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Substantial-Floor926 t1_j8y2r01 wrote

No parking signs must be posted 24 hours before they go into effect. If they are, it doesn’t really matter if your car was already parked there, it’s your obligation to move it. It actually is nice of the officer to warn you before you are towed. How could someone know whether you plan to drive your car in the next few days when posting the sign?


Substantial-Floor926 t1_j8y2th8 wrote

You don’t have to move your car everyday. Just walk by and make sure no sign was posted


pixl-visionary t1_j8y4ex4 wrote

I’ve heard that signs need to be posted 48 hours in advance, but is it unreasonable to extend that to a week in advance? Because of street cleaning, I have to move my car at least once a week anyway. But I understand they’ll take any opportunity to write tickets and get our money, so I don’t expect that to change.


Substantial-Floor926 t1_j8y4x8i wrote

I’m mistaken on 24 hours, it is 48 hours. I don’t think a week is unreasonable for most use cases but I think there are specific instances where the town needs less time hence I don’t expect it to change from 48 hours