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Fickle_Condition_808 t1_j6n4jui wrote

Mine isn`t that good either - I am using 5G 60% otd and after 2 hours of sot my phone sits at ab 60 %. I get thru the day but need to charge it in the evening.


nogoodnameavailable t1_j6n4rwq wrote

Thats mine idk 14PM


Fickle_Condition_808 t1_j6n50jj wrote

Ja same here, dachte das das 14 pro so gut sein wird wie das 13ner aber idk, maybe mit software updates wirds besser


rayquaza2510 t1_j6ozjbm wrote

I actually did expect better, my 13 Pro (not Max) is getting such battery life that 14 PM is getting.

But do you have AOD on? That would explain it.


PhilWillChil OP t1_j6ngrco wrote

The more I think about the more I think it’s the amount of streaming with AirPods and car play I do. Hence why I have high screen idle time.