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Substantial-Floor926 t1_j8s1ulx wrote

The small area that has hundreds of dogs a day peeing and pooping in it smells bad? Incredible.


lucidrevolution t1_j8s9uwl wrote

I'd say it would probably be most effective to get the other dog owners to collectively agree to clean up after their dogs shit, at least. I realize pee is probably not something we can do much about, but if I had a dog, I would assume I'd be responsible for my dog's waste, especially in a shared resource?

Maybe we can just get Amy DeGuise to clean it up as some kind of community service.


ChuckStill t1_j8sn6zp wrote

Yes they clean it. They pressure wash it and empty the trash. Idk how frequently but at least once a month. The heat makes it smell worse.


chanpion13 t1_j8tflm7 wrote

Side note: The dog park has vastly improved with the new turf. I wish we had this when we lived there. We had dirt and ponds large enough for koi to thrive.


hardo_chocolate t1_j8ucjkt wrote

As of Jan 1. 2023 the city changed vendors for cleaning the dog run. The reason was … money and the contract went to the … lowest bidder. No surprises here, eh?

The new vendor appears not have performed according to the contract, which is, of course hardly surprising.

Edit: if you want to complain, call James’ office and call him out on this.


bodhipooh t1_j8v1d9u wrote

Just wait until Summer rolls around...


JerseyCityGeordie t1_j8worcd wrote

Clean up the area yourself. I don’t own a dog, why should my tax money go to cleaning up after your dog? You chose to live in a city and make your dog have a terrible, confined life.
