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Falcondor07 t1_j1qc353 wrote

Anything that’s wrong with the actual display will never show in a screenshot


Tplains t1_j1qcm1f wrote

That line means the control Center is unlocked using face id


WhiteClawsNoLaws OP t1_j1qd3kn wrote

So odd how I’ve never ever noticed it before. Currently going around the house asking to see others phones lol


WhiteClawsNoLaws OP t1_j1qbxjn wrote

Some google searches and it’s always been there???? I swear I’m going crazy.


lsf178 t1_j1qcxaa wrote

Apparently was added with iOS 15?! I noticed it recently for the first time (after seeing a similar post on here)


EastHillWill t1_j1qej8q wrote

Oh it’s been there longer than that, maybe even since the X


Nerdso77 t1_j1qko1s wrote

Mine does not have it. Now you all have me thinking I am crazy.


djmexi t1_j1sea4i wrote

Tell me you’re not serious


MistrRubiJT t1_j1qer7u wrote

Where you been the last few years?😂 Jk, it’s to tell you that you can swipe down to access control center.


esjoanconjota t1_j1qloxo wrote

All phones after iPhone X have that. That means the control panel is NOT LOCKED and accessible even with phone locked. You can disable that in Face ID options


milkwithiceinit t1_j1r6eg6 wrote

Please tell me you’re joking.


WhiteClawsNoLaws OP t1_j1r6ldb wrote

Nope! Thanks for the useful feedback


milkwithiceinit t1_j1sq6e9 wrote

All the feedback you need is in the user manual, which can be found at the bottom of the Tips app on your iPhone.

Try that first next time instead of adding clutter to this subreddit.


XiosXero t1_j1rwcge wrote

Dunno how to answer your question, but I’ve never looked so closely at the battery icon before and now all I see is a nipple


untacc_ t1_j1smuk6 wrote

Isn’t it funny how we never notice things or remember about things until people show us?

Oh by the way, I just lost the game.


Tes-tickle69420 t1_j1qkh2l wrote

Yes my iphone 14 has that. Its supposed to be there. Its the control center


livinlikeluis t1_j1qmia2 wrote

It’s been there since iPhone X to show people where the new control center was when they introduced the new gestures when they removed the home button. It indicated where the new control center was for those coming from iPhones with the home button.

Depending on your Face ID and passcode settings under “allow access when locked” it’ll always appear or only when your iPhone is unlocked


TheMagicShark t1_j1u2lk1 wrote

It was there since forever. It’s the slider for the control center. Crazy how people have never noticed it.