Submitted by kike_flea t3_10ob3we in iphone

I’m happy with the switch, iPhone is a really better experience than the Android phones I had (at least for me) but one thing I miss the most is the alarm clock from my old Android phone.

Most of all I miss the feature that tells you how much time have you left until the alarm rings. That was a neat way of knowing how much sleep I’m going to get. Also, no dedicated alarm volume setting. Why Apple?



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jp3297 t1_j6dk13j wrote

I've been an Android user forever. Also have iPhone 13 pro for work. I want to love iPhones but there are a few things that just kill me. The alarm feature you mentioned is one. Also, no good number pad. I HATE using the number row. It's a pain in the ass. There are a few other things that are escaping me right now. I love the buttery smooth display scrolling on my iPhone though. I'm considering getting one to replace my pixel 5 but I just can't pull the trigger. Oh also the 13 pro is so fucking heavy compared to my pixel 5. I love my pixel but I have a free $500 towards an apple product...


Darkmage4 t1_j6dr1dq wrote

Just switched to iPhone 14 pro max a month it came out. Yeah, that’s a feature I do miss. But I don’t mind it really. I actually forgot about that feature until this post. lol.


flashisflamable t1_j6dtkez wrote

Set up sleep in the health app. It has sleep tracking, schedules, reminders, and much better alarm tones


Potato_palya t1_j6dw7sz wrote

Not only that, but if you turn off the single tap to wake (cos that triggers every damn time without it being need to), you can not turn off the alarm after the Lock Screen times out before the one minute mark. It’s one of my greatest miseries every damn morning. I press the lock button or the volume which only snoozes the alarm. I’ll have to turn on the screen then and then turn off the alarm. So mindlessly annoying. It works okay when you wear the Apple Watch to bed and can turn off the alarm. But the damn alarm vibrations count as steps that I have apparently taken.

I use an old iPhone SE just for alarms now.


Retro_Dad t1_j6dwvxc wrote

Search the App Store for “Progressive Alarm Clock.” Icon is that of a sunset. I love this alarm clock app because the sound can be set to ramp up gradually. But when you set it, it will show you how much time til the alarm goes off, like you’re looking for.

Only limitation is that it only makes sounds of Tibetan prayer bowls (bells) of various sizes. But they’re nice peaceful tones.


bloodxandxrank t1_j6e55gv wrote

i just don't like how the timer and the alarm switch the snooze and off buttons. drives me batty.


Lambor14 t1_j6ephea wrote

I disagree. I have a Pixel 6 Pro which has a 120hz display, and while scrolling through websites might be comparable, iOS animations make ProMotion so much better. Honestly when I checked out the 14 Pro in an Apple Store I couldn't believe both it and my phone were running at the same refresh rate. ProMotion is unbelievably good.


ScubaSteve2324 t1_j6eu3c6 wrote

Yea that’s what I was trying to say basically. iOS is still more fluid in general than android, but the difference is pretty small when you have two high refresh rate phones to compare. I have a Pixel 7 (non pro) which has a 90hz display, a Galaxy S22 which has 120hz, an iPhone 14 pro with 120hz and an iPhone 12 with 60hz; and the difference between the first three with 90-120hz screens is really small honestly, but the 60hz on my iPhone 12 feels like the stone ages comparatively. I think if Apple just upped the standard iPhones to 90hz no one would really be able to tell the difference between the standard and pro models in terms of software experience.


Wakellor957 t1_j6f3ogo wrote

Open the Health app and set a sleep schedule. (There should be a link to this part of the app from the Alarms section of the clock app as well)


Zeckzyl t1_j6fd4c7 wrote

Agree. They should use live activites to show the remaining time and offer and option to skip the alarm if you’re already awake.


jeanjacket812 t1_j6fgjlm wrote

I don't like that I can't set the alarm for anything but 5 minute increments. Like what if I want to get up at 5:59 am instead of 5:55 or 6? And I missed on Android if I got up early I could just pull down the notification bar and turn the alarm off for the day.


ValteriButtAss t1_j6fmvnn wrote

You don’t want to admit that you need extra steps to execute a basic function.

In android you’d simply choose the time - not scroll like an old ring telephone. A message pops up with the amount sleep hours you’ll get. You can control the alarm volume from anywhere. You can choose any ringtone you’d like, a downloaded ringtone or from YouTube or Spotify.


JazJon t1_j6foytb wrote

I want to know why there’s no type of crescendo option so the alarm starts off soft and slowly ramps up getting louder. (Wake up gently instead of startled)


SLPERAS t1_j6fsndo wrote

lol. Have people lost the ability to look at a clock and tell the time and know how many hours left till you wake up?


Jalohann t1_j6fwnok wrote

i kinda disagree with this. i own a pixel 7 pro and a 14 PM, i can safely say that the 120 hz display on the pixel actually hits 120 hz way more than the iphone does.


SlntSam t1_j6fx5nt wrote

Thank you for this. The one thing that I hated about my standard iPhone alarm is how loud it is. Even if I try the volume down while picking the tone which I read was how to lower the volume. I see that the sleep alarms are much gentler and the volume of them is more intuitive! I use the sleep schedule anyway so it makes more sense to use that alarm.

Like the OP, I'm also a long term Android user who has been on iOS for about 1-2 months now.


mr_snartypants t1_j6g01px wrote

The best alarm app I’ve found is called Alarmy. I’ve used the app for at least 7-8 years at this point. I used it on android before switching to iPhone back in 2017. It’s worth checking out.


imherefortheH t1_j6ghfxd wrote

For alarm volume i use settings > sounds and haptics > then crank that slider all the way up


vandal226 t1_j6gjdfs wrote

I did the opposite. Switched from iPhone to Android and I absolutely love it. I now see why all my IT friends own Androids. Ringtones, MP3's, just about everything is open and downloadable directly where as with iPhone, you have restrictions because of Apple Music and usually have to use Garage Band as a weird workaround. I've been with iPhones for a long time and I can tell you, they're a pain in the ass.


crispy751 t1_j6gngbl wrote

Right there with you. I recently got a HomePod mini and have the alarm set on that, instead. It also doubles as my white noise machine. Works great!


xShinGouki t1_j6gtp99 wrote

Refresh rate is not the only thing for smoothness. All androids are janky outside the OS like twitter. Insta. Any app really. The scrolling is always a little more janky. Animations are another factor. All these are smoother on iOS. So when you do animations and scrolling for basically 99% of your time in a phone. You notice it. At least. I know I do. Every time I go back to an iPhones after some days using android it feels like you’re going from 60hz to 120hz


xShinGouki t1_j6gtt5f wrote

You can actually just use timer instead of alarm. Set up the timer and done


ScubaSteve2324 t1_j6gvjiu wrote

True iOS does have the edge, but it has gotten much closer than it used to be is more what I’m saying, and I think 120hz refresh rates on both iOS and android have significantly improved the feel of using your phone day to day.


Hungry-Plankton-5371 t1_j6hcco3 wrote

I'll take a barebones alarm app over the Pixel experience where my alarms randomly muted on a regular basis with no discernible explanation, across multiple phones with no acknowledgement or attempt to fix by google (and still find people posting about when I need a good chuckle).


OptionalCookie t1_j6hko9k wrote

Some of us don't have 9-5 work schedules.

I went to work today at 1534, and I'll go to work tomorrow at 1555. The day after that, I go to work at 1600.

When you turn on the alarm in Android, it literally says "Alarm will go off 8 hours and 8 minutes." It gives nice and direct time management. I can stay up for an extra hour, and then go to bed.


OptionalCookie t1_j6hkrmh wrote

I'm tempted to go back to Android. I just have no reason to buy a new phone atp, hence why I'm still on a 6 year old phone.

I will set the alarms on my iPhone 7+ and my S8... and then spend the rest of the night on my S8 until its time to go to bed. :\

I really like my Android <3


namaremac t1_j6ht57m wrote

You are 100% right. Way lighter and a bigger battery. I made the same switch and regret it. I do like the telephoto lens on the 13 pro but not enough to justify all the cons to that phone. And the photo quality on the pixel 5 is undoubtedly superior.


vandal226 t1_j6i0cm9 wrote

I think the term "legal" redefines itself from one border to another. All I know is that they have a massive catalog and I've had money in their account since 2013 and have had zero issues with them. Who are you anyways? Napster hating Lars from Metallica? Get over yourself


OptionalCookie t1_j6lqocb wrote

Beam is not discontinued. The name might have changed, but it's still very much active.

I just used a few moments ago to send plans to my work crew.

Honestly though, I don't use either method enough to have it be a feature that makes me throw it in the trash.

Stay on topic.


prettylilchoo t1_j6lsq4n wrote

I was on topic. Was I talking about King Tuts arm size?

Android Beam discontinued: Wikipedia

Also from the article: “Beam never quite worked particularly well”

Sad android sheep. Install ShareIt or Xender.

oh yea.. you have to install something which is native on ios.


prettylilchoo t1_j6mo13s wrote

What’s the new name? or send a screenshot of the feature you’re using on your phone.

Android doesn’t have a native file sharing feature. Samsung might have its own thing like S-share. Not sure if it’s still there. But that was only between samsung devices.