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MetaFutballGamer t1_j8xv484 wrote

May be she was texting while driving.

Is there a get of jail card that she is playing because of some medical condition she may come up with eventually?


restricteddata t1_j8y3otf wrote

I don't think there's any medical condition that will legally excuse you doing a hit and run except consiliarius nepotisticus, which is a rare condition in which one's father is the County Executive. Sadly, it apparently lacks any kind of remedy or cure other than waiting it out.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j8zpx8m wrote

Amy, tell me you were fucking around on your phone without telling me that you were fucking around on your phone.


robin_tern t1_j925iww wrote

Please watch the video before posting nonsense.



AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j92703w wrote

You can't be lawfully operating a vehicle and not know you hit someone. That means, eyes on the road, both hands on the wheel, and aware of your surroundings.

There is absolutely no excuse for this. Period.

Please think before you accuse someone else of posting nonsense.


robin_tern t1_j92dq7l wrote

Please watch the video, you can clearly see she is adhering to "eyes on the road, both hands on the wheel", and that she was not using a cell-phone as you claim in your original post.
