Submitted by There_can_only_be_1 t3_1131t6q in jerseycity

Do any of you know good spots near the Grove Street where I can just practice roller blading? I'm completely new to the sport so ideally a nice even gravel location would be ideal. At my previous spot, there was a very empty office parking spot which was ideal for me to practice but was wondering if you all knew any nearby spots to practice.



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selfpropelledcity t1_j8nop28 wrote

I used to rollerblade all around LSP. Good amount of paved paths.


abay1022 t1_j8oopnn wrote

Can second this - I was completely new to roller blading last spring and LSP was perfect for learning


fandagan t1_j8niv1q wrote

Can't help you around Grove St. but Pershing Field in the Heights has a roller skating rink that has open skates all during the summer. It's $3 for JC residents if you bring your own skates. A session lasts 90 minutes. It's usually pretty empty so you'll have plenty of space to practice and make miskates.


whybother5000 t1_j8nn49s wrote

Pershing field also has a running track that’s wide and paved so you can practice there without any issue.


gracieways t1_j8oq79a wrote

Literally no. I've been rollerblading my whole life and IF i do go out its closer to Hamilton park since they have paved more roads. But be careful with drivers on those 4 ways-they never look. Otherwise, your best bet is heading over to maybe by target/five below parking lot?


Jazzlike_Drawer7174 t1_j8oq8ik wrote

Enos Jones park skate park? Their grounds perfect for blading / skateboarding


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8o5d5b wrote

To and from Pier 76 is a good skate, with paved trails all the way there from WTC. Not sure how to exit the PATH station to the street though, this is a constant battle


OBAFGKM17 t1_j8oa6nt wrote

> Not sure how to exit the PATH station to the street though, this is a constant battle

Are you serious? Can you not follow signs or crowds of people also exiting the PATH and going to the same place? I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but this is hilarious.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8onpy4 wrote

Sorry, I mean "with skates or a bicycle or scooter"

I seriously doubt WTC is okay with you skating to the door that goes outside, and there is no elevator that goes outside from PATH, or at least not that I've found yet, and there isn't any other way to get across the river aside from ferries.


OBAFGKM17 t1_j8ozgz2 wrote

Ah, yes, you have to take multiple elevators or schlep your bike up stairs/escalators to get to street level at WTC, but there’s nothing stopping OP from wearing a backpack and putting their shoes in there once they change into their rollerblades while already on the HRP path.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j8ozuyl wrote

That's completely asinine, just because there isn't any clear way outside from the WTC PATH station, and it's almost certainly designed that way on purpose.

But anyway, I wouldn't want to get dressed again after exiting the train, I'd really prefer to do that at home. :-)