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DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j9uhqjg wrote

Some sovereign citizen asshole. You could probably just steal their car, they won't call the cops


LoneStarTallBoi t1_j9uix8s wrote

Nah, if you've never dealt with them on a personal level, 90% of sovcits are firmly of the "laws for thee but not for me" mind.


A_Downboat_Is_A_Sub t1_j9v18nz wrote

Stupid Life Pro Tip: If you see one of these people, make sure to get in to an accident with them. That way you can have the police come and ticket and tow them for not having registration, plates, or insurance. Then sue them so you get additional entertainment when you go to court.


ffejie t1_j9vctob wrote

You're assuming this person isn't the police, which is the first way this fails. The second way is that they're likely to be the kind of person with a gun and willing to threaten you for looking at them the wrong way, let alone getting into a fender bender. Oops, I already said they're the police.


LoneStarTallBoi t1_j9vh41r wrote

I have known sovcit cops, so yeah it plays out exactly like you think.


EarthGoddessDude t1_j9voas0 wrote

> sovcit cops

Holy hell, what in the actual… what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to live that kind of life?


Gut-_-Instinct t1_j9wc2wu wrote

... that's for people with alot of pettiness and time on their hands.


suu-solan OP t1_j9ui7w6 wrote

No thanks. They're probably to the type to shoot me in the face for looking at them funny.


well_damm t1_j9um2ma wrote

There’s a really good chance they’ll shoot themselves first.


Zulumus t1_j9vltio wrote

And then claim Castle Doctrine in self defense

Edit: /s jeez


Farkenoathm8-E t1_j9xxlw1 wrote

Sov-Cit: “Hello police, I’d like to report my private property that I use as a conveyance has been stolen.”

Cop: “You mean your car?”

Sov-Cit: “I mean my automobile that I use for travelling. It’s not a car because it’s not for commercial use.”

Cop: “Ok… what’s the make and model?”

Sov-Cit: “It’s a blue Ford Ranger, 2019 model.”

Cop: “They are common as. What’s the registration number so we can identify it?”

Sov-Cit: “…..”


Vertigo963 t1_j9uyals wrote

Or maybe this person holds some misguided political beliefs but isn't an "asshole." We should be careful about judging others when we have very little information about them.


IAmBizarroStormyAMA t1_j9v08nk wrote

Sometimes peoples’ beliefs are easy to misguide because they’re assholes


k0unitX t1_j9vd8kp wrote

The Nazis said the same thing


coladict t1_j9vqn80 wrote

Source: your anus


k0unitX t1_j9wdci1 wrote

Do you know who also agreed with "Sometimes peoples’ beliefs are easy to misguide because they’re assholes"?

The guys who wanted to carpet bomb all of the middle east after 9/11.

Literal Nazis justifying killing the Jewish.

But sure, continue to think you're on the right side of history on this one. lmao


coladict t1_j9xey9r wrote

"Nazis bad, therefore they believed this exact thing I'm against!"

The nazis believe in a natural hierarchy and that violating it in any way must be forbidden. No women above men, no gender non-conformity, no race being above their own, and of course they needed a scapegoat for all the evils of the world, and they chose the jews, because it's easy to co-opt the existing conspiracies about them and make up more.

None of that comes remotely close to:

> Sometimes peoples’ beliefs are easy to misguide because they’re assholes


Jsmith0730 t1_j9v77m6 wrote

There’s plenty of info about them out there on social media. They’re definitely assholes.


Vertigo963 t1_j9w1y7d wrote

There are a lot of possible responses, like urging humility and greater respect for others or pointing out we have no idea if the driver is borrowing a relative's car, but I would say the one I feel most strongly about is that when a person is criticizing or considering a political group as a whole, there is a moral obligation to address the group's views in toto rather than dismissing them for particular positions that may be wrong or weak. So, the sovereign citizen movement, while admittedly based in part on various types of bullshit, is also based in part on notions that are harder to dismiss, like the view that the U.S. federal government is dominated by corrupt elitists who have lost any sense of obligation to the citizenry. So I wouldn't dismiss them entirely, again, even though some of their views are bullshit.


New_Examination_5605 t1_j9y0nwt wrote

They are driving an unregistered car around a busy area. That makes them an irresponsible whole. Then they’re trying to pass that off with the stupidest pseudo intellectual bullshit. Even if it’s someone just borrowing that car, they’re still driving an unmarked vehicle around, which is a crime. Are you defending the criminal who is putting everyone else at risk for no good reason?


Vertigo963 t1_j9z0hi7 wrote

I agree that it's not good for some cars not to have license plates, but I don't view that as a moral imperative. No one is committing murder here.

Also, I have to note that illegal immigration leads to widespread violations of vehicle and traffic laws - are you equally enraged at those violations? My guess is most of the people piling on in this thread think those violations are unworthy of prosecution.


New_Examination_5605 t1_j9zckqt wrote

That’s a bad comparison and you know it. People who claim to be sovereign citizens are invariably all anti-social morons. Enjoy your trolling.


Vertigo963 t1_j9ziake wrote

I think it's a perfectly reasonable comparison, but happy to be convinced otherwise if you think there's an important distinction here. (I'm politely overlooking your unfounded accusation that I'm arguing in bad faith.)

To repeat, I think this thread is filled with hypocrites who believe that a "sovereign citizen" violating vehicle and traffic laws is worthy of condemnation because they've been told to think of of those people as right-wing and contemptible, but the (more common) case of an illegal immigrant violating vehicle and traffic laws is exempt from condemnation because illegal immigration isn't supposed to be criticized.


suu-solan OP t1_j9ugwpc wrote

Saw this clown while driving near the Holland Tunnel. Probably some sovereign citizen dipshit. Who knows what laws they choose to obey or not according to the constitution in their minds….do they even get pulled over?


well_damm t1_j9um6ny wrote

Cops won’t pull them over, prob a friend.


Nuplex t1_j9uxy86 wrote

From what I've seen online police hate sovereign citizens. Extremely unlikely this guy is connected with them at all.


Ainsel72l t1_j9uplm2 wrote

That's what they thought about the Trumpists before 1/6. They got it just a little wrong.


will0w27 t1_j9v1sgb wrote

What’s a sovereign citizen?


HerrDoktorHugo t1_j9v70xw wrote

It's a flavor of conspiracy weirdo who claim they can just declare themselves exempt from state and federal law, often based on some misreading of old treaties where they claim the United States is actually a corporation and they choose not to be a customer or something.


Zulumus t1_j9vmbif wrote

I remember seeing a video of a guy crossing state lines refusing to be stopped and searched (he had to declare plants or something in his car), and he gave the state worker so much shit.

The video ends when he’s eventually pulled over by state troopers who he argues with before he’s dragged out of the car in front of his two teenage children.


njmids t1_j9w3piq wrote

You are not legally obligated to consent to a search at a checkpoint within the US. You also don’t have to answer questions.


Zulumus t1_j9w5o6n wrote

Ok you made me look for the video. Tldr dude got 30 days in jail


njmids t1_j9w9n2y wrote

Kinda forgot about agricultural inspections. Those are a unique thing. Point stands for DUI and immigration checkpoints though.


jonhuang t1_j9vl1yo wrote

It's the idea that law is magical, and if you have the right incantations and scrolls/forms the law shalt do thy bidding.


gazzilionear t1_j9ynqxv wrote

I’m pretty sure the law they point to is in the articles of confederation..which obviously have no bearing on anything anymore since the confederation no longer exists. Real stupid shit.


billyyankNova t1_j9vdv0q wrote

Some do. Thing is, pulling one these guys over is such a shit-show that most cops don't want to bother.


imaluckyduckie t1_j9usr31 wrote

Why do you need to obscure an incoherent plate with a cover like that?


suu-solan OP t1_j9utvdb wrote

If I had to guess, since the police already ignore those tinted plate covers (which triggers another whole rant from me...) probably to hide it from any officers who might care to question this wildly illegal plate. Not saying it makes sense....


AgreeablePie t1_j9vjm74 wrote

People respond to seeing things that are out of place. A cop seeing that plate is likely to do s double take and, so, it attracts police attention

Having a tinted cover ALSO attracts police attention but it's a lot more common and a lesser violation so it's more likely to be overlooked


CitizenDolan t1_j9uoqkv wrote

Never understood this, their gripe is against the federal government yet driving/motor vehicles is something maintained by the states.


suu-solan OP t1_j9up9rf wrote

I'm pretty sure their gripe is against paying any taxes or fees associated with being part of society.


Ezl t1_j9vhmey wrote

The society that fully supports them and costs money to maintain? Sooo…welfare queens?


Ezl t1_j9vh9pr wrote

They’re driving on roads funded and maintained by the government using fuel whose import is enabled by the government and undoubtedly living and surviving due a plethora of services and regulations provided by the government.

None of their position makes any sense at all. It’s idiocy.


jakkyskum t1_j9v0lok wrote

r/amibeingdetained has some great videos of these morons


ashlandbus t1_j9uisn6 wrote

Was he/she wearing a tin foil hat?


suu-solan OP t1_j9ujk48 wrote

Couldn't see through his tinted back window (of course!) and he took off toward Hoboken while I turned off for my Target run.


naglephoto t1_j9v2l3p wrote

Why do they use a Z on it? Is it also a Putin supporting move regarding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine?


214ObstructedReverie t1_j9vlwfe wrote

It's SovCit Magic Nonsense. The Z probably completes the legal spell that makes it all work in their minds.


imaluckyduckie t1_j9vhkxo wrote

Surprised they accept non-sovereign dollars. Good on them for sticking to their guns and not charging sales taxes.


tots4scott t1_j9w5c6k wrote

A fool and his money are soon parted. Easy to target people like that.


hardo_chocolate t1_j9vt0lh wrote

Good point. But they could take gold certificates or bitcoin. They are both the real money.


Taalahan t1_j9vs10z wrote

I'm such a moron! Silly me decided to spend 7 years and an assload of money getting a juris doctorate and passing a bar to be a lawyer. I should have just paid $250 to the American Justice Foundation for my honorary law degree at! What was i thinking!? I could have learned how to control lawyers and judges in "any case and in any court!

(I found this as a link in the website you linked about the plates. Ugh. These people...)


hardo_chocolate t1_j9vtgev wrote

You should certainly reconsider your career choices at this juncture. As a sovereign citizen you do not have to repay your student loans … just saying Mr Shyster Pants.


nycnola t1_j9v8s18 wrote

A sovereign citizen in the wild!


ILoveHotDogsAndBacon t1_j9v0xgd wrote

Why would a sovereign citizen have even a fake NY plate like this?


HerrDoktorHugo t1_j9v7di0 wrote

Maybe they hope that it will look like a government or official plate of some kind at a quick glance and ward off getting pulled over


Byzantium-1204 t1_j9vccig wrote

I thought at first it was some type of government plate like embassy or state official


naglephoto t1_j9v2dsw wrote

Sovereign Citizen. They try to claim that the laws don’t apply to them. Something about that they didn’t personally specifically allow each and every one of them.


PoopFartPatrol t1_j9uqzrl wrote

Can someone elaborate on what this is and what it means instead of just crying about the guy lol


suu-solan OP t1_j9ut1qc wrote

Well, instead of having a state-issued license plate identifying the car's owner, this person saw fit to mount this fake plate making it impossible to track them down in case of an accident or crime. Also, since this "New York" (maybe? who knows?) car was near the tunnel, I doubt its owner paid the toll if they traveled through it. Should be very illegal on several levels.

Also, if you were to be involved in an accident with this person, do you think they have insurance? Or any intention of even stopping to deal with it?


[deleted] t1_j9utqpt wrote



jerseycityfrankie t1_j9vot5j wrote

There’s plenty of hilarious yet still painful to watch videos of sov cits trying to argue in and around courts of law. They always look like they know they’re wrong but trying to make it work anyway-it’s the weirdest kind of wrong energy and bad acting.


Weak_Criticism6217 t1_j9vqn9f wrote

So does this make you untouchable? Well ya'll know what I mean....and if do I get one (asking for a friend)👀🤣


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j9vtghs wrote

It's probably someone who starts every conversation with do you know who my relatives are?


So-Many-Shrimp t1_j9vu5r3 wrote

You can siphon gas from this vehicle without legal repercussions...

...but you may get hit with a 3D printed Howitzer shell.


yes4me2 t1_j9y8gsl wrote

I have finally figure out.

When the country was in better state, and people had good job, people worked and everyone was happy. With the rampant crime in the USA, and the increase in cost of living, people are looking for hacks to cheat the system. Some of these folks are sovereign citizen who are trying to come up with ways not to pay for small things like car insurance and hope to not be noticed by the government. And when they get caught, they have this long list of excuses why they are misinformed. In order to reduce this crap, the USA needs to fix the country as a whole. We need better education to reduce idiot republicans talking again about secession and getting reelected. We need gun controls to reduce crime. We need to increase the minimum wage. And then everyone would be happier and smarter... and nobody will believe this nonsense of sovereign citizen, myth on vaccine, etc... we need to be smarter like before 2000.


Mishung t1_j9yfwvt wrote

Man I hope the "Z" shit is not what I think it is.


DontBeEvil1 t1_ja15ixv wrote

A photo a 🤡 took of the back of a 🚗


Howto_be_normal t1_j9vyjvs wrote

That looks like secret service vehicle. I think that's the presidential seal on the license plate
