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PrincipleOfMoments t1_j7ne18m wrote

Which she will ignore, again.

Which will elicit vows to recall her, again.

Which will result in zero tangible, organized action, again.

Which will spur the activists to call for her resignation, again.

Repeat ad nauseam.


garth_meringue t1_j7nefwx wrote

I'm starting to think that asking rotten people to pretty please do the right thing doesn't work.


jcskunk OP t1_j7nf1u8 wrote

Eleana Little is a worthy candidate for county and one to watch. Voting out the DeGises' cronies would be a good path forward.


nycdevil t1_j7ngq7k wrote

Who the fuck cares. She hit some fucking loser who was running the light. The loser got what he deserved (getting hit by a car). She got what she deserved (loss of license for a year). Justice has been served.


214ObstructedReverie t1_j7nhyc2 wrote

Right? This shit is getting annoying. Most of us do not give a fuck that some attention-seeking lying dipshit who ran a red light got hit by a nepotistic psychopath.

Everyone sucks here. Let's move on and complain about bagels.


ibeawuchi t1_j7njt75 wrote

We won’t stop until her and everyone involved in this coverup is out of a job 🫡


nycdevil t1_j7nn1i9 wrote

There's no fucking coverup. She committed a moving violation. She went to court. She got a suspended license from the judge. It's fucking over. I won't vote for her if she ever shows up on my ballot, but this obsession is as unhealthy as Twitter's obsession with the stupid fucking Harry Potter game.


frowavay1 t1_j7nnl1c wrote

No one is bringing up the cyclist. Everyone is talking about a lack of accountability from an elected official with a long history of using personal connections to skirt the law. Why comment here if you don’t care/aren’t employed by the city to distract from the issue?


nycdevil t1_j7nnnkx wrote

When and if that more comes to light, feel free to bring it up. Hold politicians to account, it's a good thing to do. But the idea that this incident is worth the ridiculous obsession is just fucking pathetic.


214ObstructedReverie t1_j7no0rz wrote

>Why comment here if you don’t care/aren’t employed by the city to distract from the issue?

Because I'm annoyed by all the DeGise posts that I don't give a shit about clogging up the screen? Fuck, I'd vote for her out of spite at this point.


fasulo_ t1_j7nudi8 wrote

Ok now imagine someone commits a felony hit and run on you or someone in your family, is it just a “moving violation”?

Stop licking the boots of corrupt government officials. Ask for accountability.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j7o7dln wrote

Because there's a law on the books that says that an elected official can't be placed up for recall within - don't quote me on the length here, I'm going from memory from what Solomon said once - the first 2 years of their term.


nycdevil t1_j7p2c59 wrote

I don't run red lights on moving vehicles, so the situation wouldn't happen to me. She went to court and lost her license for a year, seems like exactly what I would expect to happen.


polypcity t1_j7pff2v wrote

Consequences don’t end at the law.

Nobody likes her anymore because she didn’t stop to see if the biker was ok. People don’t want unlikable politicians. This hate is justified.


BlueBeagle8 t1_j7pvjmn wrote

The fact that white people make up something like 30% of the population in Jersey City but 99% of the attendance at this rally pretty neatly underscores the political challenge here.


PrincipleOfMoments t1_j7q5w8j wrote

You are the perfect example of my point - insisting that nothing more than posting bitchy comments on-line can be done based on something you think you remember hearing at some point in the past.

If you, or any of the people who regularly complain about her on this forum actually cared, you'd expend even the slightest effort to learn what, how and when you could do something more than snark at her on Reddit.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j7qh92b wrote

You dumb, ignorant useless turd. There are currently literally zero legal options available for voters to expel her out of city council. Get that through your head.

> more than snark at her on Reddit.

People literally just did a protest (OUTSIDE OF REDDIT) as a way of attempting to shame her (again, literally the only legal option directed at her) to do more than snark at her. This is the thread concerning that.

Again, to repeat the point, people literally just did something IRL and you're out here complaining IN THAT THREAD ABOUT THEM DOING THAT IRL THING that people should stop complaining online. You dumb fucking loser.