.
There is vast amounts of stuff to discover and learn, just give it time.
Enjoy it and don’t stress yourself about it, adapt and progress, that’s all.
As for myself I will never go back to Android? Let’s just say “updates” and I think you’ll understand.


Xile350 t1_iyf1wk2 wrote

Same boat as you and most of the same complaints. I actually switched from an s22 ultra so I had the best offering from android at the time and it’s the same story. Notifications are by far the worst downgrade for me. I miss so many things. Only thing I wanted to mention is that I’m running the latest iOS beta and they did add the option for a black screen for always on display which is nice. I’ve definitely noticed a small uptick in battery life. In terms of iMessage, I’ve mainly noticed the difference in sending videos. In the past if someone on an iPhone sent me a vid it was a pixelated mess, and the few people I knew on android didn’t use RCS so it wasn’t any better. Now I can send and receive vids in crystal clear resolution seamlessly. Airdrop is also nice when I occasionally use it.


ImCraigFuckingCulver OP t1_iyf37gb wrote

Great to hear about the black screen option! That’s really my main complaint about the feature and it had a noticeably negative effect on my battery life when I had it turned on.

I will say that similar to you, the quality isn’t as horrendous as it used to be when I’d receive a video clip or picture from an iPhone user. Hopefully that continues to improve and Apple actually adopts a more updated text standard. Airdrop is a legitimately awesome feature that i forgot to mention. Good call there.


Interesting-Dish8894 t1_iyds3ed wrote

I recently switched to iPhone as well and I will say I find the camera and it’s features to be sucking for sure

Samsung can run circles around the iPhone when it comes to their cameras. I had a tree fall last night and I tried to take some early morning pics. Nope. Take it with no flash and they sucked. Take with a flash and they sucked. Can’t choose night mode and just keep the “shutter open “. With my Samsung I can go into pro mode and adjust all kinds of shit and also the Samsung takes fantastic pics and I can make it use night mode when I want like this morning.

iPhone does take quicker pics but this iPhone 14 pro max really sucks. Don’t get me started about the low end bush league zoom


ImCraigFuckingCulver OP t1_iydxiyk wrote

I should have clarified, my view on the camera is based on my experience with my base S20 and not anything more recent or advanced than that. The iPhone definitely lacks some of the more advanced features compared to a 22ultra for instance, but in day to day use, I’ve found the iPhone camera to work extremely well.


r0bman99 t1_iyekxb9 wrote

There Is absolutely no possible way you can have 5 hours of screen on time and only use 10% battery.


ImCraigFuckingCulver OP t1_iyf02yw wrote

I mentioned it being plugged in while driving. That’s not with zero charging throughout the day.