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MajorasFlask00 t1_j1zke44 wrote

The OLED’s that Apple get sucks and have massive variances in how they perform. They use all sorts of different suppliers resulting in a wide range of difference displays you’ll end up with. Its called the OLED lottery and its ridiculous that we even have to play it. My 14 Pro Max has extremely aggressive green-shifting/rainbowing when viewed off-axis where the vast majority do not. Unfortunately Apple fanboys are so up their own butts that they dont see this as an issue so Apple has never properly addressed it and most people are unaware of it.


ToastedPeanutz t1_j1zz1z2 wrote

Even Samsungs flagships though have this issue too, OLED lottery really does suck though and is real. My past 2 iPhones thankfully have been perfect in this regard


MajorasFlask00 t1_j204r6x wrote

See, this is the problem with the Apple fanboys. “Well mines fine!”


ToastedPeanutz t1_j20bn0u wrote

Has nothing to do with being a fanboy. That’s simply the nature of mass producing OLED panels. Samsung reserves their highest tier quality panels for themselves & even than they run into the same exact issues. Go and return your 14 Pro Max if you are not satisfied with the display


MajorasFlask00 t1_j20f8tt wrote

There should still be quality control at Apple. They notoriously wont exchange over abnormally aggressive OLED “traits”. Its ridiculous. I can accept issues with OLED, but there needs to be continuity with their product. Especially for $1200 phones


ToastedPeanutz t1_j20jxkb wrote

There is continuity..its just Apple wont replace your phone if your display exhibits a bit more color shifting than some othere. My phone has color shifting too when I tilt it etc, but my panel has even brightness all around around and looks perfect to me…my previous 12 screen was also “perfect” besides blacks being grey sometimes in low brightness.

It just happens to be some Apple fans are the most OCD types of people and want their phone to literally be flawless out the box in everyway. I was once like that too, you aren’t gonna get a color shiftless free OLED panel because it doesnt exist

No OEM will replace your phone for free because of color shifting. That’s just how it is, if you get the phone new check for any defects before settling in…you have 14 days to return it no questions asked even for the smallest thing if it bothered you


_gauravchawla OP t1_j22o5di wrote

Since my phone is still under warranty, I'll visit a store nearby to get it checked. Let's see how that goes.