Submitted by trillmello97 t3_11der37 in jerseycity

So long story short, I parked and paid for 2 hours of parking (4-6pm) through ParkMobile and was greeted with a parking ticket when I returned. A parking ticket that was issued at 4:44pm. I obviously have proof that I paid for the time period where some glorified adult hall monitor decided to tax me $50 for existing. However, I’m wondering if it’s even worth pleading not guilty and going through the whole court hearing process or just biting the bullet and paying a fine I didn’t even earn. Advice would be very much welcome.



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bodhipooh t1_ja85n0w wrote

What was the ticket for? Sometimes people will feed a meter failing to realize they are parking during street cleaning times and are surprised to come back to a ticket. Post the details of the infraction stated in the ticket and we might be able to provide better advice.


InvaderMixo t1_ja862bm wrote

Easily contestable in court if you have any shred of proof. The question is if you have the patience and time to go to evening municipal court and plead your case. I had two erroneous parking tickets and beat them twice. You'll need to have pictures ready. You'll need to face-to-face with a bottom-tier city prosecutor who is only interested in generating revenue. But if you have genuine proof (they love pictures), speak to the judge politely, and patiently wait your turn you'll very likely get the ticket dismissed.


trillmello97 OP t1_ja86e3v wrote

I have the screenshot showing payment and the time period I was competed for along with the ticket itself proving that it was issued during that time period. Part of me wants to forfeit the $50 to avoid that process but the simple principle of the matter is going to make me fight this thing. Thank you, this comment will be duly noted.


trillmello97 OP t1_ja86skq wrote

On the ticket, it was for “No Stopping or Standing”, which is confusing since it was a clearly marked as a parking spot, I paid the correct meter and the payment went through (ParkMobile will tell you if parking at that time period is prohibited) and the street cleaners don’t pass through at that time.


Perps_MacAbean t1_ja8aztl wrote

No one "taxed you for existing." You allegedly did not follow the rules when storing your private vehicle in a public space. The people enforcing these rules are not "glorified hall moniters."

Either you misunderstood the rules, or the person enforcing them made a mistake. That is no reason to shit on public servants.

Have some respect.


ceeyell t1_ja8b85l wrote

I’m just amazed that anyone in this city gets any kind of traffic/parking/car related tickets ever


trillmello97 OP t1_ja8bv0w wrote

When an easily avoidable mistake costs me time, money and energy, I think I reserve the right to blow off steam on a Reddit post. I parked in a legitimate spot, paid and got ticketed, any normal human would be frustrated by this.


bodhipooh t1_ja8c8az wrote

You may not even need to do virtual court. They instituted an online ticket dispute process and you can upload your proof along with an explanation. I have had two tickets dismissed going that route.


LaNaranja315 t1_ja8h4nv wrote

Oh they love giving parking tickets, justified or not. It's a separate department than the police. But God forbid the police ticket anyone blasting through red lights and stop signs or going 20mph over the limit on narrow city streets.


mageaux t1_ja8w2hs wrote

BF is contesting a parking ticket in court. Similar situation - contesting on principle. He’s had multiple appearances that got rescheduled or fell through for whatever reason (on the court’s part, not his) so it’s been a least a year since the incident. I assume you’ll go through a similar experience, but you still should do it. Too many people are deterred by the red tape, which allows them to get away with bullshit like this.


jd00p t1_ja98gbt wrote

fight that shit


Electrical-Wedding18 t1_ja9c1vs wrote

i was standing next to my car. and still got a ticket. i may have earned it but they ruthless


aggressivetumor t1_ja9fou2 wrote

I’ve called before in Hoboken & sent my receipts in an email. & they never said anything, but I also never got a letter for nonpayment for that ticket either. It’s happened more than enough. #BoycottParkingAuthority