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reallynothingmuch t1_j5wvt0z wrote


Evilhammy t1_j5xhrx3 wrote

they probably won’t make a legit search engine because of how much goes into that, but they’ve been putting tons of work into Spotlight being a mini search engine built into the home screen, and i could 100% see them making a larger push for that so that users don’t even need to enter safari for most simple queries


p-rking t1_j5xprzi wrote

Doesn’t Spotlight use Google for the off device part of the search?


Business-Parsnip-939 t1_j5y3jwm wrote

Don’t know why people downvoted but yes it does currently, actually used to use Bing, which in my opinion had better results


A11Bionic t1_j614b0a wrote

Do you happen to know when Bing was stopped from being utilized?


tetronic t1_j5xxibz wrote

Can’t wait to use apple search and get the results of “I can’t answer that right now”


[deleted] t1_j5xj1ig wrote

That seems impossible since they have to compete against a >20 year old complex service


Larsaf t1_j5z2iro wrote

A service that has been degrading in quality for at least a decade.


EmergencySwitch t1_j5z477j wrote

Absolutely. I never use google without appending Reddit at the end since most searches results are for SEO optimized blogspam


Larsaf t1_j5z6cob wrote

Or take the time range for search result. If there’s something on the news, and you think you remember almost the same thing being In the news before, you could just go and set the custom range To to a month or a year ago. Boom, up came what you were looking for.

Now you get 5 year old articles with no relation to what you were looking for, but they were recently reindexed and the keywords of course appear in the „now trending on this site“ side bar. And it should be trivial for Google to ignore the side bars (or adds), but they don‘t.


SpaceForceAwakens t1_j5z8tw4 wrote

Or Pinterest, but you can’t see it without logging in. Fuck that noise.


Married_with_Meeples t1_j5zr5nt wrote

I just told someone to search this way when looking up reviews and how-to instructions outside of YouTube. SEO optimization has absolutely ruined objective and informative search results. The blogs are horribly written and then make small changes regularly to get them to show up when people search with the year at the end.


gordito_gr t1_j5y07jw wrote

What makes you think that they can compete with Google Search?

Bing has been trying forever


reallynothingmuch t1_j5yhchm wrote

I didn’t say I think they can, I said they might think they can


gordito_gr t1_j5yj071 wrote

>I said they might think they can

They know better, it's been a decade they been trying with maps and they still aint there.

There's no way anyone inside Apple thinks they can top Google Search in the near future.