Submitted by AutoModerator t3_10l4z8n in iphone

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ulala-not-a-streamer t1_j5yj2zu wrote

I’ve been using XR for 4 years now, and I’m looking for an upgrade to either iphone 13 (normal version) or 14 pro. 14 is not different from 13 but a bit more expensive so I took that out of the equation. I mainly use my phone for watching shows, taking photos and recording my piano practicing clips, so that’s why I’m hesitating since the 14 pro has an upgrade on the cameras, I’m wondering if it’d be worthy of the extra $400 compared to the iphone 13 (price in my area)? I’d be looking to use this phone for a while and not get another upgrade so this is quite important, I can afford the extra bucks but I want it to be really worthy of the money I think. TIA 🙏


dislikebuttonz t1_j67dk7p wrote

this is my opinion so take it how you want. for $400 more you’re getting the dynamic island, AOD, 48mp camera & the safety features apple made a big deal about.

i didnt mention 120hz, the zoom cam or the macro cam because you can get those 2 features from a used/refurbished or old stock 13 pro from another retailer but yes you can technically get those from the 14 pro too

anyways my 2 cents is i personally don’t think the 14 pro is worth $400 more than the 13. i can live without 120hz, the dynamic island looks like a gimmick to me, safety features while nice to have i wouldn’t use them & then the 48mp cam would take up too much storage. imo the only features id be looking foward to are the zoom cam, macro cam & the AOD. but $400 more worth it? i personally wouldn’t, id rather save the money & get a 13. it’s still a great value phone & you get most of everything you’d need

however don’t get me wrong if ur drooling over some of those features the 14 pro has then sure go for it, as it’s not in a bad situation to get like the base 14 is but me personally i’d rather save $400


Grilled_Trout t1_j6h7v8j wrote

I was going to comment, but you said EXACTLY what I was going to say. I second this opinion!


Informal_Upstairs136 t1_j65poyx wrote

im on the same boat tbh. thinking of the iphone 14 plus or 13 pro but still indecisive


uhmare t1_j66e6yw wrote

The 14 Plus, 14 Pro and 13 Pro Max are around the same price with a plan in my carrier but I’m also considering a refurbished 12 pro max or just waiting for the 15 pro.


oftenGetsItWrong t1_j6av4bq wrote

This comment captured my situation exactly. XR user for 4 years, eliminated 14 because it's too similar to 13, debating between 13 vs 14 pro.

Only thing stopping me from getting the 14 pro are the poor battery life reports. I'm also wondering if I can still get an unlocked 13 pro from anywhere? (non-refurbished)


ulala-not-a-streamer t1_j6gdco7 wrote

Unfortunately it doesn't seem like anyone would give us a helpful answer, except just stating the specs. For me I've never really noticed the difference in battery life since I'm used to just charging whenever needed, and I'm not in your region but in my region I can still get 13 pro new or like new.

For me, I kinda decided I'd try them in the store to see which one I'd enjoy using, and I really like the feel of the 14 pro since it's a bit different from the 13, while the 13 feels like my old iphone 4 that I used many years ago. But I don't really like the frosted glass on the pro model sooo I'm still hesitating on the upgrade, probably will need to wait for the 15 xD


rosebudpillow t1_j5vapyf wrote

Should I purchase an iPhone XS or iPhone 11?


fyrelawd t1_j5w5b9f wrote

iPhone 11, it will be supported the longest. The only concession is the fact that the 11 has a LCD screen vs the OLED screen in the XS.


dislikebuttonz t1_j67e0cb wrote

iPhone 11 easy. sure the tech nerds are gassing up the XS’s display (which there is some truth to it it’s actually better than the 11) but it’s not that much better how they hype it up to be. the 11s display would be good for everyday usage

anyways id get the 11 because it’ll last longer & it has a much better battery life that you’ll appreciate more often


Aggravating-Hair8355 t1_j5xvzjk wrote

Depends on which phone you are coming from. If you’re coming from LCD display, its okay to go for 11. If you’re someone who can notice difference between OLED and LCD, XS might be better. Also 11 back glass and screen are more durable than XS so 11 is indeed better in most things


FoxMuzik t1_j65r3vv wrote

I have both and the screen on XS is by far better and more pleasant to the eye. Even for everyday use, such as reminders, texts etc.


Am3l1 t1_j6im393 wrote

Was considering between that two models like a 2 months ago, and picked up Xs Max, I know I know 11 is overall better but I just can't use LCD I'm so used to OLED screens


rlxe t1_j6jmx5e wrote

I have to get a work phone and am torn on what to get: iPhone 13 Mini or iPhone 14 Pro.

I have used all original iPhones leading up to 5s then went to original SE, iPhone 7 and now SE 2020. The Mini seems like a normal progression, and I like the idea of a light and small device, but my eyes aren't what they used to be. Plus I have never had the best phone available.

iPhone Mini: Light and small powerhouse. But is it too small?

iPhone 14 Pro: Best of the best, but is it too bulky?

Any advice would be appreciated.


Edit: I went with the Mini. Handling them again in person really solidified just how much too big the 14 Pro feels to me. I’m very happy with my choice and can only hope that by voting with my wallet we will see the Mini come back another day.


nowooski t1_j6kh1kz wrote

Personally, I'd go with the 14 for the battery life, but I think it really depends on if you want to prioritize. With the smaller phones, you have a very stark tradeoff between size vs camera and battery.

If you're No. 1 priority is a small size and you have no opinion on anything else, PerfectRec has the 13 Mini at a 41% confidence match for you. But that would change dramatically if you care about camera or battery. If you say battery is more important than size, it has the 14 Pro at a 53% match for you. That number would creep up depending on your camera and budget priorities.


MangyCanine t1_j6ks160 wrote

> iPhone Mini: Light and small powerhouse. But is it too small? > > iPhone 14 Pro: Best of the best, but is it too bulky?

Unfortunately, this depends upon your personal preferences, and so we can't answer that for you.

For example, I think the 13 mini is too small (but is a decent phone otherwise). However, many people think the 13 mini is the perfect size. There's nothing wrong with either opinion as this is all personal preference. We don't know how you'll feel.

I think the Pro models are a good size, but many people think they're too heavy or too big. We don't know how you'll feel.

You should really check them out in person.


uhmare t1_j61en6o wrote

Should i upgrade to the 14 pro max?

So… I’ve had the iPhone 11 since launch. At some point it got water damaged but it only affected the charger (charging exclusively wireless for 2 years now) and the battery needs to be replaced. But I’ve also been thinking about getting the 14 pro max. Gimmicks aside, i realized I’d benefit from the 3x camera and been postponing my 11’s much needed visit to a repair shop. However, I’m not entirely sure if i should wait for the 15 and get an M1 Macbook Air for uni instead. Anyone gone from the 11 to the 14 pro max? Was the difference impressive?


dislikebuttonz t1_j67cv56 wrote

if i were you i’d honestly keep the 11 and get the macbook. doing work on uni is more important than having the latest phone. you can definitely wait until the 15 judging from what u said


Cyb3rOperator t1_j632oa4 wrote

I've had my iPhone 8 Plus since the end of 2018 and and has been holding up, but it's now showing its age with a 74% battery capacity, it gets random freezes from time to time... but it's still pretty much usable.

I've been looking at upgrading to something like the iPhone 13 (new) for the past few months, but with even trading my 8 Plus it would be more than 800€ for a base model. Now, a close friend of mine needs the money and is seelling his iPhone 11 Pro 256GB for 500€ which I think is fair. The battery was replaced a year ago or so and it's currently at 94%, the phone itself is like new.

I'm not really a heavy user anymore and I try to use my phone as less as possible. Not even using social media lately, I'm currently in a digital detox kind of.

Do you guys think it's worth it for me to upgrade to the 11 Pro or should I just aim for the 13 for example, to future proof?


dislikebuttonz t1_j67cksd wrote

How long do you plan to keep your phone before your next upgrade?


NewbNym t1_j6526ug wrote

I would have asked this in a separate post since it has nothing to do with buying, selling or trading phones but the mods removed it because it apparently is related to that, so apple released an update for the iPhone 6, should I update mine?


axerlion t1_j65bh51 wrote

If you message us we can approve the post.

Edit: just had a look, looks like it should have been approved so I'll change it


skilzpwn t1_j676etz wrote

WSIB if I really only care about battery life. I really don’t care about cameras but seems like you can’t get one without the other.


dislikebuttonz t1_j67c7cx wrote

You want the best battery life but don’t care for the cameras? 14+

maybe a 13 pro max if you can find one used/refurbished because if you do it should be around the 14+s price range new. but if you buy new then def a 14+

If you’re on a budget consider an 11 pro max as it’s also a beast altho make sure it’s battery health is good


davwman t1_j6f2e36 wrote

Anyone move down to a mini from plus sizes? Kind of tired of the huge device and want something that I can barely notice in my pocket. Moved to the 14 plus and regretting it. Should have went with the 13 mini. Now I’m stuck with the 14 plus on the upgrade program.


ya_girl_drake_420 t1_j6k21lq wrote

Just came from a galaxy to the 14 pro max and notice my galaxy buds arnt as functional with my new iPhone. Wondering if anyone can give me tips on what AirPods are the best/ best value.


MangyCanine t1_j6kseb0 wrote

None are particularly cheap except for maybe the first one:

  • Airpods 2nd gen. Relatively inexpensive but has the weakest sound. OK sound if you don't need much bass.

  • Airpods 3rd gen. Better sound (has some bass) but is shaped differently than the 2nd gen. Some people find these uncomfortable. More susceptible to earwax blockage than the 2nd gen (search youtube for "airpod cleaning").

  • Airpods Pro (2nd gen). Best sound, has noise cancellation. However, these are in-ear speakers which feel like having fingers stuck in your ear. However, you might have to get 3rd-party eartips to get the best fit (and, even then, these might not fit your ears). Much less susceptible to earwax due to recessed speaker grilles, although the outer vents can be susceptible.


ya_girl_drake_420 t1_j6ksv5s wrote

I was looking at the pro 2nd gens because they are the newest and seem like the best sound quality just by the specs I’m switching from the galaxy buds so I’m used to the tipped earbud shape. I was worried about the 3rd gena being uncomfortable as I have small ears so that’s very helpful


MangyCanine t1_j6kugv7 wrote

Yeah, people will small ears often report issues with the Airpods 3rd gen.

The Airpods Pro 2nd gen are better for small ears as they now have extra-small (XS) tips for a better fit in small ears. Note that you might want to go with 3rd-party XS or S foam tips as some people report a better fit with those vs the included silicone ones (but foam tips might not last as long as silicone ones).


ya_girl_drake_420 t1_j6kvoao wrote

Thanks for the help! I think I’ll definitely splurge and go for the pros! I was really down to those and the 3rd gen because of the mag compatibility. I just wasn’t sure if the extra almost 100$ was worth it. For me specifically it definitely is. Much appreciated.


dislikebuttonz t1_j6piv4w wrote

i’m gonna add onto this & say if you get them from a retailer that’s not an apple store (walmart, target, best buy etc), they have a 14 day return policy so you can actually return any pair of airpods as long as you bring the receipt or proof of purchase if they don’t fit you well


Impressive-Door-2616 t1_j5vi6su wrote

Hello guys , so i got an iPhone 14 a while ago and i don't quite like it and would like to upgrade to iphone 14 pro , is there any way i can trade in the device?


fyrelawd t1_j5w5v2z wrote

Depends on how long “a while ago” is and where you bought it from. If you’re outside of a returns period your best bet is probably to sell the 14 and buy the 14 pro with the profits.

You could do a trade in through Apple, but I don’t think you’d recover as much of the value as selling the phone.


AboutKemosabe t1_j5xjmol wrote

I'm planning on getting one of them? Why don't you like the 14?


dislikebuttonz t1_j67dtvs wrote

probably because it’s 99% the same phone as the base 13 & he realized he got ripped off $100 so he’d rather use extra money to get his moneys worth on a 14 pro


aethiops274 t1_j5vjgro wrote

Thoughts on iPhone 13 versus iPhone 14 Pro for candid pet photos? I thought the iPhone 14 Pro would be clearly better, but I saw this post complaining about how the camera switches to ultra wide when in close range. I think I'd prefer the one that takes the best shot with minimal fussing.


blaine12100 t1_j5w8vcj wrote

I am not trying to start a flame war but I have a genuine question here. I am in the market for a new smartphone and would like to give iOS a shot this time. What's the best iPhone that i can buy that will ensure a good experience (Software, camera, battery life) and not break the bank?

For context I've always used Android phones before and i am looking at Google Pixel 7/7 Pro as alternatives.


Aggravating-Hair8355 t1_j5xw4c1 wrote

Starting from Iphone 11 every iphone is good. Don’t go for SE. I think you can get 11 and 12s relatively at a great price.


FarDoctor6200 t1_j68i3ho wrote

why does everyone sleep on the se? its a great phone. id pick the 3rd gen se over those older phones all day.


Aggravating-Hair8355 t1_j697m4e wrote

SE has a very very poor battery that wouldn’t last 4hrs of screen on time. Why take the risk?


FarDoctor6200 t1_j698hn2 wrote

i mean yeah it prob wont play a youtube video for 4 straight hours but it gets me through the day. i avg about 6 hours of screen time a day which takes me to about 30% after 16 hours. im mostly on reddit/browsing/playing music throughout that time. the 2nd gen battery life was abysmal imo, 3rd gen really isnt so bad.


bloodxandxrank t1_j5y7y1x wrote

i was converted by an 11. it's still a wonderful phone but i wanted the pro model so i upgraded to the 14 pro. while it's a massive upgrade, the overall experience is just as good, minus the zoom lens and a few things when the lidar comes in handy. everything on the iphones just works. i always had some kind of problem with android no matter what phone i got. i just really enjoy the apple eco system now.


blaine12100 t1_j64i5i5 wrote

Isn't the whole ecosystem kind of expensive?

I'm not sure if I want to spend money for the ecosystem (Don't require the iWatch/Mac).

Also can we use Google products instead of apple(maps, Gmail etc).


bloodxandxrank t1_j667esh wrote

you don't have to buy in to the eco system. i just found that apple products fit my needs better. you can still use any earbuds or anything else you want to. you can still use the google system as you please. you're not forced to using only apple apps. i regularly use google maps, gmail, google calndar, waze, and a lot of other apps that aren't specific to ios. i was a die hard android fan my whole life but apple was simple and everything worked well. i'm sure there are plenty of good android phones around these days too.


TheBlackFatCat t1_j6co3z2 wrote

Hi! Android user since day 1 here, my Samsung galaxy s8+ died last week so I decided to go for my first iPhone, a 14 pro max, it’s been doing great. I’m not in the Apple ecosystem and it’s still fine, I use the Google app alternatives as I can carry on with what I had and easily sync to my windows laptop. I also use Garmin watches and they also work quite well. As others have said, you don’t have to be tied to the ecosystem


blaine12100 t1_j6d2qec wrote

What about photo storage and stuff. Dy you need to use icloud or can you get by using Google drive only?


TheBlackFatCat t1_j6d2zwi wrote

I get by with only google drive (google photos). Everything gets uploaded there automatically


Aggravating-Hair8355 t1_j5xvt2o wrote

Financially Is it better to trade in/ sell a phone in 3 years or use it till wheels fall off (5-6 years)? Since by 5th year you won’t get anything for the phone.


[deleted] t1_j68zx1u wrote



Aggravating-Hair8355 t1_j697gze wrote

Thanks. Yeah, I prefer prepaid phones too. That way I can choose cheapest plans.

But also I am curious about when to resell it.


rvlx52 t1_j5xwury wrote

Hey there. Just got a fresh 12 Pro and I'm starting to doubt whether it was a good descision. I like the looks of the Pro model, the overall feel because I work a lot using a smartphone. The 14 has bigger battery and newer chip. The benefits of 12 Pro are only telephoto lens and LIDAR as far as I understand. 14 Pro seems too expensive for me in the current situation.

So should I return my 12 Pro to seller and get 14?

PS For photography I don't really care much, even if I go somewhere with my son I take one of my professional mirrorless cameras.


XayeeX t1_j660eim wrote

go for a 13, a 14 isn’t worth it.


AboutKemosabe t1_j5y0ylm wrote

I'm planning on switching to iOS, and I'm stuck on deciding which iPhone I should get. I'm thinking about 13, 14 and 14 Pro. I've heard that the 14 Pro is pretty bugged tho. I use my current phone mostly for social media, a few random pics, ofc music and YouTube and sometimes I connect it to my car for Maps, so I guess it'd be the same with an iPhone. What really gets me is the Dynamic island and the 120Hz refresh rate of the Pro. What's your opinion? Is it really worth the price? Or I should just get the 13/14?


XayeeX t1_j660l7u wrote

120hz is nice to have but it’s not needed tbh. Imo u should get a 13 as it’s 99% the same as the 14. if not then 14 pro is fine


atacamasand t1_j5y5oyi wrote

What should I buy: IPhone 11 64GB at €489 (normal warranty) or iPhone 12 128GB (1 year Apple, 2 additional years store warranty) at €800?

I can get an 11 from an electronics chain or a 12 from a department store. The 12 is said to have a great OLED screen -- the 11 an LCD screen, which is supposedly not as good (the 11 wasn't charged in the store so I couldn't try it). It also as 5g, and the 11 has only 4g. I prefer the feel of the 12, and it's lighter. Also 128GB memory. That having been said, it's about €300 more expensive. I prefer the 12, just from holding it, and the warranty is better (although I don't know the details of the "store warranty"), but is it worth the price difference? In a different thread I posted, people have said no. But other threads have said that between the 11 and 12, go for the 12 (although there wasn't this exact price/memory difference).


XayeeX t1_j661a1k wrote

no the 12 is not worth €300 more than the 11


KoneKone15 t1_j5zrjes wrote

Does anyone know where I can get an iPhone 13 Pro Max? Looking to upgrade my dad’s iPhone 11. I’ve only been able to see refurbished units on Amazon. TIA


MangyCanine t1_j62q81a wrote

It's no longer being made. You have to buy used/refurbished.


dislikebuttonz t1_j67d19t wrote

either available on carriers/other retailers or as the dude stated, used/refurbished from literally anywhere


canadadry6 t1_j603q87 wrote

Would you upgrade to the iphone 14 pro max from the 11 pro max? Pros and cons?


goldenitovbrat t1_j60wsni wrote

Is iPhone 11 worth buying now?

I should get a new phone very soon, and the iphone 11 is at some kind of sale and is affordable, but is it worth it? I never had an Apple device and would like to try. The other models are far more expensive and the prices are much higher since i am not from the us. The software support is great so that's not a problem. If i bought it, i'll use it for 2 years, so please write your honest opinions or suggestions


Chalk-and-Trees t1_j63bfmy wrote

I’ve been using an iPhone 11 since late 2019 (upgraded from 6S). It only recently has started to have some issues with keyboard glitching very occasionally, but aside from that, it’s has been a solid phone for everyday use.


XayeeX t1_j661ht9 wrote

yeah you should be good with an 11


WiseDragonfly08 t1_j6alwmo wrote

Just got an iPhone 11 and it's great! They release a new phone every year so I believe there isn't a huge difference between the 11 and 12/13...


JacxFur t1_j61189f wrote

Camera quality: SE1 vs SE3 vs 13Mini

I have an iPhone SE1 and I want to upgrade, one of the reasons I want to do is the camera quality, I usually take pictures of slideshows at school on my SE1, but they’re barely readable, so I want to know... if I buy the SE3/13 mini, will the text from the slideshows be clearer and readable? I tried to compare them using Apple’s “Compare iPhone models” webpage, but I don’t know what the camera specifications mean in practice so I just came here to ask


FarDoctor6200 t1_j68imjo wrote

refurb iphone se 3rd gen all day. the cameras between the two phones are basically the same, iphone mini has the ultrawide as well.

my opinion is if youre upgrading from the 1st gen se, you should get the third as its astronomically cheaper than the iphone 13 mini. i paid $250 for mine from amazon. youll be happy with the upgrade either way though.


_KillingEve_ t1_j621ij4 wrote

Hey everyone! My iPhone 7Plus is in pretty good condition. No cracks or chips, it’s lived in a case and had a screen protector on since I got it!

That said with age the battery is not at optimal condition. It’s at 77%. But to be honest, I haven’t noticed it’s diminished life.

The thing that has me infuriated is it’s 32 GB of storage. I cannot update the phone, and I am at the point where I do not have space to download any additional apps nor send video or photos due to no space to download the video or photos prior sending.

That said, I am looking into a newer IPhone and am wondering which of the newer models I should invest in. I know some models, the year to the following year jump is more significant than others.

I don’t use my phone a whole ton - not on social media. I do listen to music often, and take a good amount of photos.

As far as other apple products I owe, I do have AirTags, AirPods, and a 2015 MacBook lol that is still going.

I don’t need the newest model, but if the 12 for example is loads better then the 11 for example, I’d love to know that too!

I know anything newer will feel worlds away as is lol. So, I would love to hear if there is ways to save money also.

Thanks in advance!


dislikebuttonz t1_j67cqxs wrote

Do you plan on buying new straight from apple or used/refurbished elsewhere?

and what’s your ideal budget looking like?


HistorianWest6335 t1_j62wom2 wrote

So basically I want to buy the new Iphone 14 Pro Max but I want to buy it without a service carrier AND finance (I want to pay monthly). But I can't do that because when I choose finance, there is no option to choose service carrier later on (aka buy the iphone without any service carrier). Now you might tell me to get an Apple Card Monthly Installments but not me or my parents have enough credit score on our cards so we are getting declined. I don't want to pay 60$ more for service carrier nor do I want to buy it in full price immediately. I already have a free sim for a phone that I use for calling people, I don't need the iphone for calls. What should I do? This is my first time buying an apple product. Should I go to the apple store instead of the online one?


WorthAppearance3547 t1_j6334pr wrote

You see, the problem is that I cannot get any service and I am not familiar with the area and I cannot get any calls or texts or anything really when I'm not home on wifi. This is a major inconvenience. Can't even use gps which is extremely bad.

Thinking about just getting the 14, only a $100 difference smh. Also, I can repair the camera lens to be able to trade it in to reduce the price in half. Is it worth it to?


throawayconfuso t1_j63glxa wrote

Is it worth it to buy an iPhone 11 in 2023 or should I go for a newer model?

I think my phone is currently dying on me so I might have to buy a new one soon. I've always been an Android user but I want to switch it up and buy an iPhone. The iPhone 11 is more convenient financially speaking but I'm afraid it'll be "outdated" very soon.

Is it still considered a good buy? Or should I go for the 13 and splurge a little more? I'm planning to keep it for at least 3 years so I'm afraid the 11 will die on me sooner than I'd like to.


MangyCanine t1_j64dsw2 wrote

If you're OK with maybe around 2.7-3.7 years of iOS upgrades, the 11 is a decent phone. Just make sure the battery is in acceptable shape, or you'll want to replace it.

There are no guarantees but, historically speaking, apple has generally supported iPhones with iOS upgrades for around 6-7 years, sometimes with an additional 1-2 years of security updates.

The iPhone 11 was released in September 2019, or roughly 3.3 years ago. So, we can guess (and hope!) that the 11 will get roughly another 2.7-3.7 years of iOS upgrades, plus maybe another 1-2 years of security updates.


throawayconfuso t1_j64gj4c wrote

Thank you! How about battery life? Is it good, or should I go for the 13?


MangyCanine t1_j64ko43 wrote

Apple claims that the battery life of the 13 is a bit better, but I don't know how much you'll actually see. If you just want something that'll last 3 years, the 11 will likely last that long, but possibly no longer. The 13 should last longer and also has a brighter, higher-res display. If you can afford it, get the 13. However, the 11 would be a decent choice, too.

You can compare the two here:,iphone-13,iphone-14-pro

Side note: you probably don't care, but the 13 supports FaceID with mask; the 11 does not.


dislikebuttonz t1_j67chdv wrote

the 11 should last you 3 years so i would take that tbh especially if ur more on a budget

but honestly a 13 is good also if you wanna play it safe & keep it even longer

as for the 11 being “oUtDaTeD” i wouldn’t worry about that. it still has the new all screen design & has face id so if people think it’s outdated then they’re just trying to put you down imo


ma1cro t1_j64bzou wrote

Hey hope you guys are doing well, I live in the United Arab Emirates and I purchased AirPods for a friend who lives in Germany. I received an email saying that signature is required upon delivery. Is the person who will be signing me or the recipient as the details provided during purchase is the recipient details. Can you please advise on this. Thanks & Regards.


throwaway936184 t1_j64ckdq wrote

i’m currently on an locked iphone 12 that’s showing some age; it heats up frequently, dies quickly, and freezes/glitches under task.

i have to get a new plan regardless as i don’t want my guardians to have to cover by phone bill anymore, so i thought about going all in with a new plan and a new phone. thinking about upgrading to a 14 plus. bad call?


Sky_235 t1_j6aj68b wrote

No the iPhone 14 plus is a good Phone


Arbak_m t1_j69scjp wrote

Considering switching to iPhone 13 Pro from OnePlus 9 Pro

Just want to switch phones without paying extra, because:

  1. Not sure if Oxygen will get another update, but I downgraded to Android 11 from 12 (which was a complete disaster), and I don't like 13 either. So basically software support for my device is either over, or it's so bad recently that I don't want to update.
  2. I still have problems with notifications across various apps. I never got to make Gmail actually work despite trying pretty much everything. Also there are occasional problems with Instagram and other apps.
  3. I don't use customisation features much, different launchers etc. My interaction with file system is Just manually putting some files into the phone via USB (audiobooks etc.), and that's it.
  4. I have a Macbook and iPhones/Mac sync and cross-device features are nice.
  5. OP rapidly drops in price, iPhones - not so much. After using 12 Pro Max for some time I may sell it for good price and buy iPhone 15. My main problem with iOS was the repetitive design for years, but I like how 14 Pro looks and can bear a year with 12 before buying the next iPhone.

Anyone had similar experience recently, with 12 Pro Max or 13 Pro? What did you regret and what you didn't?

P.S. I'll probably miss fast charging and shelf, but I can live without it if the rest of the experience is superior.


PSCESM t1_j6am6wq wrote

Between the iPhone 13 Pro (regular not max) vs iPhone 14 Plus (not Pro) which is the better device? Also can the battery of the iPhone 13 Pro last a full day without recharging? That’s by main concern with going with the smaller device.


xxGon t1_j6e2ehx wrote

I’d go with the 13 Pro. Battery life is generally better on the larger phones, but the 13 Pro generally will last a full day. Depends on what apps you use and if you’re on mobile data vs Wi-Fi. Generally though, it’s got pretty good battery life.

Out of the smaller Pro models released so far, the 13 Pro has the best battery life. It’s a really solid phone all around. The ProMotion display may sound like a “meh” feature, but it makes using the 13 Pro a really nice experience.

The 14 Plus doesn’t have ProMotion, and it also lacks the telephoto camera. I think the battery life may be better on the 14 Plus, simply due to it having a 60hz display and a considerably bigger battery. I would go for the 13 Pro, honestly, due to the display and extra camera


PSCESM t1_j6fbq7p wrote

Thanks for answering, since the iPhone 13 Pro can last a full day. It nullifies my main concern.


phaeodactylum t1_j6azxjp wrote

Would love to hear from any picture-focused users that made the leap from 12 to a 13 pro or 14 pro and what you noticed about camera improvements.

Using an iPhone 12 and eligible for carrier upgrade. I’m frankly let down by its camera (came from a pixel before this) but the phone is still great.


Kleminggg t1_j6b62ic wrote

Which iPhone should I purchase? I can afford an iPhone 14 Plus, however it runs at 60 Hz, which is a drawback for me because I play mobile games a lot.


elbartodxb t1_j6c5e56 wrote

I’ve been using iPhone 11 since pre-pandemic times, which sounds like longer than it has been, Jan 2020. I wanted to upgrade this year, but now I’m thinking to wait till iPhone 15 release.


Kleminggg t1_j6c6h5k wrote

I'm switching to Apple from Android. I can afford an iPhone 14 Plus, but I don't like that it operates at 60 Hz because I play a lot of mobile games. My other choice is a previously owned iPhone 13 Pro Max with battery life between 90 and 98, but which one should I choose?


UnclePadda t1_j6c8o71 wrote

Should I trade in my 1TB 13 Pro for a 128GB 14 Pro? It would be an upgrade as well as a downgrade, so I really can't decide.


jrblln t1_j6cvkr2 wrote

Samsung to iPhone?

hello, everyone! since 2015, i've had a samsung note, but as i update my phone every three to five years, i've been considering moving to an iphone next year (2024). i just want to try something different hehe. at the moment, i have a note 10 plus, galaxy buds, and an hp spectre (windows)

i wanted to hear your thoughts, so which one do you think is better? which is more cost-effective?

(a) purchase the most recent iphone model; keep my note 10 plus

(b) purchase the most recent iphone model; upgrade my note 10 plus to the most recent samsung note model

(c) purchase the most recent samsung note model; switch from my note 10 plus to an older iphone model (as i'm new to the ecosystem).



PixelWastelander t1_j6d9no1 wrote

My wife is still using her iPhone 6 and it’s super slow and buggy. What should I buy her for an upgrade? I’m still using the iPhone SE so I’m not sure what the new ones are or if I should upgrade myself


rocketingscience t1_j6dhpxo wrote

I have just found an Iphone XS 256gb sim free in Japan. It is around 182 USD + 15.5 USD (change battery). I currently have an Iphone SE 2020 128 gb. I'm not too fond of it, the charge does not hold well, I have to carry a power bank everywhere and 128gb is not enough for me sometimes. I know XS will be supported for longer time. But I would like to sell it around 165-170 dollars and buy an XS. Do you think it would be a relevant decision based on today's market?


nathawnb t1_j6dqj7y wrote

For mirror pics and selfies, should I get the 12 or the 13? I’ve heard that the 13 camera looks weird on people and makes photos look edited or with a weird filter on


blubcat t1_j6ee3bz wrote

Hi everyone! I'm updating from an ancient 6 and was hoping to get a 13 Pro but I'm having trouble finding one unlocked or Verizon new. Does anyone have experience with Verizon certified pre-owned phones (they're available in "Great" condition) or advice on reputable places to buy 13 Pros? I really want that Pro macro camera, and I don't see any real advantage to the 14 Pro aside from the fact that it's apparently way easier to buy.


ItMightTa t1_j6flxs9 wrote

Coming from android.

Iphone 11 pro vs iphone 12?

11 pro has telephoto. 12 has magsafe (which I like, I really prefer wireless charging), ceramic shield, 5g..but apparently bad battery life? Newer chip too.

12 is a no brainer right?


Kleminggg t1_j6hjrln wrote

I wanted to purchase a used iPhone. What level of the battery would be reasonable and below what percentage I shouldn't buy one?

I'm switching from an Android phone to an iPhone for the first time, and I play games a lot. Any advice before purchasing one?


Radiant_Mail5626 t1_j6hvgfl wrote

So I have an iphone 8+ i bought back in 2017 and its been working okay till now. Recently - while I was entertaining the idea of an upgrade, I in all my glory somehow managed to burn a charging cable and short out my charge port. I figured upgrading right now is better than repairing it at this point.

So here’s the question: which model should I go for ? I’ve been playing around with the 14 plus and the pro max but not concrete on either of them. I like a big display, brightness isn’t that much of a problem, Definitely yes on a good battery life, I use it mainly for social media,some work and I like a good camera but at the same time dont want to overpay for a dud. Any Advice ?


nowooski t1_j6kju6q wrote

I might think about it in terms of cost per hour of use. The typical american keeps a phone for about 2.5 years and uses it for about 5 hours per day. If you last bought a phone in 2017, it sounds like you keep your handsets for about 2x as long as the typical person, so let's say ~9,000 hours of screen time. That would put the base sized 14 Pro Max at about 12 cents per hour of use. The 14 Plus, on the other hand, would be about 10 cents an hour of use.

So the question is, are the other Pro Max features like a better camera worth 2 cents per hour to you? Based only on size and battery life preferences, PerfectRec has the 14 ProMax at a 59% match and the 14 Plus at a 52% match for you (results), which is pretty close. If you can still find a 13 PM at a local retailer, that might be a happy medium. But the big picture is that if you're getting a ton of life expectancy out of your phones, the incremental cost between the Plus and PM isn't that much.


dislikebuttonz t1_j6pjuvu wrote

so are you trying to go for a cheaper model but still a big phone?


drrll t1_j6i2eso wrote

is the Iphone 11 Pro Max still a good choice this year?


dislikebuttonz t1_j6pjmu3 wrote

As long as you find one for a good price, yea it’s a good buy. especially if you want good battery life on a cheaper phone


Fly-Hiklnf-6193 t1_j6i39a7 wrote

How pause a cooking video on mobile. Looking to get something where you can do it in 1 step with dirty hands

Also do you know of any videos that teaches anyone how to use iphone?


danzi17 t1_j6il7jc wrote

Buying a brand new phone or a brand new older model. Which lasts longer?


MangyCanine t1_j6kngd6 wrote

Not sure what you're asking.

There are no guarantees but, historically speaking, apple has generally supported iPhones with iOS upgrades for around 6-7 years, sometimes with an additional 1-2 years of security updates (note the difference between these two. That's from the time the first models are shipped.

For example, the iPhone 12 series was released in October 2020, and 6ish years is October 2026. So, we can hope that the 12 series will get iOS upgrades until October 2026 at least -- that's about 3 years 9 months from now. If we're lucky, there might be another year of iOS upgrades, plus an additional 1-2 years of security updates.

The iPhone 14 series was released in September 2022. Similarly, we can hope that the 14 series will get iOS upgrades until September 2028 at least, or a** bit more than 5 1/2 years from now**. Again, if we're lucky, there will be another year of iOS upgrades, plus an additional 1-2 years of security updates.


Am3l1 t1_j6ilbin wrote

Upgrading from Xs Max What's some of the best options to upgrade from my current daily driver Xs Max. I want OLED screen and relatively good battery life. Also I'm willing to pay 400-500€ but not more than that. Thanks everyone in advance!


MrBeyonde t1_j6ivsgu wrote

does the ram difference between base iphone 14 and base iphone 13 have big impact? i really wanna use the phone that i am getting +5 years so maybe it is important to have more ram.


dislikebuttonz t1_j6pjcgq wrote

no it really doesn’t tbh. any normal person closes their apps after they’re done using it due to muscle memory. just get a 13


leadnuts94 t1_j6jvju1 wrote

13 pro vs 14 pro better overall performance? I’m currently on the iPhone 11 had it since 2019. Looking to upgrade. The biggest thing that makes me wanna go with the 13 pro is the physical SIM card. How is the E sim on the 14 while traveling? I have Verizon and they don’t have the best travel plan which is why I liked a physical SIM card because I can prepay my data and add it whenever I want.


dislikebuttonz t1_j6pj11w wrote

in day to day tasks you literally won’t notice a difference unless you do the extremist of tasks. Go for a 13 pro it sounds like that’s your best option

currently e sim only unfortunately sucks for travelers


dagr8zul t1_j6k0omj wrote

Should I wait on buying the iPhone 14 PM? I have been seeing lots.of issues on the newest software and this has been holding me back on getting my first iPhone. Should I wait it out when the issues have been fixed?


Sarvadi t1_j6lndcm wrote

My mother currently uses my old Galaxy S3. It's incredibly slow and probably not going to last much longer. She also has a problem with the nerves in her fingers and it results in her having issues tapping/swiping. I had her try my iPhone 13 to see what she thought of the screen - apparently it's much easier to use.

I'm considering buying her a refurbished older model for her birthday. Google tells me that Apple has been using the same touchscreen tech since the XR, so anything since should be suitable.

I'm thinking an 11. Thoughts?

I've ordered an 11. Thanks for the responses.


MangyCanine t1_j6m4i0o wrote

An 11 is decent. Just try to find one with a good battery health, or you'll end up paying for a battery replacement sooner rather than later (not a huge deal, but Apple's battery replacement price for the 11 is going up to $90 in a month).


nowooski t1_j6pbbek wrote

If you can find one with a decent battery health, the 11 is definitely your best bet for a budget friendly, not mini, iPhone. PerfectRec has the iPhone 11 at an 84% match for someone who wants an affordable iPhone that's not small. If size is more important, you might consider a used 12 or 13 PM.


Exotic-Ask7768 t1_j6lrodr wrote

Guys need some assistance from you. I'm looking forward to buying an IPhone 13 or even iPhone 12. Is it safe to buy it from Amazon? I'm getting it at a discount from Amazon and also need to trade-in my old Realme 6 device. Apple's website doesn't allow for trade-in at my pincode.I'm from a small city of India so Apple's website doesn't have trade-in there.


proudbakunkinman t1_j6od5vj wrote

Debating between iPhone 14 128GB at $830 versus iPhone 13 at $700 ($130 less). Both come with free AirPod Pros 2nd Gen, but the 13 comes with $150 gift card vs $200 gift card for the 14. Factoring that in, the price difference, with tax, may be around $90 instead of $130.

One advantage of the 14 is having 6GB of RAM, while the 13 has 4GB.


nowooski t1_j6pa4y7 wrote

Personally, I'd go for the 14. If you're like the typical american and use your phone for 5 hours a day and keep it for 2.5 years, that $90 price difference works out to about 1.9 cents per-hour.

Is 50% more ram along with the other late-model improvements worth that to you?


dislikebuttonz t1_j6ph72j wrote

In this case i’d get the 14, ONLY because ur getting $50 more in that gift card. but let’s say you weren’t getting free airpods or the gift card, you should stick with the 13. Sure it has 4GB of ram compared to the 14s 6 but who cares? You’ll eventually close your apps after you’re finished using them just like any normal person due to muscle memory. You’re paying $100 extra for 1% actual changes

TDLR, in this case i’d get the 14 but for the extra money on the gift card only. If you didn’t have these deals then the obvious choice would be the 13


Elastic_Throttle t1_j6og06s wrote

looking to get either a 12 pro max or a 13 pro max as my daily driver and to game with.

mainly looking at genshin impact here, with the 13 pro max being a good $300+ more expensive than a 12 pro max - does the 12 pro max have good enough performance for genshin ? or do i have to get a 13 pro max?

also, how come there are no benchmarking charts for iphone games like we get for PC builds? it's kind of hard to decide what phone to get if i want to play a specific game on it...


dislikebuttonz t1_j6pgl2r wrote

both would be powerful enough for it. however since the 13PM has 120hz you will benefit from the higher refresh rate if the game even supports it


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I_AM_A_TOASTER42069 t1_j5uvm9w wrote

I'm moving to iPhone at the moment I have a budget of £150 and was wondering what's the best option for a second hand iPhone


FoxMuzik t1_j5vg5ui wrote

Probably nothing that supports latest ios. I advise you to keep saving up and go for at least an XS


dislikebuttonz t1_j67e6jk wrote

SE 2020 or a XR. SE cause it’ll last longer with software support, XR because it has by far the best battery compared to the SE, XS & X


Moon-Unity t1_j6o5mj9 wrote

Is it true the newest generation of AirPod Pros are experiencing problems and that I should buy the previous gen?
