Submitted by im-hurt t3_10o6n8y in iphone

My mother "bought" me an iPhone 14 Pro for my prize for passing my IGCSE. However she is very impulsive and sometimes makes decisions based of emotion. She is the type if she gets mad at me she can return my phone or sell and have the reasoning of "The phone is registered on my number". My father wanted to buy the iPhone 14 Pro Max but unfortunately he died. They are really different. I feel like I want to go to the shop and ask to change the number. It's not the colour I wanted and I know I sound like a rich snobby kid but I can't even afford a phone case and I'm still waiting for a verified iPhone 14 Pro phone case. All I just want to do is change the number on the receipt. I've had the phone for like two months but the warranty is still valid. Do any of you guys know if I can take the paper work to the retailer and ask for a change of number on the receipt [M17]



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Stephen_NM2022 t1_j6d0zq8 wrote

  1. No, returns of gifts simply do not work that way.

  2. As a juvenile using a device purchased by an adult, an Apple Store would not do anything anyway beyond provide warranty support.

  3. The phone number can be changed but the purchase is still tied to her.

  4. I know this sounds harsh but, no, you do not sound like a rich snobby kid. You sound appallingly entitled and need to grow up. Your father would have purchased something else but unfortunately he died? You distill the death of a parent to something that cold and selfish? Your mother "is the type" as if you are a judge of types? Actually, your mother is the type who bought you a rather expensive gift. for which you are showing no gratitude. I am sorry but it sounds like your mother has good reason to keep you on a leash if this is the best you can manage.


mina1984 t1_j6dj7z7 wrote

If I was your mother and read this, I'd immediately take the phone away and not let you have it.

Reasons for this would be:

  1. Disrespectful towards your parents, while your dad wanted to buy the iPhone but your mother did for you, she granted his wish for you.
  2. I don't think she sees the iPhone as a "prize" but rather a gift for graduating. So be grateful for it.
  3. My parents would woop my butt if I talked like this.

You are acting like an entitled little brat who thinks they should have everything given to them and be able to control the situation, I hope you don't talk to your mother like this and you should thank her for the gift, not "prize"


im-hurt OP t1_j6m9ba6 wrote

I’m saying bought because she wants me to refund he with the pension money from my father


213bull t1_j6cy6db wrote

Even if you change your phone number it’s still be on your moms account. After 2 months she can’t return it though, only thing she can do is sell it or take it away from you.


VictorChristian t1_j6czd9d wrote

You typically cannot change anything with a phone that belongs to someone else and youre just an authorized user on.

that said, IGCSE… you’re British, I take it? The laws may be quite different there and you may have more leverage. Here in the US, a kid can’t make changes to an account they’re not an owner of (The person paying the bill has authority)


Shiningc t1_j6dghof wrote

I don't know what "number" you're talking about but the best you can do is to sell the phone and buy a new one with the money.