Submitted by nicku114 t3_zy1r2p in iphone

Hi! I’m looking into buying the iPhone 14 Pro and I think the pill concept is really cool, but I heard that it has some problems in sunlight a while back? I thought I heard they stopped selling it but I saw online they still are. Did they fix the problem? Or is it just not a big deal? Thanks



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michitime t1_j23cepo wrote

Is don’t know what „issue“ you are referring to. Any further explanation?


croholdr t1_j23ejfl wrote

Never go outside. Not an issue.


bumwithshoes t1_j23fp28 wrote

Yeah it was leaking hydrogen pretty bad. Maybe you should look elsewhere 👀


CaptNemo131 t1_j23fjno wrote

That the little bit of black between the two modules is really just black screen? That’s the only “issue” I’ve heard about it related to sunlight.

It’s not an issue, it’s reviewers looking for something to criticize.


Dezurnikriticarko t1_j23hy6i wrote

Yea it was a software bug,they fixed it,now in direct sunlight you can not see anything


Content-Artichoke541 t1_j277o9s wrote

No issue and they didn’t stop selling it. In fact, it is in back order due to high demand