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Own_Pop_9711 t1_j8d1maa wrote

Uber to path then uber again on the other side might be easier than what you're trying to do.


Vegetable_River t1_j8d3o7q wrote

Messaging the driver is one of the best options. I no longer travel to NYC to work but I do take an Uber to the waterfront for work most mornings (plantar fascitis). I get calls asking me where I'm going all the time, some very rude, just to make sure I'm not going to NYC.


scubastefon t1_j8dya73 wrote

Yeah I don’t take those calls. OP is right, they should fix the system, and it’s not my fault that they can’t organize it correctly. it doesn’t seem to be a hard issues to handle.

Also fwiw I don’t think it would do anything to reduce the surcharge.but it would make the user experience better for both the driver and passenger. Take the friction out.


dont_shoot_jr t1_j8ij0ek wrote

I had one call me and phrased it as “I need to know how much gas to get, where are you going” “JFK or Midtown” “Ok thanks”



kittyglitther t1_j8d0uls wrote

If I have to do this (and I try my hardest not to) I solve it by messaging the driver with where I'm going. Then they either say sure or we cancel it.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8do10v wrote

Tried that but they all don't answer or take too long to answer. I just cancel it myself, immediately, if they have a NJ plate.


jds2001 t1_j8d6oix wrote

If you see a non-TLC plate coming to pick you up (they generally start with a T, 6 digits, and end with a C, but that's not a guarantee - there are customized ones!), message them and say "city OK?" and they'll either say yes or cancel. Avoids wasting your time and theirs.

It's been a minute since I've taken an Uber to the city, but when I do, they generally send a TLC car. But I travel at more peak hours.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8do5x3 wrote

Better yet... don't waste your time, and cancel it yourself.


jds2001 t1_j8dqsoy wrote

Could be (though unlikely, but it has happened) one of those aforementioned customized TLC plates in which case they would be pissed off for you cancelling a trip to the city.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8dra7o wrote

Could be...but I would be more pissed off if I wait 10 minutes for them, get in the car, they drive me to the corner and then tell me they refuse to take me...and since I'm the one paying a healthy amount for said ride, I want to be the least pissed as possible.


Laraujo31 t1_j8i3lic wrote

Let the driver cancel, you may get charged a fee


atari_Pro t1_j8diaoi wrote

Because Uber has become profit vulture and gives zero fcks about their drivers. Considering the amount of T&LC cars I see around there’s no reason why they couldn’t control for this even if it means waiting a few more minutes for a car.


xTheShrike t1_j8dh4av wrote

There are actual cab companies that you can call that will take you into the city - it's about the same cost as uber - lyft.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8doazl wrote

But not as quick to get to you, last minute, when you're running late.


hayflicklimit t1_j8dq5u8 wrote

Neither is calling an Uber, waiting 5 minutes, getting re-assigned, waiting 4 minutes, getting re-assigned, waiting 5 minutes, cancelling, rebooking, waiting 5 minutes, getting re-assigned, ^waiting ^5 ^minutes ^getting ^re-assigned ^waiting ^5 ^minutes ^cancelling ^rebooking ^waiting ^5 ^minutes ^getting ^re-assigned ^waiting ^5 ^minutes ^getting ^re-assigned ^waiting ^5 ^minutes ^cancelling ^rebooking. ^^fuckiti’lljustwalk


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8drmlr wrote

Switch to Lyft. 🤷‍♂️ Mine usually goes 1 of 2 ways: Call Lyft, driver arrives in 1 - 3 minutes. OR: Call Lyft, see NJ Plate, cancel immediately, call Lyft again, driver arrives in 3 - 8 minutes.


hayflicklimit t1_j8e2ma7 wrote

Or, the companies that run these services can figure this out themselves so the consumer isn’t forced to manage the drivers on behalf of the company.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8e53aq wrote

Nothing to figure out. As I said, my rides are smooth. From the drawn out example you gave, seems like you need to figure things out for yourself, or continue to have a miserable experience and continue to whine about it. The choice is yours. 🤷‍♂️


hayflicklimit t1_j8e8ycp wrote

It happens with any of them. But while I’ve got you here.l: what other wisdom can you offer, oh Knower of All Knowing?


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8fhmgn wrote

Already stated my wisdom on the subject. Happens to all of them to YOU. I'm waiting 1-3 minutes or 3-8 minutes. Keep up. 🤷‍♂️


protonmagnate t1_j8dd3a5 wrote

I call them as soon as they accept the ride and ask them if they can take me to Manhattan. If they say no, MAKE THEM CANCEL THE RIDE. They will try to say no sometimes. Use Lyft or another app if they refuse. They can’t take another ride until you or they cancel but they also don’t want to cancel from their end because I think they have a quota. But make them cancel.

Net net theyre allowed to take you wherever if the ride originated in nj. They just can’t accept a new ride until they get back into nj. Not your problem.


Brudesandwich t1_j8djeal wrote

It's not worth it to go to NYC as an Uber driver. You end up getting less than minimum wage. Plus, this is more of an NYC problem not Uber or JC.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8eu7dx wrote

It's definitely an Uber problem, because anyone not using them doesn't have this issue.


karliejai t1_j8f06fa wrote

What? This is an nyc problem with their TLC regulations. Whatever ride you are getting pick up in the city without TLC plates are illegal.

Unlike in other cities, you need a special license from the TLC (Taxi and Limousine Commission) to drive with Uber in New York City.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8f4xbx wrote

Right -- so Uber should not allow trips to be sent to/from there unless the driver has it.

An Uber problem.


karliejai t1_j8f7ani wrote

#1 why would any NJ uber drivers have a TLC plate

#2 Would u like a NYC TLC car come in from NYC and you pay double of what it is now?

#3 you play the uber lotto til you get a car that would go

#4 we can make this easy and dont let any crossstate ride happen.




HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8fcpl4 wrote

#1 their choice, not ours

#2 I avoid using Uber as much as possible, but if you forced me to, I would say their software seems to be broken, as it's not choosing the driver based on your destination

#3 Nah, I'll just not use Uber, but again, sounds like they shit is broken

#4 That's not solving anything


objectimpermanence t1_j8gmfe2 wrote

> #1 why would any NJ uber drivers have a TLC plate

Drivers don’t need to live in NY to get NY TLC plates.

Some NJ-based Uber drivers get TLC plates because they can make more money by being able to pick up passengers in both NJ and NYC.

TLC plates do involve extra licensing and insurance costs, but the benefits outweigh the costs for people who drive for Uber/Lyft full-time.


karliejai t1_j8gpjlm wrote

back to the same point. drivers that lives in NJ with NYC TLC plates, they got it so they can work in NEW YORK CITY... not so they can drive back and forth NJ/NY all day. once again, this TLC restriction is a NYC problem and Uber really doesnt care if a driver cancel on u after he found out ur traveling cross state because he doesnt feel like wasting his time. blame this on NYC needing a TLC to work in their area.


objectimpermanence t1_j8gqoyh wrote

> Uber really doesnt care if a driver cancel on u

That’s very short-sighted. Uber should care if they care about customer retention.

This stuff leaves a bad impression on passengers and makes them less likely to use the app in the future. No well-run business would turn away paying customers like that.

My company pays for car rides when I have to commute early in the morning or late at night. So even though I don’t care about the price, I definitely use Uber less than I would if I were 100% sure they would send me a TLC driver when I request a ride from JC to NYC. I’m sure I’m not the only person in this situation.


karliejai t1_j8guhwk wrote

I dont even consider this an uber problem that they need to address, so idk. One day when all states need TLC or no one needs one. *solved*


SadMaverick t1_j8dulfo wrote

Used to have same issues when I was taking cab to the office. Best is to cancel immediately anytime they are not TLC. Usually with 1 or 2 cancellations, you can get a TLC driver. (I remember seeing an option like “Find a different driver” on Lyft).

I have heard most TLC drivers live in NJ and keep roaming around JC so they can go to the city with a fare (we pay the toll).

Uber/Lyft should definitely fix it.


boojieboy666 t1_j8dfcw8 wrote

Uber from jc to nyc is absurdly expensive.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8doymd wrote

An iPhone is absurdly expensive. The ride can be expensive most of the time... sometimes not. Took it (Lyft) yesterday for $34 which is reasonable. For the amount of times I use it, still cheaper than monthly car payments, maintenance, registration, inspection, upkeep, insurance, gas, EZ Pass and parking. 🤷‍♂️


doglywolf t1_j8dsdzr wrote

Because there are few if any TLC driver roaming around on this side of the river and no one wants to come form NYC just to go back to NYC.

You have to get really lucky and get someone that just happens to be doing a drop of FROM NYC.

Ive had better luck taking an uber to path then getting an uber at WTC then getting an uber from downtown to NYC.

Your gonna get cancelled on 4-5 times easy.


FYI this is off peak hours- morning and afternoon Rush hours there is a good amount going back and forth but you also get surge pricing not making it worth it


WideBlock t1_j8diu1m wrote

i always thought the driver knows where you are going, before he accepts also how much is charged. can any uber driver comment on this.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8dnwih wrote

This used to be a huge problem for me and very annoying. I had this problem mostly with Uber, which I don't use anymore, for a variety of reasons. I now use Lyft exclusively, and I prevent the problem by immediately cancelling a ride that has a NJ license plate.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8dx4z6 wrote

Where exactly did he make you get out at the Holland Tunnel? If it was actually all the way to the tunnel, meaning not a safe sidewalk for you to exit to, he could not force you to get out.


1_Said_What_1_Said t1_j8erqcb wrote

It was a few block from it on a side street. Not exactly in the tunnel or in the busy street thankfully lol. I would have dead weighted my body in that car if he tried that on me.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j8fhxky wrote

Yea, these drivers can sometimes be crazy. Luckily, I haven't had much of that since switching exclusively to Lyft. But I had an Uber Driver try to make me get out actually almost at the tunnel. I refused and he pulled over to the cops and they told him he could not put me out there and to keep driving me to NY. 🤷‍♂️


mmw802 t1_j8e5jwz wrote

i had to do this a few times during the initial covid lockdown and it's safest to immediately chat any driver saying you are going to nyc and not wait for them to pick you up


them1chel1nman t1_j8dlal3 wrote

Is this the same with Lyft?


CameraCamera35 t1_j8drv7t wrote

I've only had this issue with Uber, and never with Lyft. That's not to say that's never the case, but that has been my experience.


karliejai t1_j8f0nqm wrote

The question is why would there be a nyc TLC car here in JC unless they happened to drop someone off. This is a nyc problem but idk if uber would go out of their way to code these pick up so u get a TLC car going into nyc.


go-for-Banjo t1_j8fmyqp wrote

Tons of TLC drivers live in Jersey!


karliejai t1_j8fngqa wrote

That's great that they live in NJ. They got that license so they can work in NYC.


go-for-Banjo t1_j8gd733 wrote

Plenty of them try and grab a fare into the city when they start their shift. I’ve certainly experienced the same problem that the OP is describing. Like myself and others have suggested, a simple text can save a lot of time. It’s really not a huge issue.


objectimpermanence t1_j8gohgu wrote


TLC drivers are everywhere in JC. Just take a look at license plates the next time you’re out and about.

I take Uber to work in midtown Manhattan semi frequently because it’s much faster than taking public transit at 6am.

Most of the time, I get a driver with TLC plates on the first try. But it is super frustrating when the app does match me with someone who doesn’t have TLC plates. It’s made me late for work a few times.

Uber could easily solve this problem by tweaking the code to at least give passengers the option to filter out non-TLC plates.


karliejai t1_j8gpsfb wrote

as said before

>back to the same point. drivers that lives in NJ with NYC TLC plates, they got it so they can work in NEW YORK CITY... not so they can drive back and forth NJ/NY all day. once again, this TLC restriction is a NYC problem and Uber really doesnt care if a driver cancel on u after he found out ur traveling cross state because he doesnt feel like wasting his time. blame this on NYC needing a TLC to work in their area.


go-for-Banjo t1_j8fm2uq wrote

If the Uber driver’s license plate doesn’t end with a “C” they likely don’t have a TLC license. I always message the driver “going to NYC” so we don’t waste each other’s time!


D_Empire412 t1_j8gd76x wrote

Via should offer service between JC and NYC.


Aggravating_Rise_179 t1_j8kbkkg wrote

Idk, they should... but I know when I did uber I always enjoyed the trips to NYC because of the huge pay from it (but I was just doing it part time so didn't care as much)


JerseyCityGeordie t1_j8d0m18 wrote

Get up earlier and take the PATH or the bus


jcdudeman t1_j8d27ak wrote

It is because the gig economy is a scam and you are the bait. On the other end a driver is working below minimum wage merely converting a depreciating asset into a cash advance. He is an independent contractor but he has no say in what job he picks up in advance. He does not know when he has to wait 10 minutes only for a customer to cancel on him or when he spends 30 minutes on a $3 ride going 3 blocks… biding his time for a unicorn long-distance trip that like a slot machine pays out just enough to keep him hooked. Uber could be upfront and tell him in advance but then it won’t be able to trick any drivers into picking you up.

Don’t play this game. Hire a chauffeur. Can’t afford one? Well someone else is paying for your cheapness.


FloatingWeight t1_j8dboag wrote

You can make good money off Uber


Over_Cheetah_2959 t1_j8e0jnt wrote

Maybe like 2 years before pandemic but not since then they lowered the rates for drivers and charge the passengers way too much compared to what they pay


LearnDifferenceBot t1_j8e0quy wrote

> way to much


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possums101 t1_j8d3x85 wrote

I’ve ubered the other way around a few times but doing it from Jersey just seems like a bad idea. Plan better.
