Submitted by TrafficSNAFU t3_119cfkl in jerseycity

The Jersey City Department of Infrastructure, Division of Transportation Planning (DTP) has partnered with a team of graduate students from NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service to develop the Jersey City Greenway Connectivity Plan.

DTP and the NYU team are hosting two workshops to gather public input on potential connections that balance community goals and feasibility criteria. They are hosting both an in-person workshop and a Zoom meeting. There is also a a survey that can be completed as well. The link for all three is below. The Zoom meeting is tonight at 6:30pm. The in-person workshop will be on Thursday (3/2) from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at 4 Jackson Square (39 Kearney Avenue) in Jersey City.

Jersey City Greenway Connectivity Plan: Workshop Registration



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Knobbies4Ever t1_j9lqnwi wrote

Thanks for posting... hadn't heard about this. Will try to make the workshop on 3/2.


TrafficSNAFU OP t1_j9lu8u5 wrote

You're welcome. I hadn't until I got an email about it yesterday.