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NCreature t1_j74jh32 wrote

Reply to comment by DontBeEvil1 in Commute from NYC to NJ? by [deleted]


My rent is like $2950 a month in Downtown JC. There are PLENTY of people in NYC paying 4K+ for a one bedroom. That's actually the average right now. Just going on and typing in New York City and you'll quickly see (at least on those listings) the average is between 3500-4500. Doing the same for Jersey City shows rents at Newport for as low as $1700. 225 Grand in Paulus Hook right by the ferry is showing a studio for $2,400 right now, which actually makes me want to consider moving.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j74jq3g wrote

I don't have to go on LOL. I know actual people and know their actual rent. And none of them are paying $4500/mo. 🤷‍♂️
