I have an iPhone 11 pro. For nearly 10 months, my battery health remained at 85%. Earlier this year I thought my battery will be needing replacement soon. And I was hoping for a replacement within warranty. Sadly earlier this month my warranty expired. So I just checked my battery health again and what do I see? 79% capacity and a notification of battery degradation and needing for replacement. I guess it can be a coincidence, but I’ve learned to distrust corporations, especially if they can get us to spend extra money.
Anyone else experienced this already?
Kinetic_Strike t1_j1pwrou wrote
Where and when did you get the 11 Pro from? Apple stopped selling them new with the release of the 12 Pro’s, over two years ago, and their refurbs come with a brand new battery. If you bought a used phone how would that be Apple’s responsibility? Alternately it was a brand new 11 Pro, and it could be over three years old. Batteries are consumables. Get it replaced if it needs to be.