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READTHEBOOKJC t1_ja0gk3z wrote

COME ONNNNN !!!! Can't we just bitch about Drunk Criminals on the Council - The Paris trip is a big nothing burger - they did not spend your money - I repeat - They did not spend YOUR money -


G_Funk_Error t1_ja2vzef wrote

They are spending millions of our money on this project, and now they’re getting gifts. Try to follow along ya mouth breathing, knuckle dragging dope.


READTHEBOOKJC t1_ja5asf0 wrote

Not sure but I think your not suppose to be a dick or call people names on this forum - perhaps you need a lesson on how to respond ..... here's a copy of an A++ post from above that shoots down my nothing burger with no "I'm a huge dickhead overtones" - Try better next time Mr Angry

.... We pay our officials to work for us. When someone else pays them--in cash or gifts or trips to Paris--our officials don't work for us anymore.

This trip is worrying because there's arguably legit reason for the mayor and a few councilmembers to visit Pompidou, even on the taxpayer dime. Yet this vanilla trip gets shrouded in secrecy. Makes it hard to forget we live in Hudson County.