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ibeawuchi t1_j7njt75 wrote

We won’t stop until her and everyone involved in this coverup is out of a job 🫡


DifficultyNext7666 t1_j7p93iq wrote

What cover up? There is no cover up. They are openly corrupt and don't care what you think because there is nothing you can do about it.


ibeawuchi t1_j7ppuko wrote

what ever you say.🥱


DifficultyNext7666 t1_j7ptb2w wrote

Hey dumb ass, there have been multiple news paper articles and blog articles on this.

Do you think this has been covered up? Words have meaning. This isn't a cover up. They just don't care


nycdevil t1_j7nn1i9 wrote

There's no fucking coverup. She committed a moving violation. She went to court. She got a suspended license from the judge. It's fucking over. I won't vote for her if she ever shows up on my ballot, but this obsession is as unhealthy as Twitter's obsession with the stupid fucking Harry Potter game.


fasulo_ t1_j7nudi8 wrote

Ok now imagine someone commits a felony hit and run on you or someone in your family, is it just a “moving violation”?

Stop licking the boots of corrupt government officials. Ask for accountability.


nycdevil t1_j7p2c59 wrote

I don't run red lights on moving vehicles, so the situation wouldn't happen to me. She went to court and lost her license for a year, seems like exactly what I would expect to happen.


djn24 t1_j7pqutz wrote

For a citizen?

For an elected official that has been hiding from the public and being held accountable?



polypcity t1_j7pff2v wrote

Consequences don’t end at the law.

Nobody likes her anymore because she didn’t stop to see if the biker was ok. People don’t want unlikable politicians. This hate is justified.


[deleted] t1_j7nngxo wrote



nycdevil t1_j7nnnkx wrote

When and if that more comes to light, feel free to bring it up. Hold politicians to account, it's a good thing to do. But the idea that this incident is worth the ridiculous obsession is just fucking pathetic.
