Submitted by candyghost t3_119xzt1 in jerseycity

Roughly 8:15 this morning. I screamed my head off. Man made no attempt to stop as I was already in the middle of the crosswalk. What the hell can we possibly do about these people? It’s getting to the point where about once a week someone nearly drives over my toes because they think the stop signs are just suggestions. Not only am I very afraid for my own safety, but there are many families with small children and schools nearby. I’m sick of feeling helpless and having others put my life at risk.

Edit: closer to 8:25 according to my call logs. (Had to call my partner afterward to calm down.)

Edit 2: Ward E councilman James Solomon is collecting feedback on recent proposals for traffic mitigation in the area. If you are also concerned, please see the proposal and take his survey to let our voices be heard: link



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tweeksdotcom t1_j9omk23 wrote

Erie Street is wild in the morning. Several similar experiences. No help with the camera, but Solomon's Instagram has the proposed traffic plans for the area. Check it out and send any feedback you have.


jersey385 t1_j9osxxd wrote

I keep saying this but it doesn’t hurt to tweet the mayor and the JCPD. They do nothing but I always liked reminding them that they do nothing.


jerseycityfrankie t1_j9p5r8v wrote

Their hands are tied because they’ve not shown leadership on the DeGeis hit & run outrage. They can’t appear to be less than even-handed on this stuff now so don’t look for justice or policy enforcement going forward.


orb_king t1_j9pch49 wrote

That’s a really good point. Very problematic situation, but it’s still their fault.


jersey385 t1_j9pykza wrote

I’ve commented this once before, but it’s difficult for the mayor to respond when his mouth is full of Amy’s daddy’s penis. I will now retire this comment but anyone else who feels it may be appropriate on another thread should feel free to use it.


beta_pup t1_j9plhrm wrote

> tweet the mayor

His lack of meaningful response regarding Amy DeGise just normalizes shitty driving. Fulop is a fucking joke. He touts Vision Zero while he lets developers open up Jersey Avenue to Turnpike traffic.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9qet98 wrote

How exactly does a developer "open up Jersey Avenue to Turnpike traffic." A "developer" is not in charge of that, the state of New Jersey is, and the state of New Jersey already stopped Leonia when Leonia tried to ban interstate traffic from local streets.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j9pf4mg wrote

Even with a crossing guard, they just blow right past her , it’s a shitshow


candyghost OP t1_j9pprvk wrote

Yes!! I walk south of Hamilton Park every morning and there are usually two stationed along 8th street. Have absolutely seen people disregard her whistling and keep going.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j9ppzbq wrote

I prefer crossing at 8th. It’s less crazy there. Still have to be careful and just assume everyone is an asshole idiot.


candyghost OP t1_j9ps2y2 wrote

I feel one single iota safer because the crossing guards are there. At least if I get hit, there will be a witness.


happinesscafe t1_j9ous3t wrote

JC is kind of 3rd world in that way. Cars rule and pedestrians be damned. Constantly dodging double parked cars that think it’s just fine to block an entire lane just because they are delivering fast food! How does a city become pedestrian friendly… and not just in a lip service manner?


orb_king t1_j9pcr45 wrote

Yeah the only thing I know to compare us to is my time in Turkey. Most of the time in Istanbul, you just assume you’re taking your life into your own hands when you cross the street, they’re treated like a freight train.


[deleted] t1_j9ry927 wrote

I’ve been saying this for years. I believe the 3rd world comment is accurate in the sense that there are so many different driving styles worldwide and the diversity here brings it all to one road system. It’s like slow drivers in the left lane - in many countries the left lane is the slow lane. I real think it’s a battle of driving cultures and pedestrians colliding - no pun!

It’s a game of frogger …. 🐸🚌🚌🐸🚌✌️


BromioKalen t1_j9p9umu wrote

Unfortunately our proximity to the Holland Tunnel creates a lot of these issues. We have a lot of drivers who are in a hurry using Jersey City surface streets to rush towards the tunnel. They don't live here and have no regard for the community.

When you add the lack of enforcement of basic traffic laws like running stop signs and red lights, it's a perfect storm for chaos on our streets.


jgweiss t1_j9u0adx wrote

exactly. it's not easy to promote safe driving when half the drivers are coming from giant suburban developments and are not interested in the community, just need to get to their job in Manhattan or the construction site in journal square! OUTTA THE WAY!


needfulsalsa t1_j9owupq wrote

Screaming is all I do and have witnessed other pedestrians doing while the culprit runs away with their vehicle. I hope you find some lead.


kippster93 t1_j9p5p3e wrote

A cop once yelled at me for waving my umbrella in anger at a car that almost ran me over in the crosswalk while turning right on red (where right on red was forbidden )


orb_king t1_j9pcluq wrote

I’ve had the same - I have actually been tapped and then threatened by a cop for being “aggressive”. That’s all the cop did.


Jahooodie t1_j9qatvx wrote

What is the meme verison of JC cops not caring about dangerous motorists? I really want to get traction/visibility on the issue ala "LUXURY" HOUSING, and the cop scenario comes up enough where we need the shorthand


bodhipooh t1_j9ou2v0 wrote

As someone else already stated, Erie is really crazy in the mornings as more and more people use it to try and bypass the Marin Blvd backups. And, it doesn't help that Cordero parents choose to double park to drop off theirs kids, blocking the flow of traffic, which invariably adds to the frustration / rage of other drivers already on edge, which then manifests as even more antisocial and aggressive driving. It's a gigantic vicious cycle in that area for a good chunk of the morning. Personally, I would try to avoid the area if you can. Obviously, QoL enforcement is not a priority for the JCPD, and everyone is emboldened by the obvious lack of policing.


candyghost OP t1_j9oufuz wrote

Sadly can’t avoid the area as I live here and have to walk to my train to get to work.


bodhipooh t1_j9ov1l6 wrote

We have friends right there so I get it. Really unfortunate you have to deal with that.


candyghost OP t1_j9oxugp wrote

I appreciate the sympathy! It’s very reassuring to know others are aware of the issue. If we work together we will have more power to change.


ffejie t1_j9p5cma wrote

Erie from Pavonia to 9th outside Cordero should be no parking on school days from 7-10. Then all the parents that would normally double park can just use the curb as their loading zone. I walk by nearly every morning and it's all school induced chaos clashing with a lot of late commuters. I can walk from several blocks away and go faster than the cars waiting on Erie. By the time they make it up Erie, a lot of drivers are super frustrated.


bodhipooh t1_j9p92pg wrote

>Erie from Pavonia to 9th outside Cordero should be no parking on school days from 7-10. Then all the parents that would normally double park can just use the curb as their loading zone.

There is a part of me that wants to agree with you, but then I remember that even when perfectly ideal conditions are present or available, some overly entitled assholes will choose to not do the right thing because it is convenient to them. The inconvenience of finding parking sucks, but a) they CHOSE to drive to drop off their kid, and b) that's not justification to then turn around and create chaos for their own convenience. Those parents could walk their kids to school, or leave earlier so they have time to do the right thing and find a spot where to pull over without inconveniencing everyone else.

But, yes, the reality is that the clusterfuck of the school drop-offs and commuters cutting through Erie is definitely a bad combination.


ffejie t1_j9peefc wrote

Yes, you're right. However, merely making 6 to 10 loading spaces would alleviate the vast majority of the traffic and that would solve the problem for everyone.

Unfortunately, making it difficult, which is what we've done, is not a big enough disincentive to stop people from driving to drop their kids off. Combined with the fact that it is nearly impossible to find parking, even semi legal parking for 5 minutes, means we've created this disaster on a daily basis.


jimmybot t1_j9pe3wh wrote

One of the proposed cut-through traffic calming measures is to re-close Barrow St and unify the pedestrian plaza. This would fix one of the biggest problems with the pedestrian plaza which is split by traffic in two, and imo would be the strongest measure for calming down Erie St. The current proposed one-ways would help with the northern end, but leave the southern half still used as a rushing cut-through to get to Marin.

If all this makes sense to you, please ask for that in the survey and reaching out to electeds asking for the same.


Happyjee t1_j9p1ib5 wrote

Kudos to you for taking the time and reporting and following up so others too can have a safe walk. It happened to me on multiple occasions but I simple kept ignoring it. Hope there is a positive outcome out of all this


candyghost OP t1_j9p3l4d wrote

It feels like the city will continue to do nothing until someone is killed.


BenevolentCheese t1_j9pc0dw wrote

The city does absolutely nothing. I've reported traffic violations and license plate violations multiple times and never heard a thing back. The ways in which you can report them don't even allow you to submit evidence, so even if you have a photo or video it's not attached to your case unless they contact you, which they don't. Drivers drive with impunity here.


FishballJohnny t1_j9pmuao wrote

I drive and park in JC and I can attest to the last point. You can drive like a madman and expect to not be bothered by authority.


smjcnj t1_j9pk5h7 wrote

I lived downtown for almost 30 years and have never seen such disregard for traffic lights/stop signs...right through red lights/stop signs across downtown. In the last week happened 3 times. Frightening.

Just yesterday I saw two cars go the wrong way down a one-way street. I don't know that I've seen police enforcing traffic violations downtown ever save for maybe a DWI...

Would cameras help? Only a matter of time until we revisit this thread when someone is killed again...Grand, Montgomery and Railroad/Colombus are outright dangerous not too mention the one-way side streets.

I'm not sure what the answer is across the board...but something needs to done ASAP.

But as someone said, when the mayor and certain members of council don't even mention a colleagues hit and run...they obviously don't give a f


Lebesgue_Couloir t1_j9pl8zq wrote

There’s zero traffic enforcement here at all. It’s awful—drivers do whatever they want and when you mix in the “get me to the tunnel I’m late!!” attitude of rush hour, it’s very dangerous.


keepseeing444 t1_j9p99s5 wrote

Sorry to hear that. The fact that there is a JCPD precinct just 10 yards away from this intersection is all you need to know about state of JC pedestrian safety. These brittle, uninspired civil servants will not do their sworn in job or help you in moment of need. A Tesla driver on roids tried to push me w my baby in the car off to a sidewalk on Columbus and I went into precinct w plate numbers - they were zero help and looked at me w disdain when I asked for cctv footage to file a report. Basically no harm no foul mentality. Lazy, tax money sucking assholes.


ItsRagtimeTime t1_j9q4fbj wrote

A couple hours ago I saw a truck go straight through a red light and almost run over a dude who had just stepped into the crosswalk. Better still, a cop had the green light, turned right behind the truck, had an easy opportunity to do something about it, but didn’t do shit.


spypol t1_j9pbp60 wrote

I need to work on my stroller + fake baby + gopro, and get some of those cars to crash into it while burning stops / driving through a red light / making rights and left without slowing down. Maybe I'll patent it.


candyghost OP t1_j9pqm4w wrote

I'm actually considering making a video compilation of cars running stop signs to send to the City Council and promote awareness. Unfortunately, this is really the last thing I want to spend my precious little spare time on, but I have the means and the motivation to do so...


bodhipooh t1_j9qauaw wrote

Somebody already did this some years ago, recording cars blowing past the STOP sign at an intersection by VVP and posted the video to YouTube. It actually included a police car driving through the stop sign while the officer had his face buried in a phone.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_j9pf2gb wrote

Don’t cross blindly you need to see the person stop before you walk.

I teach my kids this. Literally tell them the car drivers are Jerks they don’t follow the rules. They need to stop before you walk.

Just assume everyone is an asshole here.


candyghost OP t1_j9pq9c1 wrote

> Don’t cross blindly you need to see the person stop before you walk.

If I did this, I would never get across the street. Erie often has a constant stream of traffic, each of them believing they are entitled to cross next.


Dabookadaniel t1_j9pygb2 wrote

Wait so you’re saying you just walk into traffic and hope for the best? Lol


candyghost OP t1_j9pyuzq wrote

Yes, that's definitely exactly what I said, and not your weird bad-faith interpretation of it...


Dabookadaniel t1_j9pzmep wrote

Wait what? Someone suggested that you not cross blindly and actually see the vehicle stop. Your response was basically saying “I don’t have time for that”

Am I missing something?


candyghost OP t1_j9q13vj wrote

Yes, you're missing the point where if I waited for every single car to come to a complete stop, I would never cross because they DON'T STOP.

Also, I never said I was crossing blindly? I see car. Car sees me. Car doesn't stop. I went to preschool you guys, I'm not fucking stupid, but it's sure real nice of y'all to imply I am. :)

Edit: And--not that this matters to you trolls or these drivers--but I am not legally obligated as a pedestrian to wait for a car to stop at the stop sign. They are, however, obligated to wait for me.


Dabookadaniel t1_j9q2jfi wrote

So there’s a constant stream of traffic and none of the cars stop for you. It sounds like you’re literally trapped on your block. You might need to contact the coast guard so they can air lift you out of there. That’s tough.


candyghost OP t1_j9q2qtu wrote

I see you're super invested in this issue, and not simply trying to get a rise out of me... Have fun with that! Moving on to more productive shit now.


Dabookadaniel t1_j9q2wdy wrote

Yes yes, good luck with your day Karen. Hope you make it off your island.


MichaelDeMarcoCEO t1_j9pczji wrote

Genuinely we need to fight back against drivers. Spit in open windows. Scratch their cars. Run them down and kick their doors. The cops wont bring consequences for these people so you have to.


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_j9pjj3u wrote

Start carrying rocks with you. A palm-sized one doesn't weigh much at all, but will crack a windshield or dent a panel easily.


MichaelDeMarcoCEO t1_j9pjszn wrote

i use my running watch to scratch cars its got a bit of tesla blood on it already


FloatingWeight t1_j9pk9sg wrote

Y’all crazy


RogerBuoy t1_j9ptisa wrote

Similar incident happened with me as well on 10th st recently, it’s scary! I have started signaling the drivers at stop sign with my hand before I cross now :(


DancingCavalier t1_j9zbc9p wrote

I always do that, and too often it still doesn't make any difference. :(


whybother5000 t1_j9pyx89 wrote

Baseball bats as lifestyle accessories? Seems to be the only recourse.


candyghost OP t1_j9pzh7h wrote

Have low-key considered carrying one but also I'm not out here trying to look like a complete psychopath lol


franciswilliambird t1_j9q6d3f wrote

I live on Jersey and have had several similar experiences, they should put big sharp speed bumps in the middle of all the intersections.


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j9teasz wrote

I live at an intersection where this is a huge problem ( jersey and Mercer). I make a point to stop in the middle of the street when a car is about to run the stop sign so that they know it’s actually a stop sign and feel stupid for almost hitting me. I yell and make sure they know it’s a stop sign. 99% of the time, people get mad at me and yell back something to the tune of “fuck you”. I am so beyond over it that I am ready to physically fight someone the next time this happens. This city is truly such a fucking joke.


edgertor t1_j9wuvuc wrote

i swear i am always yelling "stop sign" at the back of speeding cars, sigh


chef3006 t1_j9pkpgf wrote

Between 7th & Erie and Manila is the east precinct. They’re usually the ones that feel above the law to run stop signs etc. That could have been a cop late for work zooming down that block with complete non consideration for anyone at all. We as citizens think everyone else is going to abide by the traffic safety laws… they will not. You just have to be careful crossing the streets and not think or even expect every car to stop


aa043 t1_j9rb4bi wrote

Be more specific about which streets the 'Blue hatchback Suburu' was on. Also what sort of 'Blue',and please find and provide a picture of model. There appears to be a camera at the liquor store near that intersection. Did it pass that (and if it did, have you contacted the owner and JC police)? Just use Google maps and check streets before and after that intersection for cameras. Any plate details like numbers that you can recall. How many Blue hatchback Suburus are there with specific numbers and letters in their plate ids, probably not that many.

Stop signs don't seem to require an actual stop anymore but too many drivers don't know what the laws are. Red lights and stop signs lack support in JC; eventually after enough injuries, people will restore logic and punish those who violate these sensible rules.


candyghost OP t1_j9rey6h wrote

You know what's really wild? On my return commute this evening, I passed a car with the exact make, model and color as this morning's. I took the plate number, just in case. Not planning on doing anything with it, just storing it.

Edit: These are good suggestions, thank you. I don't think it's worth the time spent to file a police report, I think it would be a lot of stress for zero outcome. But it's good to know what my resources are in the area.


bodhipooh t1_j9u3om1 wrote

>On my return commute this evening, I passed a car with the exact make, model and color as this morning's

Unfortunately, if it is the car I have in mind (Subaru Outback?) there is a good chance that there are a ton of the same around here. My neighbors bought one a few years ago, and there are two more just like their (same powder blue color) in the neighborhood. It is (or, was) a very popular car and color combination.


candyghost OP t1_j9uaqnh wrote

This morning I saw two. Womp womp.


bodhipooh t1_j9uc1xt wrote

Ha ha ha! Yeah... it's an insanely popular car/color combination. I swear it was the car I envisioned when you first posted after reading "blue Subaru hatchback". I have seen a bunch of them in the area. Stay safe.


sirmackerel t1_j9p5srx wrote

Amy DeGise at it again smh


candyghost OP t1_j9p94b7 wrote

I wish we could all just blame it on Amy, but sadly all three times I have been in crosswalks and someone blew a stop sign ***this month alone***, the perpetrators have been white males. (I'm not interested in starting a discussion on demographics and crime rates--just my anecdotal observation.)


[deleted] t1_ja0h64v wrote

Was your scream more like a high pitched shriek? Ohhhhhh my gwad you almost hit my toes …. Shame on you - I’m gonna report you on Reddit and then have a Chardonnay….


Iamdonewithusernames t1_j9xijsj wrote

I know I will continue to be downvoted for my opinion. The biggest issue is the Holland tunnel traffic. That needs to be fixed. I think we can all agree on that. Liberty state park and Columbus exits should be closed during the morning rush hour. My issue as someone who spent many years walking my kids to school in HP to now driving my kids to their school downtown is the crossing guards who are ill equipped and unaware of traffic laws. Some take it upon themselves to direct traffic, not their job. Some stop all intersections when one person is crossing to the right but prevent traffic flow to the left. And the pedestrians? Half on their phones, others chitchatting with the mom nearby approaching an intersection, waiting for their scooter kid to catch up, has held up other parents at other schools who don’t have the luxury to live in close proximity to their child’s school, sipping lattes at the corner, making it seem they might want to cross, stopping all traffic. Please. Is it frustrating yes, but it’s not an issue of the community, it’s this fucking administration who can’t figure out that we should be able to exist as a community without the onslaught of the commuter population. And I’m sorry OP if you are getting nearly run over so often, maybe take a look inward.


FishballJohnny t1_j9pm9c7 wrote

OP, you plan to track the driver of this vehicle down... and then what, give him a lecture?


candyghost OP t1_j9ppjsx wrote

Nope! Just trying to see if anyone has footage and go from there. Appreciate your sarcasm though...


FishballJohnny t1_j9pqnws wrote

Exactly, go from there what? Just let it go and go on with your life.


candyghost OP t1_j9prtwf wrote

Assess the situation. Get a different perspective. Determine if it is clear that I had right of way. Try and make out his license plate. Report the infraction, for whatever that is worth.


> Just let it go and go on with your life.

In another comment I mention how this is the third time in a single month this has happened to me. So no, I'm not going on with my life. I deserve to not feel like drivers are trying to murder me when I go to my job or carry groceries home.


FishballJohnny t1_j9pt40g wrote

Well. My point is, isn't this just another small facet of normal JC life. The food is bad, the tax is high, the neighbors obnoxious, and the moral deplorable. Good luck.


candyghost OP t1_j9pujfl wrote

It really isn’t normal and certainly ought not to be. I have lived all around New York City for many years in places like Harlem, Union Square, Fort Greene, Gowanus, etc and never have I experienced anything like this. It’s dangerous and lame to shrug this off.


Supablue24 t1_j9otk4e wrote



candyghost OP t1_j9otre5 wrote

Very useful feedback! Thanks for participating in a productive conversation.


Supablue24 t1_j9ou3yn wrote

Your very dramatic posting really made me laugh out loud. Remember to look both ways before you cross the street just like mama taught you.


candyghost OP t1_j9ou9c5 wrote

Right, I forgot that my life is insignificant and being concerned for others’ reckless indifference to my well-being and the law should be tolerated!

Edit: nice condescending edit! I can tell you have a lot of empathy for others.


Supablue24 t1_j9ov8ds wrote

*screams* lmao


boojieboy666 t1_j9pexxk wrote

They just moved here give ‘em a break lol


candyghost OP t1_j9pr0qf wrote

I fail to see how length of time spent in a location is relevant here. A problem is a problem, period.


needfulsalsa t1_j9ownw4 wrote

The driver has the responsibility to look out for pedestrians as well. You sound like someone who speeds up to hit whenever they see a pedestrian.


aggressivetumor t1_j9pm0kw wrote

How dare you make this comment in a comment section run completely by people who refuse to look both ways & don’t acknowledge blind spots on cars!!!