Submitted by Alert-Ad4070 t3_11b0sdy in jerseycity

My partner and I have been talking about getting a regular work out routine going. However, my partner is high risk, and so we’d like to find a gym with at least some COVID precautions. It doesn’t have to be like how it was two or so years ago; presence of HEPA filters is enough. Does anyone know of any spaces/have recommendations?



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burlybroad t1_j9vt9hp wrote

The problem is there aren’t a lot of gyms in jc and the ones we do have are packed to the brim. I think at this point all you can do is mask up and sanitize before and after using any equipment. Or like the other commenter said try to make the most out of home workouts. Good luck!


Jahooodie t1_j9yosl5 wrote

Ignore folks giving you grief OP. They have some bad takes without knowing your situation, and it’s a reasonable request you have around minimizing risk.

I know people with medical conditions still having a tough time. It’s the high respiratory illness rate overall going on this winter among other things. It’s a bit sad, but asking about COVID seems to trigger people; if you asked the same question but said your partner was going through Chemo and wanted to minimize risks I wonder if people would be so ‘lol get over it’. Not everyone is a fit, healthy 20-30 something with low risks


Alert-Ad4070 OP t1_ja07c62 wrote

It’s weird, if I said “hey I’m trying not to get gonorrhea so I wear condoms” I don’t think anyone would respond “oh but they have a cure for that! But condoms are so inconvenient. But you are reasonably healthy!” Even if some of that were true. But trying to not get something that is 1. Way easier spread that gonorrhea 2. Has more potential side effects than gonorrhea somehow harshest the vibe.

If anyone wants me to stay inside so they don’t have to be reminded of COVID, I’d happily accept thousands of dollars to create my own gym!


caroline_elly t1_ja15m5n wrote

HEPA filters are not nearly as effective as condoms lol.

Condoms are close to 100% effective if used correctly but even the best HEPA is not gonna do shit if some sick guy coughs near you.

What you're doing is equivalent to doing oral sex instead of penetrative sex thinking that it will save you from STDs. Sure your risks are lower, but it's still significant.


kiw14 t1_ja03i15 wrote

You can’t live in society without posing a risk to others. We all spread germs and bacteria which cause illness, and in some cases, death. Data has shown being both masked and vaccinated doesn’t stop transmission either, let alone some HEPA filters within a massive gym. Lock yourself away and never interact with humans again if you’re that concerned.

OP knows the only true answer is to workout at home, within the context that their partner has a health issue. We can’t all wear hazmat suits forever to keep the frailest members of society perfectly preserved.

So no, actually, it’s not exactly a reasonable request, because the answer is self-evident. If you’re afraid of the world, workout at home. Unfortunately life isn’t fair.


Jahooodie t1_ja0q810 wrote

They’re not afraid of the world, they’re trying for risk mitigation. It’s okay dudes


Alert-Ad4070 OP t1_ja08eog wrote

It seems kinda wild to posit that trying to reduce risk is bad based on amorphous unknown “data”, good luck out there though


kiw14 t1_ja09xsj wrote

You can reduce the most risk by working out from home. You know this. You’re ignoring it


Jahooodie t1_ja0qnnp wrote

While true, they’re trying risk mitigation not eliminating it completely.

This existed in a less public way pre COVID, if that’s what you’re on about. Do you have no realtives that have gotten organ transplants, had chemo, ect? Risk mitigation is part of their lives around public germs


Alert-Ad4070 OP t1_ja0b2xq wrote

Can you buy me workout equipment so I can do work outs at home?


kiw14 t1_ja0bu9y wrote

No, but that sounds like a great way to keep safe from Covid-19


Alert-Ad4070 OP t1_ja0moxj wrote

Well, since I don’t have access to that I’ll be searching for in gym workouts. Thank you though!


caroline_elly t1_ja16mic wrote

If you're immunocompromised, you're vulnerable to many diseases, not just Covid. Source: was immunocompromised for a long time due to medications.

Why does OP only care about Covid protocols? There are many other pathogens that spread via all sorts of means. It's much safer to workout outdoors or at home.

Kettle bells, resistance bands, etc. are cheap and effective for home workouts. Plus it actually keeps you safe instead of giving you the illusion you're safe. Covid spread through my kid's school despite the strictest rules (open windows in winter, full masking).


Alert-Ad4070 OP t1_ja1d7wj wrote

Do you know that HEPA filters also help filter other respiratory viruses or are you just mad that I am a human who participates in society


mickyrow42 t1_j9vve1u wrote

If HEPA filters are enough just call the gyms and see who uses them. Not terribly uncommon.


spinaroundchinaman t1_j9y1yhq wrote

Berry lane park has an area with outdoor fitness equipment


haikusbot t1_j9y1zfx wrote

Berry lane park has

An area with outdoor

Fitness equipment

- spinaroundchinaman

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whybother5000 t1_j9yavd7 wrote

Maybe try maximum motion fitness on grove. They appear to be a by appointment option. I never see more than one person at a time in the store window.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j9wfobj wrote

I don't think you're even gonna find HEPA filters anywhere. If that's your benchmark, I would do what someone else said earlier and just call up the gyms, but I would be very surprised if you found any doing more than just asking that people wipe down the equipment after using it.

My booster efficiency is starting to wane, so I'm planning on masking up again at the beginning of the month, but it's been made blatantly clear to the public that we're on our own - no one in charge gives a fuck about seriously trying to end this on a more permanent basis other than mitigation for those who aren't at risk.


halocene_epic t1_j9wbck6 wrote

Not sure if any gyms (or any establishments) have Covid protocols anymore. People in general have gotten better with personal space and wiping down equipment. What makes someone high risk? Disclaimer: I may be ignorant but also curious.


Knobbies4Ever t1_j9xdam0 wrote

Not OP, but I have a good friend with a family member with MS - and they (friend) mask up / take extra precautions. Guessing anyone with an immune condition or taking immunosuppressant meds (or living with someone who is) would still be careful.


coldbrew_nut t1_j9yh885 wrote

High risk = immunocompromised. Could be due to heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, age, the list goes on


ScumbagMacbeth t1_j9ynpx2 wrote

LOL people have not gotten better with wiping down equipment, they're disgusting. I just went back to the gym for the first time since before covid (masked with a kn95 and trying to distance) and wipe down everything before I use it as well because people are disgusting.

I'm not the OP but I'm high risk because I have an autoimmune disease and also I have a job that gets extremely fucked up if I call out sick or expose anyone else to covid.


bodhipooh t1_ja0ei7f wrote

I have to agree with you about people being disgusting. Even if there was no concern about COVID, wiping down equipment after using it is a basic courtesy. We recently moved into a building we love, but this is one thing (out of three) that really bothers me: seemingly no one wipes weight machines, or treadmills, after using them. I watch people hop on and off during my daily runs and not once have I seen someone come back to wipe them after finishing. My best guess is that most people think/feel that cleaning the equipment after using it is to be done by the staff. Drives me bananas, but I’m more or less resigned to this happening.


halocene_epic t1_j9zmksr wrote

People at Base are pretty good about wiping down their equipment.

Again, just curious. Did your doctor advise you to continue to wear your mask?


ScumbagMacbeth t1_j9zmqub wrote

People at Heights Fitness are fucking disgusting. Yes. And even if they didn't, there's no harm in wearing one. I also find it very helpful for my allergies.


HobokenJ t1_ja3fjkn wrote

I use Club Metro on Washington St. I'm usually the only person in the gym wearing a mask. I go during the afternoon (between 12-3, usually) avoiding the rush. It's never crowded (though the dumbbell area is tight, so even a few people fill up the space).

They don't use any mitigation measures that I know of, but it is a large space with high ceilings, so there's that. It's infinitely less crowded than Base Gym. I've never had anybody look at me askance for masking.

It's not a fancy gym; a lot of the equipment has seen better days. But it's got everything you need and the price ($50/month) is fair for this part of town.


caroline_elly t1_j9yad95 wrote

Seems like you and your partner already had Covid and have vaccinated at least 3 times based on your post history.

Your hybrid immunity should be very good at this point (this is from well established peer review studies) so you shouldn't worry more about Covid than other respiratory infections.

Not exercising because you couldn't find a "safe" gym may be worse for your health in the long-term.


Alert-Ad4070 OP t1_j9yw7cx wrote

My apologies for trying to get less COVID to bring home to my immunocompromised partner, I’ll just lick some doorknobs now


DontBeEvil1 t1_j9z6sz1 wrote

Reddit can be dumb. Particularly this subreddit. You are doing the right thing. I wish I knew of a place to suggest.


kiw14 t1_ja03tzi wrote

You know that the only reasonable answer is to work out at home if this is truly a risk. Truly astounding responses here.


caroline_elly t1_ja14n1o wrote

Then stay home!

You can't be like "I really can't afford to bring covid home" but wanna go to public gyms/supermarkets/restaurants/work places.

A HEPA filter helps but it's not even close to being as effective as a "condom against gonorrhea" like you said. You will be exposed to plenty of viruses and bacteria (not just Covid) in a gym regardless.


RGE27 t1_j9x852r wrote

At home videos if you’re going to be like this.


caroline_elly t1_j9yasfi wrote

Only correct answer lol

If you take any public transportation during rush hours you're already very exposed. People are already a lot further apart in gyms than in trains.


RGE27 t1_j9z97da wrote

Let all these cry babies downvote me. People who go to the gym regularly and aren’t afraid to the leave the house are the healthiest people to be around. I went to a gym in Hoboken with no mask all throughout COVID. Never got it.


Alert-Ad4070 OP t1_j9zra3n wrote

Ten bucks he gets a stroke in six months


RGE27 t1_j9zrl44 wrote

I’ll check back in 6 months more jacked, healthier immune system. Beast moded up in the hamptons.


kiw14 t1_j9vsqmq wrote

Perhaps just purchase home workout equipment if merely existing near others poses this much of a hazard
