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Brawndo_or_Water t1_j15ey7d wrote

You sound like the kind of guy who just watched a couple of mr mobile and mkbhd videos and suddenly think he's a phone expert. The cherry on the cake is that you are calling people dumb.


TWYFAN97 t1_j15fbwt wrote

Unfortunately you couldn’t be more wrong. But this is Reddit of course and most people don’t know what they are talking about especially in this thread. I’ve repaired many phones over the years and I wouldn’t make a statement unless I knew what I was talking about.


ANAL_FUCK_JUICE_YUM t1_j15hw81 wrote

You're hilarious. You can literally take 30 seconds to google images of the iPhone 13 Pro earpiece and see that the part OP is holding is absolutely not it, and their phone is normal. And you've dozens of people here who own the thing saying the exact same. But no, you're right and everyone else is wrong. The irony of you complaining about people on reddit being arrogant is making me thing you are trolling.

Know when to quit.


TWYFAN97 t1_j15iat6 wrote

Take a look at this pic and tell me with a straight face it looks identical to what OP has. The picture OP is showing has the metal grill piece with the holes clearly missing. I had a 13 Pro and it’s obvious OP is missing that part of the speaker assembly. Multiple people blindly stating something doesn’t make them right, but that’s the Reddit hive mind there.

I only make posts or replies to inform I don’t waste my time like some people who do so to troll.


Sir_Lagz_Alot t1_j15kh29 wrote

I’m looking at your photo, OP’s photo, and my phone. And they all match. And clearly there’s tons of people here who also have iPhone 13s or newer, are they all making this up?

“Reddit hive mind” lmao, you’re trying to find problems where there aren’t any.

And FYI, the dot pattern on OP’s image of the “missing grill” doesn’t match the pattern on the speaker. I’d know, I’ve repaired these phones before.


mkyei t1_j15j6vz wrote

How are we supposed to trust someone that doesn’t even have the correct screen protector on their phone?


TWYFAN97 t1_j15jbdk wrote

What the heck you even talking about? Screen protector?


mkyei t1_j15jhin wrote

The screen protector on the phone on the picture you posted is very clearly not even close to the actual notch dude..