Submitted by Jersey-City-2468 t3_11ag82v in jerseycity

Moving on Saturday and got the proper no parking signage from parking authority for the movers to pull up to my apt. Know how parking is around here, I’m anticipating someone is going to ignore the signs and park there Saturday morning anyway. If this happens, what are my options? Is there any way to contact a driver or is towing the only way to do it?



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Substantial-Floor926 t1_j9ru38k wrote

In my experience most people do respect them. If there is someone, call non-emergency police and they will normally knock on persons door if they are local before a tow is needed


possums101 t1_j9runvz wrote

I’ve never seen anyone not follow those signs


Negative-Educator-90 t1_j9rv6fz wrote

They didn’t follow my signs. The violators got tickets. When you get the parking signs The parking authority will advise you of a number to call if someone parks in one of the spots.


OtherBarry3 t1_j9s3fp2 wrote

Last time I did it Parking Authority gave me a phone number to call (I think you just call Parking Authority? Can't remember for sure). So if that happens just call them, they'll try to contact the owner of the vehicle to move it and/or ticket them.

To be fair I had no problems with this, people either avoided parking there or they just kind of idled temporarily before the moving truck came by.


Byzantium-1204 t1_j9sa58r wrote

Call parking authority and non emergency police explain the move and someone is parked there. Give details on parked car


allaboutthataction t1_j9sjksp wrote

In addition to the advice you have already received - take pictures of every sign you post because people rip them down but if you have photo proof the cops will be more likely to tow. I work for a company where I am responsible for no parking signs in Jersey City pretty often and was instructed to do this and it has worked.


bodhipooh t1_j9u2eg1 wrote

The most important question is did you already put up the signs!? Remember, they must be put up at least 48 hours in advance for them to be enforceable.


DistractedMe17 t1_j9v6mma wrote

This happened to me when I moved. They gave me a number with the signs. I called the number. Parking authority came out quickly and was getting ready to tow the car when the guy came running down the street and moved his car


kangarooham t1_j9wg7fs wrote

Had signs up, someone parked anyway

I called the number and someone came out, but he didn't give a ticket or tow... so basically he came out to say I was shit out of luck

Your experience may vary


mowgliwowgli t1_j9yu813 wrote

I had signs up almost a week before the move. I moved in on a Sunday and a car was parked in the middle of two of my no parking signs. I called the number I was given several times and no one picked up since they were “closed”. Had to park the giant U haul truck in the middle of the street and unpack as quickly as we could.

Your experience may vary depending on the day you move in.