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TacoCityJC t1_j9u8gb6 wrote

Pershing Field baseball fields are seldom used and take up a large portion of the park. If they we’re constantly in use during baseball season I would have no gripe.


ten-ski OP t1_j9u8usm wrote

This exact location is honestly the reason why I started this thread. Over the past few years I’ve only seen them being used for little league a few weekends in summer.


sideback4 t1_j9v7xs0 wrote

I saw a few adult games going on an odd evening last summer there, but definitely not a very well-used area over the course of the year.


aji04 t1_j9uedsf wrote

From my experience they are used a lot during baseball season, it's just that the high school games that take place there are usually right after school when most people are still working.


_homegrown t1_j9w047i wrote

There was a meeting last year about finding space for a dog run in Pershing Field that both Boggiano, Saleh, and the PF neighborhood association seemed to be behind. No update since then though. I don't know why they can't simply convert the smaller field and use the larger one for baseball and softball with temporary fencing they can put up for outfield walls for softball/LL.


soccbowler t1_j9yiivl wrote

Lol I'm 95% sure this was the same day Amy did her hit and run. She was supposed to be there and Saleh made some excuse as to why she couldn't attend.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j9u90wi wrote

I know this is heresy to some on 2 counts, but there should be ball fields in LSP, and the Roberto Clemente Field on Grove & 6th should be a regular park with playgrounds, dog runs etc. It's a precious open space in the densest part of town being used by a privileged few in the 'Little League Mafia' that controls several JC parks. The user pressure on Hamilton Park is ridiculous, and we need more general parks.

At least some of the toxic "Badlands" of LSP could be remediated and turned into baseball and soccer fields. So much of that park is unused. This is not proposing the commercialization of LSP as some have justly derided, just a democratization of it's use, making it less passive and serving more people.


[deleted] t1_j9uq3ey wrote



Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j9vza0r wrote

>there really is no other plant and animal habitat like it around.

Given that the ecosystem in the park is a disaster built on landfill, I think this is the weakest argument. Yes there are plants and animals there, but it is in no way natural or even close. What would be nice as part of a master plan for the park is if the 'forbidden zone' could be turned into both sports fields and actual natural lands of native species and an ecosystem helped by landscaping to be more like a natural setting. It could eventually look more like Central Park instead of a landfilled rail yard let gone to seed.


robin_tern t1_j9uiwcu wrote

This is so correct, what a waste of space at Clemente, as well as the large grass baseball field behind White Star.



Ainsel72l t1_j9vk4mt wrote

It's hardly a waste of space if your kid is in a league.


ten-ski OP t1_j9vtb9j wrote

I believe waste of space sounds a little harsh, and there definitely needs to be space for the kids little league games, but to have so much space locked up and unused for over half of the year and even during the season, unused for majority of the day, just doesn’t sound right, I mean there has to be some way to make this better right?


Ainsel72l t1_j9vwwlz wrote

There are plenty of alternative parks around, maybe just not on your block. Many people don't have parks closer than about a mile away. Unless it's a pocket park (and we recently got one in our neighborhood), most of the parks are found on the outer edges of the city. Downtown has more than most.

Getting field time was never easy, especially for the older kids who had to share with different leagues. You didn't just get to walk out and grab a field for your had to be scheduled. With so little else for kids to do, the little league fields should be hands off.


robin_tern t1_ja4khvt wrote

Absolutely should be used for little league baseball and for adult baseball on the big field, which it is. However the problem is it is empty so much of the time, and when it is empty it is locked up and nobody other than a few well connected people can use it.

It is criminal that a city sports field is idle as much as those fields are, that big grass baseball field could be used way more than it is. My fantasy is to setup a time lapse camera on that field to show how much it is empty, and take the video to a council meeting.

Again, nobody is proposing taking field time from little leagues (or big leagues), rather to make the field available for use when it is otherwise empty.



Ainsel72l t1_ja4mwbn wrote

What would the fields be used for? Dog walking? Play areas? Picnics? Who would pay to put the fields back to right after the public tramples or damages them? Who would be responsible for cleaning and maintenance expenses? I can't agree that this is a good idea when there are other park options readily available for general use.


READTHEBOOKJC t1_j9w3rr0 wrote



Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j9x0mrq wrote

A large portion of the park is still brownfield 'space for none', and the ballfield on Grove is very nearly so. There's room to improve this without depriving anyone of their current LSP experience.


READTHEBOOKJC t1_j9vheqh wrote

Baseball fields Baseball Fields Baseball Fields - and if you try to convert one Council Person Rivera will stop you - that's the way it is in Jersey City -


ten-ski OP t1_j9vtqdl wrote

I had this sentiment when I started this post but now it’s confirmed that a lot of people feel the same. Why is it that councilman Rivera is so opposed to finding a solution, there must be some way to compromise and still have these fields available for little league but also used at other times so they’re not just sitting there empty for minimum of 6 months a year(if not more)


READTHEBOOKJC t1_j9w3lzg wrote

I met with him a few years back about converting one to a Passive Park - he actually would of supported it if we had found another space for a baseball field - he was willing to give one up as long as it was replaced with another - i believe this stems from his long time involvement with the youth baseball programs -


FreeLibertyStatePark t1_ja0m042 wrote

The department of environmental protection DEP) announced in june 2021 that there will be 61 acres of active recreation in Liberty State Park! The battle now is between the DEP plans for the long planned and funded remediation and creation of 165 acres of awesome nature habitats, and miles of paths and the free active recreation, against the destructive plans of the billionaire Paul fireman and his bought off surrogates who want a 5000 seat and 2500 seat stadium and 7000 seat commercial concert venue in the park. please keep up with this battle for the future of this priceless park at the Friends of Liberty State Park website and on social media. The billionaire’s lobbyists,and funded surrogates killed the Liberty State Park Protection Act after three years, which had 33,000 petition signatures, and 111 groups in the coalition and 46 years of the broad public consensus against commercialization and privatization. The billionaire’s lobbyist wrote their own liberty Park law last June, and it sets up a stacked task force which includes some of the billionaire’s funded surrogates who will push their exclusionary, admission fee, traffic jam, causing, sports, and entertainment complex commercial venues which will destroy the future of this park, which has always been supported as a Central Park type free urban park (but with continuing periodic admission fee concerts and festivals, but not every weekend which will happen with their commercial venues). The same billionaire Paul Fireman still wants to destroy the park’s Caven Point Natural Area to relocate golf holes for the multimultimillionaires of his adjacent golf course. The billionaire has two funded front groups. One is “liberty Park for all” which pushed lies and smear attacks for three years and now the second one is “Peoples Park Foundation” headed by Bob Hurley - who was in that gang of liars killing the Protection Act - and his Fireman-funded group really should be called the Paul Fireman Commercial Venues park foundation”. Fireman’s money will be pushing those commercial venues and attacking the spectacular DEP plans. The current statement against their plans is on the Friends of LSP website linked from the second banner” on the home page. in the coming months, please stand up for a Free Liberty State Park, and ignore the lies and propaganda of the Fireman funded surrogates.


aa043 t1_j9x1z1x wrote

Pershing field was a better place to run before track was paved. An aide to Mayor Fulop said they would put in a few lanes of real running surface but its been a few years and nothing has been done. Bikes should not be allowed on track.

Heights should have a good running surface for people to run and walk on. During Covid years, Pershing field was good for exercise while Riverview-Fisk was mostly closed. Bring back ice rink asap.


BeMadTV t1_j9wbcos wrote

Add a beach to LSP. Over by the Daily News.


paul-e-walnts t1_j9vvywa wrote

Dog runs are a big waste. Luckily they’re mostly small.


FreeLibertyStatePark t1_ja0mrrx wrote

The department of environmental protection DEP) announced in june 2021 that there will be 61 acres of active recreation in Liberty State Park! The battle now is between the DEP plans for the long planned and funded remediation and creation of 165 acres of awesome nature habitats, and miles of paths and the free active recreation, against the destructive plans of the billionaire Paul fireman and his bought off surrogates who want a 5000 seat and 2500 seat stadium and 7000 seat commercial concert venue in the park. please keep up with this battle for the future of this priceless park at the Friends of Liberty State Park website and on social media. The billionaire’s lobbyists,and funded surrogates killed the Liberty State Park Protection Act after three years, which had 33,000 petition signatures, and 111 groups in the coalition and 46 years of the broad public consensus against commercialization and privatization. The billionaire’s lobbyist wrote their own liberty Park law last June, and it sets up a stacked task force which includes some of the billionaire’s funded surrogates who will push their exclusionary, admission fee, traffic jam, causing, sports, and entertainment complex commercial venues which will destroy the future of this park, which has always been supported as a Central Park type free urban park (but with continuing periodic admission fee concerts and festivals, but not every weekend which will happen with their commercial venues). The same billionaire Paul Fireman still wants to destroy the park’s Caven Point Natural Area to relocate golf holes for the multimultimillionaires of his adjacent golf course. The billionaire has two funded front groups. One is “liberty Park for all” which pushed falsehoods and smear attacks for three years and now the second one is “Peoples Park Foundation” headed by Bob Hurley - who was in that gang of opportunists pushing falsehoods killing the Protection Act - and his Fireman-funded group really should be called the Paul Fireman Commercial Venues park foundation”. Fireman’s money will be pushing those commercial venues and attacking the spectacular DEP plans. The current statement against their plans on the Friends of LSP website is at.


pineappleexpression t1_j9w0ykn wrote

That open space between Modera and The One downtown that coulddd be a park, but the owner of The One is a bitter old man


READTHEBOOKJC t1_j9w43co wrote

Honestly - If you live in a building with a dumb name instead of an address do you really deserve a park ? Just Sayin'


pineappleexpression t1_j9w9nnc wrote

Yes. All parts of Jersey City need more parks. The only big parks are on the edges of the city


READTHEBOOKJC t1_j9ysgjq wrote

It was to be a joke about the gross gentrification of Jersey City over the past decade and I'll say it again - Dumb Buildings with Names instead of Addresses - oh well I shot to high and straight over heads