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ollieseven t1_j5m1hww wrote

> Overall, I just want to have control to make the phone work for me

I'm a year into my first iPhone and have learned that you have to give up some control with this OS. I can't even set up the Home Screen to best suit my usage. I'm stuck with a Today panel I can't disable and an App Drawer that's annoying to navigate (and also can't disable). Home Screen, widgets, and placement -- basic UI customization I was used to on Android is a lost cause here.

Your notification needs are ahead of my basic ones but even my basic usage leaves me wanting. For example, the notch renders the status bar useless. No room for any of those helpful icons that let you glance down at one spot to see what's waiting. The Shortcuts app does have options to automate some email actions and that might be what you're looking for, but I haven't personally put that to use.


ChowboyDan t1_j5m25a0 wrote

Thanks. It's good to hear these experiences.

Re: UI customization - I realized that I hardly customize my UI anymore, so I don't think I'd miss that. There were times I had all kinds of crazy setups with alternative launchers, but I've been sticking with the standard Pixel launcher for years now.

I've been looking into some of the Focus functionality, and it looks interesting. It wouldn't meet all of my notification needs, but it might be enough. Mostly, I think I'd have to change my expectations if I were to move to iOS. We'll see.