Submitted by Vertsix t3_zzoqdj in iphone


So you may all be aware of the "date trick" for triggering maintenanced (a system process on iOS responsible for cache deletion and management) on iOS to invalidate and expunge System Data (caches) from the disk.

But, cache sometimes gets revalidated - as in System Data goes back to its original size - presumably because maintenanced doesn't finish its process before users set the date back, or because there is a scheduled maintenance period triggered by this date change to expunge the data that isn't triggered immediately (the change to storage after this maintenance period is shown in Storage settings but isn't actually freed at this time).

I have figured out a reliable way to prevent this, and to trigger maintenanced to immediately expunge all cache for good. As in, with this method, you can actually get iOS to immediately reduce System Data use on disk and to have it stay for good. Essentially, you need to set the date into the future, twice.

Read notes below before you begin.

Notes: Make sure you follow Step 3. Also, it's actually not recommended you do this consistently, as caches increase the performance of apps and iOS in general. This should only be done when it spirals out of control. Also only do this if you see System Data above 25GB for best results.

I also recommend deleting and reinstalling Instagram and Discord, if you use them, as they seem to be the mostly sneaky apps camouflaging cache into System Data.

  1. Check your current System Data use on iPhone Storage settings.
  2. Close all your apps.
  3. Critical: Set your iMessages to stay around forever on iMessage settings on iPhone to avoid having your iMessages deleted! Go to Settings > iMessage > Message History > Select 'Forever'. This is important.
  4. Set your iPhone in Airplane Mode and turn Bluetooth and Wi-Fi off (this is to avoid anomalies with iCloud, Apple Watch and other apps).
  5. Change the date to 1 year into the future from the real date. Make sure you followed Step 3 before this step.
  6. Wait 60 seconds. Keep your phone awake.
  7. Check System Data use again. It should be much lower. If you don't see a change, close Settings, relaunch and keep checking.
  8. Change the date to 3 months in the future from the real date (this is essentially 9 months in the past from the last setting).
  9. Wait 60 seconds. Keep your phone awake.
  10. Check System Data use again. It should be around the same or lower.
  11. Change date back to Automatic.
  12. Turn off Airplane Mode.
  13. You're golden!

It's absolutely ridiculous this process is even necessary, Apple should get on board to fix the System Data woes. They have been an issue for many years now.



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HerrBadger t1_j2cz8y6 wrote

Can we pin this to the top of this sub, and automatically redirect any post with the words System Data in them to this post?


arfuin t1_j2d1sae wrote

agreed… majority of the users don’t even know this


DankmirianChancellor t1_j2djekn wrote

Majority of users do not need to be doing this though. I'm all for helping folks with 0KB left, but if you don't know why step 3 of this process is essential, you could really mess things up for yourself.

Just to clarify, if your device's date/time is that far out of sync and you're trying to log in, you could get an account locked just as a security measure. Every app trying to do that? Yeah, "system data" wouldn't be your biggest problem anymore.


Serialtoon t1_j2dwzpu wrote

How would they with this complicated procedure. Apple should just add a "purge cached items" button within the storage section in settings. They can then explain what it does and what could be deleted. They do it on MacOS.


nogami t1_j2encr3 wrote

Know or need.

Been using iPhones since 3G and have never once totally run out of storage.


Whitehotburn t1_j2d24pj wrote

Just did it, I got rid of 8 GB out of 59 GB that my phone was using total, not bad!

Note: I have my messages set to keep for 1 year, then delete, and all of my messages are now deleted. Definitely set your messages to keep “forever” before doing this, just in case!

Edit: I turned off, then back on messages in iCloud and now all of my messages are re-downloading!


Vertsix OP t1_j2e0hk5 wrote

I added your note to the process just in case. Thank you!


Burrito_Chingon t1_j2d3dxq wrote

Same, I delete all my iMessage and WhatsApp message every year.


BlackEric t1_j2dnw1t wrote

Now r/iPhone is going to prepare for the deluge of posts wondering where all their iMessages went.


AlphaVictor87 t1_j2domte wrote

Yup. Didn’t realize this wipes out iMessages. I didn’t have anything super important so no biggie


Reasonable-Ad9987 t1_j2elqzs wrote

Did you read every step?


con247 t1_j2dxke8 wrote

Maybe step zero would be to set iMessage retention to unlimited first


zikasaks t1_j2d0xqu wrote

It helped me to remove just approx 5 GB out of 36 GB system data


Spikyp t1_j2d1vbo wrote

Had 10gb, did it a couple times (even tried restarting) and didn’t shrink even 100mb 🙁


Oferlaor t1_j2cyf5r wrote

Wow. Works !!


Zephyretta t1_j2d7c72 wrote

I’m not sure why people are so hung up in system data usage. In iOS, any surplus free space can be used as a swap or chache. It will be available if you have more data to write on device. In no way is all of that space locked up. Any space you “free up” using OP’s method was always available on your device whenever it was needed.


PartlyProfessional t1_j2defh7 wrote

Not for me, it was really frustrating seeing 80 out of 128GB get taken, then get a lot of messages about capacity


kinboyatuwo t1_j2dlax4 wrote

The only time I have had it be an issue is when I was tight on space and there was an iOS update. It seems to not force this for an update but does for day to day use as needed.


bbllaakkee t1_j2feyzm wrote

same reason people are hung up on battery health after using a phone for 6 months and it's dropped 1%


zigzagg321 t1_j2dlxn2 wrote

This, I could not figure out how to reliably say it to where it made sense but this is it everyone, no need to do the trick, iOS takes care of it and that is exactly why Apple seemingly hasn't "fixed" the non issue


bigfootsocks t1_j2d87ov wrote



TexButtery t1_j2dfciq wrote

According to the setting app:

"System Data includes caches, logs and other resources currently in use by the system. This value will fluctuate according to system needs."

Mine goes up and down. Right now it's about 10gb on my 256gb phone.


Zephyretta t1_j2dikou wrote

This has come up so many times on this very subreddit. If you just search it, you’ll see a monthly thread where this is discussed and link to Apples white paper detailing how caching works.


radfordra1 t1_j2en9xo wrote

Because when you start running low on space for updates and being told "oh we're going to offload some apps to clear up space and then reinstall after the update"

Ok you have all this nonsense locked up in the cache that's probably months and months old and isn't needed anymore but the system won't purge old unnecessary files. Then it becomes a problem.


Habibi-yala007 t1_j2d5iak wrote

Thank you so much!!!!!

From 27gb to 4.1gb!


matfalko t1_j2d4uy2 wrote

Oh come on, can’t y’all just buy a bigger iPhone? /s


McNuttyNutz t1_j2d2kq7 wrote

Very nice thank you

IOS data didn’t lower


System data dropped by 2.1 gigs


AdeptNebula t1_j2eojct wrote

iOS is your operating system. That doesn’t change.


DTrain009 t1_j2dbjuz wrote

Just read post, not bright enough to know why you want (need?) to do this at all? Can anyone explain benefits?


PurelyOxified t1_j2dg7dc wrote

System data is category of data that takes up space on your iPhone/iPad. They include temporary files, log files and media buffers. These are created as you use your phone.

They should be purged after they are not needed anymore but they aren’t being reliably purged on iOS for whatever reason.

Anywhere from 3 - 4 GBs consumed is a reasonable amount of storage use. But these files tend to take up over 25 GBs and in extreme cases, over 100 GBs.

OP posted a reliable way of clearing the unwanted data manually.


realitythreek t1_j2dzxz1 wrote

You’re bright enough to ask why you’d need to do this at all. Which is a great question.


Tinenti t1_j2dbk94 wrote


matt95110 t1_j2dciwi wrote

That’s what mine is when I checked it. I was going to try the instructions but I guess I don’t need to.


avword t1_j2dfaa6 wrote

Yes that’s also what mine is


ThannBanis t1_j2dkbxx wrote

No, that’s what mine looks like after a Finder sync.


mhg123123 t1_j2dsvh1 wrote

I lost all of my messages doing this and they aren’t recovering, just an FYI.


Mp5smg t1_j2du5y7 wrote

Wish I saw this before I tried it…


mhg123123 t1_j2duwuc wrote

Me too, I lost 3 years worth


Kawi_rider_zx6r t1_j2egmkg wrote

It said in one of the steps how to not lose messages. Curious though, whats the purpose to have 3 years worth of messages, like do people really sit and read thousands of old messages just for fun? Never understood this phenomenon of keeping around super old messages.


mhg123123 t1_j2ejkda wrote

My mother passed away and her messages/photos is all I have left of her


radfordra1 t1_j2f4qat wrote

Did you try using an iCloud backup and see if that restored them?


Kawi_rider_zx6r t1_j2eqs2p wrote

Sorry to hear that i wasn't trying to be rude I'm just wondering in general because a lot of people really be saving decade old conversations.


theseyeahthese t1_j2fbtvg wrote

I wish Apple had an option for 5 years for auto-delete. I don’t need decade old messages, but sometimes 1 year is just a little too short of an auto-delete window. I don’t sit around and look at old messages for fun, it’s moreso about searching for a specific detail about something that was discussed. No different than searching through old emails. And since the current options are basically only “auto-delete everything after one year” or “keep everything for forever”, I go with the latter just in case. Tldr, they need more cleanup options.


lap_felix t1_j2dyudi wrote

Easier way if you have a 13 Pro or 14 Pro: Turn on ProRes mode in the video camera. It will indicate that it’s freeing up resources. Then it will stop and give you a button to free up even more resources. After that’s done (1-2 minutes) your system data should be down to zero. I just tried it and went from 20GB to zero.


unknownbeast009 t1_j2egif8 wrote

Any additional steps you have to do? I try it but it doesn’t do anything. I’m wondering if you have to have a limit on storage for this to happen


axellie t1_j2cwgyj wrote

This is the way!


bulleta7 t1_j2d2uuw wrote

not sure what it did. but i went from 22.4 of other to about 4.x gb of other. so i’ll take that as a win. thanks!


meregizzardavowal t1_j2d9nfg wrote

Dammmnnn I hate that this is necessary, but huge thanks to you for discovering/posting this.


Uranium92z t1_j2czhod wrote

OP you can create a github docs for this. Thanks. It works like a charm.


EazoMC t1_j2d7ter wrote

Can confirm, it worked. Down from 9GB to 7.5GB, not much but it's definitely good for me


FatPuppy1996 t1_j2d8se0 wrote

Took my 12 a good 20 minutes to clear 5 gigs out 10gb System Data. Overall, solid trick, thanks!


soctor t1_j2dhwdp wrote

Note that if you have text messages set to delete after a year, they will be deleted by doing this, or were at least for me. 🚨


ElvisJabbar t1_j2d70vo wrote

Only get rid of 1.5gb of 10.89, better than nothing (iPhone 12 mini, 64GB).


NeonBlurx t1_j2dbg8u wrote

Worked for me, 7.3GB shaved off lol


Z4bls t1_j2dombw wrote

I have said it before, but I have cleared out the system data just by powering off the phone for a few minutes then rebooting it.


KevOK80 t1_j2dvupb wrote

I’m reading this thread and wondering the same. I had an issue with system data on my iPad so I did a hard reboot and it went down considerably and hasn’t come back. I don’t understand this convoluted process people are going through.


RandomDude6699 t1_j2d6xdn wrote

Wow! Reading the comments tells this has a very high success rate. I'll try this tonight. Thank you, much appreciated


GodlikeCat t1_j2dsdcp wrote

It's honestly embarrasing that we have to resort to this kinda bs to clear cache on a $1k phone


radfordra1 t1_j2edgc8 wrote

At least android lets you do this with a single button press in the settings.


BothMyChinsAreSpicy t1_j2dv5bn wrote

I just did this and my system data went from 2.49GB to 3.19GB and all my messages are gone.


Stidza t1_j2e3njc wrote

Did everything correctly, cleared up about 9 gigs of data. Everything returned the second I restarted my phone, for some reason.


letmebehealthy t1_j2e3sth wrote

Out of my 14GB of system data, this trick removed a whopping two.


NeonBlurx t1_j2dadsd wrote

This content is certified as gold standard


patw85 t1_j2dbqi6 wrote

Thank you for this, went from 33 to 11 GB


Administratr t1_j2detnu wrote

Please pin this and add to automod


PurelyOxified t1_j2dgdoj wrote

I reset my 32 Gig 6S just yesterday due to this stupid bug. Your post couldn’t have come sooner.

Thanks OP!


paddingtondc t1_j2dgs77 wrote

Awesome, this purged my 12GB of System Data to zero!


humanshitcrazy t1_j2dilww wrote

Is it really necessary? I have never faced an issue even with 64GB storage. It just goes away on its own most of the time.


Danny1098 t1_j2dn8em wrote

My system data dropped from 30 gb to zero kb, thank you sir


Naxthor t1_j2dobg6 wrote

Didn’t work for me. Still at 24gb. Storage isn’t an issue for me so cool if this works for people who need more space.


reddevil08 t1_j2dorph wrote

Went from 17gb to 10.5gb Permanently pin this to the top of the sub!


-Jack_Wagon- t1_j2drxb3 wrote

Nice, 27.7 gb down to 25gb used.


Manfred_89 t1_j2dsnpu wrote

Does this also include cached files like HomeKit or music?

It's ridiculous how big those apps get over time.


DVXC t1_j2dxxvb wrote

Thanks for the tip. It's unfortunate that this is even necessary on iOS. I initially moved away from Android to iOS to avoid silly UX issues like this, but I suppose tech is tech at the end of the day


[deleted] t1_j2e5hvo wrote

Apple hates this one trick.


Comfortable_Loan_742 t1_j2eeewq wrote

Went from ~7GB to ~5GB. Not a huge change, but this does seem to work. I’ll take it!

Thanks for sharing.


mcroyo t1_j2egvom wrote

Thanks op, was at 29gb and went down to 8gb.


JoLazerbeam t1_j2ej2pj wrote

End users shouldn’t have to do this lol


batcake42 t1_j2eliwc wrote

WILL DELETE ALL MESSAGES IF SET FOR KEEP FOR ONE YEAR, switch to forever before trying this


1platesquat t1_j2elsz4 wrote

Only 10gb gone of my 56gb system usage 😣


Trickybuz93 t1_j2elt1e wrote

Make sure you have messages set to “forever” instead of one year.


Reasonable-Ad9987 t1_j2em09a wrote

Hey OP, could this be done multiple times to clear all the remaining data? I went from 17 to 11, but I want it below 10


McNuttyNutz t1_j2em8yi wrote

One this I noticed it my messages was wiped when I did this


baconsingh t1_j2en29o wrote

This is crazy that we’d even need to do this! Thanks for posting!


dan18662 t1_j2epkrp wrote

Thanks for the tip I cleared almost 10 gigs of space 👍


aheze t1_j2esgep wrote

>This is important.

Oof, I feel like some people learned this the hard way


UrbaniDrea t1_j2fwf00 wrote

it’s actually more easy, the post was edited, the important step wasn’t mentioned in the first iteration of the post


brianovo15 t1_j2eszw5 wrote

This pretty much cleared up 21GB of my system data. Golden trick!


MidKnight007 t1_j2f9533 wrote

Imagine doing all this instead of Apple incorporating a simple clear/purge cache. Fucking hell man


T_Sarahli t1_j2f9wxo wrote

I have 11GB of system data but I’m not concerned about it because I have 170GB of free space.


radfordra1 t1_j2fhdhd wrote

You see that’s what I said back in the days of 16GB iPhones. I don’t have much shit on my phone, barely 8GB. So I had more than enough space. Then I constantly got messages of running out of space. The. They bumped the base storage up to 32GB. Fine over kill for me but whatever. “You’re out of space. Please free up some space to download and install this update.”

My storage needs still hadn’t changed that much. Maybe got a few more songs.

Then it’s “you’re out of space we’ll unload some apps to iCloud then put it back after the install”

While I’m sitting here like “your system and other are taking up most of my storage.” Why don’t you get rid of some of that useless junk data.

I’ll bet $50 that there’s junk data from my iPhone 6s cache still even on my iPhone 12.

Now I’ve got 64GB and there’s at least 16GB of other and system data. That’s 25% of my storage taken up by what exactly?


wallabee-champ t1_j2faj7y wrote

you can just download a movie from netflix or a streaming service to force into purging cache files. i did this every two weeks and my system data is never more than 14 gb


tman2damax11 t1_j2ffcoy wrote

Nice! Went from ~30gb to ~25. Will definitely be recommending this to people who have it much worse. Before this I would recommend a backup and dfu restore, which will likely clear out as much as possible. But this is much simpler/faster.


Bios91 t1_j2fladj wrote

Amazing!! Best useful info of the year!!

I used to do icloud backup then reset the iñhone and restore the backup.


rursache t1_j2fmexr wrote

backup and reset/restore + restore from backup works. no messing with imessage or other “sensitive” stuff.


HoosierWReX1776 t1_j2fu390 wrote

Can confirm this method works. Just did the steps. Went from 13.xx Gb to roughly 2.8x. Absolutely dumbfounded how well it worked.

Great job, OP! 👍🤘


johnwayne2413 t1_j2duztx wrote

Or just buy a 1 TB phone and not worry about it.

Or get one of those external storage dongles.


radfordra1 t1_j2edd09 wrote

The fact apple won’t acknowledge that this is an issue let alone fix it and you blame the end user for not buying higher storage space or external storage options is just laughable