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mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j9pf2gb wrote

Don’t cross blindly you need to see the person stop before you walk.

I teach my kids this. Literally tell them the car drivers are Jerks they don’t follow the rules. They need to stop before you walk.

Just assume everyone is an asshole here.


candyghost OP t1_j9pq9c1 wrote

> Don’t cross blindly you need to see the person stop before you walk.

If I did this, I would never get across the street. Erie often has a constant stream of traffic, each of them believing they are entitled to cross next.


Dabookadaniel t1_j9pygb2 wrote

Wait so you’re saying you just walk into traffic and hope for the best? Lol


candyghost OP t1_j9pyuzq wrote

Yes, that's definitely exactly what I said, and not your weird bad-faith interpretation of it...


Dabookadaniel t1_j9pzmep wrote

Wait what? Someone suggested that you not cross blindly and actually see the vehicle stop. Your response was basically saying “I don’t have time for that”

Am I missing something?


candyghost OP t1_j9q13vj wrote

Yes, you're missing the point where if I waited for every single car to come to a complete stop, I would never cross because they DON'T STOP.

Also, I never said I was crossing blindly? I see car. Car sees me. Car doesn't stop. I went to preschool you guys, I'm not fucking stupid, but it's sure real nice of y'all to imply I am. :)

Edit: And--not that this matters to you trolls or these drivers--but I am not legally obligated as a pedestrian to wait for a car to stop at the stop sign. They are, however, obligated to wait for me.


Dabookadaniel t1_j9q2jfi wrote

So there’s a constant stream of traffic and none of the cars stop for you. It sounds like you’re literally trapped on your block. You might need to contact the coast guard so they can air lift you out of there. That’s tough.


candyghost OP t1_j9q2qtu wrote

I see you're super invested in this issue, and not simply trying to get a rise out of me... Have fun with that! Moving on to more productive shit now.


Dabookadaniel t1_j9q2wdy wrote

Yes yes, good luck with your day Karen. Hope you make it off your island.
