Submitted by isabeljdt t3_11ddcku in jerseycity

Hi there! My wife and I are moving to Jersey City this summer and are looking for advice/tips on areas to avoid and areas you’d recommend!

Just for some insight: we’re a married, lesbian couple, so obviously would like to be in a (relatively) safe and diverse area. Ideally, we’d like to be in a place that’s walkable as well, but totally okay if not. Our max budget would be 2k.

We found a few apts in JC around Journal Square and Washington Village, but not sure how that area is in terms of safety? We’d love to find a place in Hoboken as well but depends on how lucky we are with finding an affordable place lol.

Anyways, we appreciate your input! I know JC is full and you don’t need any more people, but I promise I’m one of the good ones lmao. I’m from South Florida and it’s gotten disgustingly expensive here in just the last 5 years - I get it. That can be one thing that brings us together though, right?!



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Capable_Elk_3070 t1_ja7zwbt wrote

Hi, I just moved out of JC yesterday. We are gay and my partner is trans, and we both LOVED living in jersey city heights. It's not a particularly gay neighborhood, but it's very diverse, so I didn't feel like we stood out particularly.


lucidrevolution t1_ja85n2z wrote

As someone who has lived in the Heights for 20 years, it's very chill here. not a ton of bars or anything fun really, but not super far from downtown where there is a ton of food/drink/etc. We have never felt anxious around here and I used to work super late and come home walking by myself at 2-3am routinely with 20lbs of camera gear in my bag and thankfully it's been incident free. I don't do the late nights in recent years, and use Uber a lot more... but overall we are pretty damn content here and were lucky enough to find our most recent rental, and the owner lives next door so we don't have any challenges dealing with absentee landlords etc.


Capable_Elk_3070 t1_ja8gbhv wrote

I should have given a little more info about Jersey City Heights-- it was its own city until the late 1800s, and it is pretty geographically separated from the rest of JC--it's up on a cliff overlooking Hoboken. It's easy to get to journal square or Hoboken. I love Central Ave, which is the local main street. It is extremely walkable with many small businesses and family owned restaurants. We are moving out of a beautiful old townhouse that is divided into two units. I personally prefer the older buildings to the new "luxury" construction. The basement one br unit in our building was rented for 1200/month, so I think you should be able to find a nicer, non-basement 1br within your price range.


Jahooodie t1_ja8x09u wrote

I mean JC was like 5-6 cities until the unification. One of the reasons we have so many smaller commercial districts.

Still giving the side eye at Hoboken & Bayonne for opting out of what could have been


Laraujo31 t1_ja7y1ic wrote

The area around Journal Sq is not to bad. McGinley Square (roughly 10 min walk to journal sq) is a good option as well. Its not as safe as downtown but its not a warzone either. Downtown is the place where most people move to. However, you may have a tough time finding a place in downtown and Hoboken with that budget. You may be able to find a small 1 BR or studio apartment. Washington St area is downtown and is safe. You just have to deal with a lot of drunk people walking around at night. If you have a car, parking is a major pain. As for diversity, the entire city is a melting pot so you should be ok.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_ja8slv1 wrote

If you're worried about things getting disgustingly expensive, then you need to stay very far away from Jersey City.


vocabularylessons t1_jaaen6l wrote

JC Heights, around Washington Park or Riverview Park. It's chill, it's fun, it's homey.

No notable safety/crime issues, families walking around through the evening. Very diverse. It's a city so stay alert but no major cause for anxiety/concern. It's getting more expensive but nothing (yet) like Downtown or new JSQ buildings.


rhymeswithschmessica t1_jaafqhq wrote

Easy - The Heights! It’s a great community with lots of new development springing up. Lots of cool new retail spaces being leased on central avenue. LGBTQIA+ friendly for sure. Also not to mention incredible food spots! Super diverse so there’s something for everyone.


Stormbornne t1_ja96zjc wrote

Based on the info provided, you’re gonna be limited to JSQ and the Heights.

Just moved from the Heights myself. It’s probably exactly what you’re looking for.


WarrenBuffetsDriver t1_ja8m08x wrote

Definitely recommend taking the lightrail to MLK stop and having a nice walk around, checking out a cafe, and there's a great burger place steps away.


Ainsel72l t1_ja8vw8f wrote

What burger place is that?


WarrenBuffetsDriver t1_ja98lfw wrote

Just look for the yellow sign once you get off. They got good fries too.


Ainsel72l t1_ja9b0qj wrote

I'm sure they do.


Maleficent-Baby-1926 t1_jab9b47 wrote

lol whats the deal with mlk light rail where is burger spot


Ainsel72l t1_jaekrwo wrote

Really the only big yellow sign I can think of on a burger spot iby the light rail is Mc D. LOL.