Submitted by apetanitis t3_zw2qkb in iphone

I have been an iPhone user for about five years now. Prior to that, the software wasn't really that great and phones weren't as advanced yet and I preferred Android. I have owned the first 3 Pixel phones; all the XL versions of each. A few weeks ago I got the itch for something more. iPhone is boring but very polished and usually reliable. I tried Samsung in the past and I usually end up hating it within a day or less and this includes the s22 Ultra (shutter lag anyone?) So naturally I was very intrigued by the shiny new Pixel phone. It got raving reviews by those who get paid to give raving reviews. I kept hearing the same thing over and over again. Great photos, mediocre processor, "buttery smooth" display, yada yada yada. I will admit, the phone is fun. I really like the software of the phone and enjoyed trying out some of the features. I set up all the apps I use normally and I used the phone for a week. I gotta say that as far as Android goes, it is a very nice device. But - I'm just not cut out for Android, not yet at least. So many apps on it feel very underwhelming and unpolished. At some points it's laughable how archaic some apps look and function on Android. The day to day experience was nice but not as buttery as I expected and I kept finding myself reaching for my "boring" iPhone which to me is rock solid and reliable. We spend so much of our time in our apps and less time using the UI of the phone and while I wish iPhone UI had more pixel like features, the quality of iPhone apps and the polished feel of the UI make up for the lack of features for me. Two more things: the Pixel speakers are not good and there is an imbalance that is very noticeable when watching landscape mode videos, very annoying. I feel like I'm in the minority when I say this but.. I really prefer the way iPhone does notifications. I like that they're tucked away in their own little spot where I can come back to them whenever I want if I choose to ignore them. I think the content of the notifications are more rich and still compact at the same time. I do like the way android handles AOD notifications by showing a little icon, I hope iPhone can adopt that but in general I much prefer iPhone notifications.

So in the end, the iPhone wins out for me. I'm not a YouTuber, or a blogger, or anything special. I'm just a dude that likes tech and tried to go out of my comfort zone and try something new. Unfortunately my comfort zone is boring and reliable.



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TWYFAN97 t1_j1si7wy wrote

I don’t think the iPhone is boring. It never has been, and with customization options more than ever with the lock screen and widgets it’s even better. But if you’ve used iPhones all your life it can feel stale after a while and then you appreciate things like the ecosystem and reliability from the cameras, battery life and overall experience.

I myself tried android a few times from Galaxies to Pixels and while they had some cool features they didn’t win me over with anything and the experience wasn’t as polished or had as much of an ecosystem like apple.


apetanitis OP t1_j1sig1b wrote

Yeah I didn’t mention that I have AirPods, a watch, a 14” MBP, and an iPad. I was willing to make some compromises and adjustments if the pixel experience blew me away but it didn’t


TWYFAN97 t1_j1sio1h wrote

Yeah if you were already in the apple ecosystem trying another phone is no easy task and that’s when you appreciate what apple offers.


Eazy3006 t1_j1su579 wrote

Very similar situation. I used nexus/pixel for a long time. Switched to iPhone with an 11 pro.

After 3 years on IOS and now with a 13 pro max, I wanted to go back to Android so I bought a Pixel 7 pro on Black Friday. There are many feature that I love. Like a decent keyboard, notifications that work ( we disagree on this one ) better stock apps like calculator, clock app … and much better still pictures.

But the experience is very stuttery. I feel like everything comes with a few stutters. I actually was surprised a couple times to see the "swiping home" animation stutter. It really is not a smooth experience imo.

Honestly at this point, I’ll settle for a decent keyboard, decent notifications and a universal back button. If Apple could deliver on that ( they won’t ) I’d never switch again.

But anyways, the 7 pro isn’t it. It’s most likely going back to google in the next 2 weeks.


apetanitis OP t1_j1svaw8 wrote

The 7 Pro really is a nice phone but once you get used to certain things, the little things, the intangibles, it’s really hard to go back. I do wish Apple keyboard was better, that pixel keyboard is so good. I like the pixel media player too I think that’s cool.


Modokon t1_j1uvdgs wrote

If you like Pixel KB, is Gboard not a good kb option for you?


apetanitis OP t1_j1wkljj wrote

Have you tried Gboard for iPhone? It’s not very good. The pixel typing experience was really good


liteworks t1_j1swvuv wrote

I agree with everything you said. Reluctant iPhone user dying for universal back and improved notifications OR an android that actually nails everything.


apetanitis OP t1_j1t0139 wrote

I still maintain that iPhone notifications are better. I actually see and read each one that comes in because they are all stored neatly in the Notification Center. And I like the way they look better too. I do wish there was more customization though for individual apps and such


SantiFRV_ t1_j1uapym wrote

That's funny, i went from a 6 pro to a 14 Pro max and I agree with you in a lot of points. To me, iphones are boring, but boring isn't bad. Yes overall I'd say my experience on the iPhone is more polished but that's not to say it wasn't polished on the 6 pro. I do miss the camera on the pixel as it was much better imo. Apps do run better on iOS though WhatsApp, weirdly enough, is the one I solidly prefer on Android.

I do wholeheartedly disagree about notifications though, they're done so much better on Android it's kind of ridiculous. Also, the typing experience is much better on Android too. But to each their own. I do love the hardware of the iPhone but it's software makes me want more.


Chemical_Ad_8467 t1_j1u0i54 wrote

I do agree with you especially with the notifications, I never got why people say that iOS notifications are terrible especially after iOS 15 and 16 , I think now notifications are great and always liked notifications on iPhones more than android phones


Scw0w t1_j1tyb8y wrote

I've been using Android all my life. iPhone 11 is my first iPhone. I still adore him. The interface is smooth even after so many years.


Ranglergirl t1_j1t23ue wrote

I was a diehard android user and hated iPhone every time I used it. Then around the X models and iOS 14 I thought they were way better. It have never looked back. I absolutely love the  ecosystem and security. Jmo


Calrissien t1_j1u2xf3 wrote

I will probably never switch back to Android. I was an Android user for ten years and I tried just about every phone and grew to hate the software. Admittedly, I never tried a Pixel device. I decided that I wanted to see what iOS was like after not having an iPhone since the 4s. It just works. I have less issues with iPhones than I've had with any other devices. It does more right than wrong for me and the way everything in that ecosystem talks to each other is awesome. They got me now. I have so many Apple products it would be hard to go back even if I wanted to. I would be interested in checking out a folding Pixel device though.


_Suspended_Account_ t1_j1wcmrl wrote

If you've spent more than 5 years with one platform, I honestly think that for 98% of those people who switch brands, they will not last.

I'm the opposite. I was an Android user since 2010. Switched to an iPhone 13. I enjoyed it. Even got the 14 Pro; I enjoyed that as well, but I just missed Android and the things that it does better than iPhone (don't get me wrong, there are a ton of things Apple does better than Android).

We're creatures of habit. We love what we know.


haze250 t1_j27afih wrote

I was a Samsung user for a decade and TBH it was hard to come out of my shell to buy an iPhone until I finally did for the 14 Pro Max. I guess years and years of promise just brought me down to my knees, a stuttering mess, shutter lag, average to just good battery life, and my S21 Ultra that has the Exynos Processor(no choice since market doesn't sell snapdragon) some apps just lags often, the phone heats up like crazy until I noticed that the adhesive on the back panel just degraded/melted to the point that back panel is popping off due to what the service center said (overheating of the phone) and they blamed me for using the phone too much on mobile data.

Finally bit the bullet with the 14 Pro Max. The experience is just wow in terms of fluidity and app optimization standpoint. I never used my Samsung Phone like a Power user should (i.e Multitasking). The universal back button, home screen customization, and google assistant were the only ones that I missed but other than that after a month I am now completely used to iOS. Battery life is superb, and it runs way cooler than my Samsung Phone even while using 5G.


_Suspended_Account_ t1_j2921zx wrote

I was the same way when I switched from Pixel to the iPhone 13. I was blown away at fluidity, app optimization, etc. Just super smooth, incredible processor. But, a year later, I just really missed Android, flaws and all. You're only a couple months in; I'm curious to see if your opinion changes in a year like mine did. Don't get me wrong though, if I still had an iPhone, I'd enjoy it. But Android is home for me apparently.


utkz t1_j1t43uu wrote

You’re probably not a power user, I’ve been a power user for nearly a decade and I’ll always pick an Android over an iPhone for anything important that requires hours and hours of work especially at work.


apetanitis OP t1_j1t4aoe wrote

How would you define power user?


utkz t1_j1t4z16 wrote

So it’s broad but as for me, I travel very frequently and am on Zoom calls all day (8-10 calls each over an hour) on my phone along with seeing, commenting and reviewing docs, presentations, plans on my phone while collaborating for hours. The iPhone isn’t built for serious on the go work as far as I’m concerned as I always had to take out my Mac (great device, best laptop hands down) to get the work done. This wasn’t the case when I used an Android s22 ultra, pixel 7, I was moving fast seamlessly. Even the battery is pathetic on 14 Pro so even that isn’t an argument anymore. I use my iPhone just for texting, music and watching Twitch.


utkz t1_j1t470n wrote

And I’ve every Apple device that exists in the market


undercovergangster t1_j1t5l9u wrote

These were the devices I was trying to choose between this year and you summed up the reasoning for going iPhone perfectly. My main reasons to go iPhone were:

  • Reliability and software experience
  • Reliable, long-lasting battery life
  • Better display and brightness
  • Reliable camera in both pictures and video
  • Apple Watch >>>>>> any Android watch

Overall, it's just a way more reliable and established experience and I know that the Pixel 7 Pro would've had better pictures but the ultrawide camera and videos on the iPhone are much better than the Pixel's.

I'll see how the Pixel 8 improves but I feel like Google's locked in to the Pixel 6/7/8 series and don't expect changes until at least the 9.


kino6912 t1_j1ugi4d wrote

You prefer the notifications on iPhone over android you must be mad!

And I made the switch TO iPhone this cycle

I kept hearing about all this “polish” but man I’ve had so many apps crash or keyboard freezes etc

Also it drives me insane how Apple forces you to have apps from top to bottom on the Home Screen .like what?!

I LOVE the battery life and camera on the iPhone


Kiergard t1_j1tlm2m wrote

I was an iPhone User since the 3gs. iOS reached the point where its just a mess and annoying. Changing background became a task. Why do i have to reconfigure my clock and unblur the homescreen? Notifications are dumb and focus modes too. Just give people proper multi user support to separate work and personal apps like on android. Background downloads for spotify or audible still not possible. Seems like the best processor in the world cant handle this ;) Also the camera gets worse every year with the processing. The 14 pro camera is in most scenarios a downgrade to the 13 pro. Good job apple. Seriously wtf. But hey, now we have a dynamic island which nobody asked for and is useless. Thank god the marketing department has something to do now.

While i agree with you on some aspects (speakers for example)... 899 the p7pro with watch to 1449 in my country for the 14 pro max makes it a hard pass for the iPhone.

Got the 14 pro as company phone and it collects dust.


Independent-Bear-604 t1_j1u7ej6 wrote

A very good point made for those reviews appearing on youtube. Many KOLs love to make flagship Android devices look popular, but in fact entry Android models often have better sales simply because of low price.


No_Breadfruit_7082 t1_j1uis9u wrote

I gave my son my 13 Pro Max last week and thought I could get along using my 3rd generation iphone SE. Nope. It's a great little phone. Going back to 60 hz was worse than I thought. So I bought a Pixel 7 yesterday. So far I like it. It's no A15 for sure and it shows in gaming. I like that the apps are alphabetized and the android experience is different. I am a die hard apple fan. Have the latest watch, ipad. However, I get bored. I tried and returned a Samsung s22 plus and another Samsung earlier this year. Too much overheating even when adding a fan. It was a nice UI though. I will go back to apple late fall 2023 for the 15 and look forward to seeing the long term tests on the newest Snapdragon. The androids seem to be closing the gap a bit.


[deleted] t1_j1wf714 wrote

i've bought the pixel 4a and regret it. the battery is dying and google search and apps are always in your face and you can't delete them. i'm planing on buying an iphone next.


ABN_Rhepz t1_j1sjdr0 wrote

iPhone is better jailbroken


ABN_Rhepz t1_j1sjczr wrote

iPhone is better jailbroken
