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jce3000gt OP t1_j1rihl2 wrote

Reply to comment by Credix in Where can I get iOS 14? by jce3000gt

Don’t want or need anything later than iOS 14. 13 has suited me for a long time so I don’t want or need anything else as I don’t care about new features or so-called security stuff. I don’t even use my phone beyond text, email, GPS apps, SiriusXM (cannot download) or work related stuff (cannot download) and I do not store anything on my phone that if compromised will do anything.

If I jailbreak the phone could I install the newer versions of the apps that are causing me the trouble without updating iOS?


Credix t1_j1rj26m wrote

I do still recommend updating your iPhone to the lates iOS version, but since I understand your point of view, and I am just a random internet stranger, I don't blame you for not wanting to update.


jce3000gt OP t1_j1rk0ud wrote

Thank you. I’ll look in to the jailbreaking thing and if it won’t accomplish what I need i guess I’ll use what I have until the battery fails and get another phone. This’ll be my last iPhone.
