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DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j7nqwbf wrote

You do understand that legally, she can't be recalled yet. Short of someone trying vigilante justice, this is literally the extent of the organized action that can take place. Not a single thing more can be done.


bindrosis t1_j7nygl5 wrote

Why can’t she be recalled? Isn’t it a matter of signatures and then a vote?


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j7o7dln wrote

Because there's a law on the books that says that an elected official can't be placed up for recall within - don't quote me on the length here, I'm going from memory from what Solomon said once - the first 2 years of their term.


PrincipleOfMoments t1_j7q5w8j wrote

You are the perfect example of my point - insisting that nothing more than posting bitchy comments on-line can be done based on something you think you remember hearing at some point in the past.

If you, or any of the people who regularly complain about her on this forum actually cared, you'd expend even the slightest effort to learn what, how and when you could do something more than snark at her on Reddit.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j7qh92b wrote

You dumb, ignorant useless turd. There are currently literally zero legal options available for voters to expel her out of city council. Get that through your head.

> more than snark at her on Reddit.

People literally just did a protest (OUTSIDE OF REDDIT) as a way of attempting to shame her (again, literally the only legal option directed at her) to do more than snark at her. This is the thread concerning that.

Again, to repeat the point, people literally just did something IRL and you're out here complaining IN THAT THREAD ABOUT THEM DOING THAT IRL THING that people should stop complaining online. You dumb fucking loser.


PrincipleOfMoments t1_j7qyi5v wrote

You just keep proving my point. Thank you.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j7s9o60 wrote

You have no point, because you're arguing against reality. You're a gigantic waste of oxygen and I feel very bad for every person who interacts with someone as stupid as you on a regular basis. Please stop eating paint.