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ManchurianPandaDate t1_ja7p838 wrote

Get ready for there to be lots of hidden dog shit under the snow. Dog owners and walkers in this area never pass up a good opportunity to leave shit directly in the middle of the sidewalk


FinalIntern8888 t1_ja9cot4 wrote

Noticed an abnormal amount today walking around west side, it was honestly impressive


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_ja6jkel wrote

The models don’t seem to agree on the outcome of this one.

Apple Weather seems to be projecting some snow overnight but given the temps being above freezing and climbing I think it will be a mix and turn to rain, negligible accumulation.

Let’s see what happens.


jerseycityfrankie t1_ja9skp7 wrote

Opinionating at 5:00: radar looks very close to a 50/50 chance its rain or snow as a two-color band slowly approaches on radar.