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sometimesiwatchtv44 t1_j825v3w wrote

Say what you will about Hoboken, but their traffic enforcement works for a variety of reasons. One is because it’s so condensed, which jersey city can never replicate - I’ll admit. But two, it’s because the hoboken police and traffic authority are visibly auditing parking and driving enforcements on a regular basis, drivers have therefore been conditioned to be mindful of them. Everyone i know who lives in Hoboken knows the unofficial rules of parking / driving. I have never once seen a jersey city parking enforcement or regular police patrol in my two years living downtown - therein lies your issue. Why wouldn’t I do something I can get away with? Law enforcement here is an absolute joke.


[deleted] t1_j829mfb wrote

Law enforcement, parking enforcement, all of it is a joke. Couldn’t agree any more.


nuncio_populi t1_j85mvce wrote

Parking enforcement used to be much more aggressive before the pandemic. They really slacked off and have somehow gotten lazier with the reduction in alternate street-side parking.

Traffic enforcement by the police has been shit for as long as I can remember.


jersey-city-park t1_j82pvw1 wrote

Hoboken is just as bad lmao literally all of hudson county has shit aggressive drivers, this is not isolated to JC


111110100101 t1_j82wvg3 wrote

Not true at all. Hoboken has small streets that you can’t speed on, plus some of the drivers will actually stop for you to cross at a crosswalk which is unheard of in JC. And Union City is littered with like 3 speed bumps on every single block, and every stop sign is an all-way stop. The problem in Jersey City is there is nothing stopping people from driving insanely fast.


restricteddata t1_j85dkzt wrote

What's funny is you can really see the difference in the few places where Hoboken hasn't spent any time trying to improve the streets. Like try being a pedestrian crossing 15th street north of Willow (where there are no stop signs or lights, no speed bumps, gritty wide streets, poor lighting, etc., and so you get endless lines of cars just gunning it) and you'll quickly realize how much better it is on basically every other street.


sometimesiwatchtv44 t1_j82qeba wrote

Didn’t say the drivers were worse or better but you can’t deny the enforcement is unequal??