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_--TiTaN--_ t1_j4ncfod wrote

That’s not how optimised battery charging works, it should charge at full speed to 80% and then wait. It wouldn’t make sense otherwise, you may want to charge your phone before going for night out and phone wouldn’t charge?

“With iOS 13 and later, Optimised Battery Charging is designed to reduce the wear on your battery and improve its lifespan by reducing the time your iPhone spends fully charged. When the feature is enabled, your iPhone will delay charging past 80% in certain situations.”

My bet would be on damaged cable or socket full of pocket lint.


Masongill t1_j4o05yt wrote

Socket full of lint… come on. I also noticed that obviously the battery charges past 60% look at the graph.


TupperCoLLC t1_j4ny6ol wrote

pausing at 60% is way better for preserving overall battery capacity long-term than 80%. If you leave the battery in a suspended state it should ideally be as close to 50 as possible. I’d consider him lucky.

Damn all these downvotes and yet no replies. kisses biceps damn it feels good to be a gangsta
