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thundernutts816 t1_j65xjnr wrote

Got the same color. I wish I had picked space black instead. Love the feel of the pro though.


fluffballll1 t1_j68b2dm wrote

why do you wish you got the black instead?


thundernutts816 t1_j68nt0m wrote

I always got a black phone prior to this. This was my first time to go for any other color. I have seen few space black around with and without cases and I feel that color looks better than deep purple. Just my personal take.


fluffballll1 t1_j68pldn wrote

Fair. I used to get only black too, then I started getting white and now I’m sick of both colors lol.


Lunafreya_NoxF t1_j69c1gq wrote

It’s so much easier to accessorize a black or a white device since every color combines with them.

I had a green Apple Watch and even changing the straps the body was still green…I’d rather have black, or white. Of course I don’t have an AW anymore (no use for them) but if I were to have one again, it would have to be black.


fluffballll1 t1_j69i3q8 wrote

sorry i’m not a native speaker, what is AW? You’re right about the accessorizing thing though.


Lunafreya_NoxF t1_j69kxxd wrote

Sorry, I’m not a native speaker either!

AW = Apple Watch

Sorry for the confusion.


fluffballll1 t1_j69l3ym wrote

Ooh definitely makes sense haha sorry! I don’t own one and I have never thought of owning one so I forgot it even exists! Thanks for clearing it up!