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HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8onpy4 wrote

Sorry, I mean "with skates or a bicycle or scooter"

I seriously doubt WTC is okay with you skating to the door that goes outside, and there is no elevator that goes outside from PATH, or at least not that I've found yet, and there isn't any other way to get across the river aside from ferries.


OBAFGKM17 t1_j8ozgz2 wrote

Ah, yes, you have to take multiple elevators or schlep your bike up stairs/escalators to get to street level at WTC, but there’s nothing stopping OP from wearing a backpack and putting their shoes in there once they change into their rollerblades while already on the HRP path.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8ozuyl wrote

That's completely asinine, just because there isn't any clear way outside from the WTC PATH station, and it's almost certainly designed that way on purpose.

But anyway, I wouldn't want to get dressed again after exiting the train, I'd really prefer to do that at home. :-)